Cluster II WBD data obtained from the start of mission operations phase, 2001-02-01, up to several months behind current telemetry acquisition are being archived and made available for download from the following sources:
- NASA's Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) provides WBD data files in Common Data Format (CDF). These files contain the WBD waveform data, both AC electric and magnetic fields, as well as the status/mode of the instrument, a data quality flag, and the antenna angles which allow for the orientation of the WBD measurements with respect to the magnetic field and GSE coordinates of the spacecraft.
- The NASA Space Physics Data Facility provides direct HTTPS filesystem-like access to all of these products as well.
- ESA's
Cluster Science Archive
provides WBD data in Cluster Exchange Format (CEF), which is an ASCII
format, or in CDF format (equivalent to the SPDF files). In addition,
pre-generated WBD plots are available:
- Overview spectrograms, in png and ps format, which contain WBD data for targeted science regions, up to ~8 hours in length, from up to four Cluster spacecraft. These are meant as a browse data set for identifying periods of interest for study.
- High resolution spectrograms, in gif format, which contain WBD data covering only 30 seconds of time, from one spacecraft. These are meant for looking at the fine details of the waves observed in the overview spectrograms to pinpoint the exact period of time to study.
- NASA's Virtual Wave Observatory may also be used to query for available WBD data and to request download of data files and pre-generated plots.