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Cluster II WBD Directory


These are people currently or previously involved with Cluster WBD.

Science Team

Principal Investigators

Donald A. Gurnett 1
University of Iowa (US)
Jolene S. Pickett
University of Iowa (US)


Donald A. Gurnett 1University of Iowa (US)
Hugo Alleyne 1University of Sheffield (Sheffield, GB)
Mats AndreSwedish Institute of Space Physics (Uppsala, SE)
Michail A. BalikhinUniversity of Sheffield (Sheffield, GB)
Jean-Louis BougeretObservatoire de Paris (Meudon, FR)
Patrick CanuLaboratoire de Physique des Plasmas - CNRS (Paris, FR)
Nicole Cornilleau-Wehrlin 1Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas - CNRS (Paris, FR)
Pierrette DecreauLaboratoire de Physique et Chimie/CNRS (Orleans, FR)
Georg GustafssonSwedish Institute of Space Physics (Uppsala, SE)
Gerhard HaerendelMax-Planck-Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik (Garching, DE)
Robert A. Helliwell 1Stanford University (US)
Umran S. InanStanford University (US)
Craig A. Kletzing 1University of Iowa (US)
Warren L. MartinJet Propulsion Laboratory (US)
Arnaud MassonEuropean Space Astronomy Center (Madrid, ES)
Robert L. MutelUniversity of Iowa (US)
Bent PedersenObservatoire de Paris (Meudon, FR)
Alain Roux 1Centre d'etudes des Environnements Terrestre et Planetaires (Velizy, FR)
Ondrej SantolikCharles University and Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Prague, CZ)
Jan SoucekInstitute of Atmospheric Physics (Prague, CZ)
Steven R. SpanglerUniversity of Iowa (US)
Eigil UngstrupGeophysical Institute (DK)
Les Woolliscroft 1University of Sheffield (Sheffield, GB)
Keith H. YearbyUniversity of Sheffield (Sheffield, GB)

Technical Support Team: 2015-present

Jolene PickettWBD Science Data and Operations ManagerUniversity of Iowa (US)
Larry GranrothSystems Manager, Applications ProgrammerUniversity of Iowa (US)
Keith YearbyScience Data and Operations Manager for Burst Mode-2 DataUniversity of Sheffield (Sheffield, GB)
Ondrej SantolikScience Data Lead, Real Time Data through Panska Ves ObservatoryCharles University and Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Prague, CZ)
Jan SoucekScience Data Manager, Real Time Data through Panska Ves ObservatoryInstitute of Atmospheric Physics (Prague, CZ)
Misha HayoshScience Data Processor, Real Time Data through Panska Ves ObservatoryInstitute of Atmospheric Physics (Prague, CZ)
Jakub HorkyOperations Scheduler-Panska Ves Observatory (Prague, CZ)Panska Ves Observatory (Prague, CZ)

Administrative Team: 2015-present

Jolene PickettWBD Project and Financial Resources ManagerUniversity of Iowa (US)
Ondrej SantolikWBD Project Manager for Real Time Data through Panska Ves ObservatoryCharles University and Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Prague, CZ)
Keith YearbyWBD Project Manager for Burst Mode-2 DataUniversity of Sheffield (Sheffield, GB)

Technical Support Team: Up to 2015

University of Iowa (US)

Jan BarnholdtData Librarian
Robert Brechwald 1Applications Programmer
Ivar ChristopherOperations, Research Assistant
Julie Dowell 1Applications Programmer
Larry GranrothSystems Manager, Applications Programmer
Roxanne MittenResearch Assistant
Jolene PickettScience Data Manager
Joanne SeebergerResearch Assistant

Engineering Team

University of Iowa (US)

Michael FountainLead Machinist
Donald Gurnett 1Principal Investigator
Richard HuffProject Manager
Donald KirchnerLead Systems Engineer
Sharon KutcherLead Assembly Technician
William RobisonSoftware Engineer, Ground Support

Administrative Team: Up to 2015

University of Iowa (US)

Jan BarnholdtAdministrative Assistant
Kathy KurthSecretary
Jolene PickettFinancial Resources Manager

1. Deceased
