




Data & Tools



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CLUSTER WBD Line Plotting

Data Selection

Begin time:

Plot # in Sequence: for spectrum plots or automatically X-scaled waveform plots. Default time span is 1 second, in which there will be approximately 25 snapshots of 1090 points each. WARNING: Data received in digital filtering mode (Burst/Filt) at 9.5kHz (the only applicable bandwidth for that mode) are currently not displayed correctly.

Data Source:

Bandwidth (kHz):

Translation (kHz):

Panel 1 Antenna:

Panel 2 Antenna:

Panel 3 Antenna:

Panel 4 Antenna:

If Antenna other than "Any" is selected, then it could prevent data retrieval on the plot(s) if chosen incorrectly. Verify the available instrument modes for the time selected.

Waveform (time domain)


Show Clipping:

Automatically X-scaled waveform plots will contain 1090 points each. To get a longer waveform plot, set X-Scaling to manual and enter new times. In manual mode you will get ONLY ONE waveform plot.

Spectrum (frequency domain)


FFT Size:

FFT sizes greater than 1090 will work ONLY with continuous (9.5 kHz) data.

Plot Options

X-Scaling: Low High

Units above are seconds after begin time for waveform plots or kHz for spectrum plots.

Y-Scaling: Low High

Units above are mV/m or nT or raw counts for waveform plots, or V2m-2Hz-1 or nT2Hz-1 or dB for spectrum plots.

Output Format:

Number of Panels:

Panel 1 Spacecraft:

Panel 2 Spacecraft:

Panel 3 Spacecraft:

Panel 4 Spacecraft:

Email larry-granroth@uiowa.edu with questions or problems.

View the error log from your most recent plot attempt.

Mode information will display here.  GIF plot will replace example below.
Cluster WBD waveform/spectrum plot. ---