Commissioning: Status and Data

WBD F9 on SC1


20000829   21:13:31.6	  N/A		First Power ON.
					Voltage monitor registered 6.067 V (5.688-6.211 V nominal).
					Temperature monitor registered 23.2 deg. C.
					All other monitored housekeeping parameters
					registered their default values.
20000908   03:50 - 04:05  BM2 (Burst)	First burst mode data acquisition.
					Some weak AKR was observed in the 125 and 250 kHz
					conversion modes.
					Expected interference was observed at the battery
					converter frequency (65 kHz) and it harmonics, and
					at the spacecraft power converter frequency (131
					kHz) and its harmonics.  This interference is no
					more than 3 dB above the background noise level.
20000908   10:14 - 10:44  TDA-8 (DSN)	First DSN (Canberra) data acquisition attempt.
					Attempt failed; attributed to miscommunication
					between ESOC and DSN.
20000921   02:14 - 02:44  BM2 (Burst)   Second burst mode data acquisition attempt successful.

20000923   07:39 - 07:54  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20000928   02:45 - 03:00  BM2 (Burst)   Fourth burst mode data acquisition attempt successful.

20000930   08:35 - 08:50  BM2 (Burst)   Fifth burst mode data acquisition from SC1 successful.

20001006   05:02 - 05:20  BM2 (Burst)	Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20001008   12:09 - 12:29  BM2 (Burst)   Seventh burst mode data acquisition from SC1 successful.

20001009   00:08 - 00:28  BM2 (Burst)   Eighth burst mode data acquisition from SC1 successful.

20001010   01:08 - 01:28  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20001010   01:38 - 01:58  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20001011   08:00 - 08:10  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20001016   02:00 - 04:01  TDA-8 (DSN)   Second DSN data acquisition attempt from SC1 successful.
20001127   12:49 - 13:49  BM2 (DSN)	Simultaneous DSN mode acquisition attempt from
					SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, successful for SC1, SC2, and
					SC3, failed for SC4.
					Access Data Files
WBD F6 on SC2


20000829   02:01:08.3	  N/A		First Power ON.
					Voltage monitor registered 6.118 V (5.688-6.211 V nominal).
					Temperature monitor registered 24.4 deg. C.
					All other monitored housekeeping parameters
					registered their default values.

20000905   23:55 - 00:10  BM2 (Burst)	First burst mode data acquisition.
		    (6th)		Expected interference was observed at the battery
					converter frequency (65 kHz) and its harmonics,
					and at the spacecraft power converter frequency
					(131 kHz) and its harmonics.  This interference
					is no more than 3 dB above the background noise

20000906   01:15 - 01:45  TDA-8 (DSN)	First DSN (Goldstone) data acquisition attempt
					successful.  Observed nonperiodic, "S or hook-
					shaped" emissions in the range 2-4 kHz, which is
					above fce. The slopes of the central part of the
					S or hook varied.

20000914   14:02 - 14:17  BM2 (Burst)   Observed very intense partial sinusoidal emissions
					at half the spin rate.  The source of this
					interference is still under investigation.

20000921   17:20 - 17:35  BM2 (Burst)   Observed the "S or hook-shaped" emissions at
					0.4 - 2 kHz.

20000923   07:39 - 07:54  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20000928   19:44 - 19:59  BM2 (Burst)   Fifth burst mode data acquisition from SC2 successful.

20001006   05:02 - 05:20  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20001010   01:08 - 01:28  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20001018   01:38 - 01:58  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20001011   08:00 - 08:10  BM2 (Burst)   Simultaneous data acquisition from SC1 and SC2.

20001011   10:58 - 13:03  TDA-8 (DSN)   Second DSN data acquisition attempt from SC2 successful.
20001127   12:49 - 13:49  BM2 (DSN)	Simultaneous DSN mode acquisition attempt from
					SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, successful for SC1, SC2, and
					SC3, failed for SC4.
					Access Data Files
WBD F7 on SC3


20001009   10:38:13.8	  N/A		First Power ON.
					Voltage monitor registered 6.057 V (5.688-6.211 V nominal).
					Temperature monitor registered 20.4 deg. C.
					All other monitored housekeeping parameters
					registered their default values.
20001012   00:06 - 00:25  BM2 (Burst)	First burst mode data acquisition.
					Some strong AKR was observed in the 125 and
					250 kHz conversion modes.  Also some continuum was
					observed, as well as some narrowband emissions at
					750 Hz and 1.2kHz (probably electron cyclotron
					emissions).  Expected interference was observed at
					the battery converter frequency (65 kHz) and its
					harmonics, and at the spacecraft power converter
					frequency (131 kHz) and its harmonics.  This
					interference is no more than 3 dB above the
					background noise level.
20001012   06:26 - 07:00  TDA-8 (DSN)	First DSN data acquisition attempt successful.
20001013   07:26 - 07:42  BM2 (Burst)	Second burst mode data acquisition attempt successful.
20001018   01:38 - 01:58  BM2 (Burst)   Third burst mode data acquisition attempt successful.
20001024   04:08 - 04:28  BM2 (Burst)	Fourth burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001027   14:04 - 14:24  BM2 (Burst)	Simultaneous data acquisition from SC3 and SC4.
20001116   08:20 - 08:40  BM2 (Burst)	Sixth burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001127   12:49 - 13:49  BM2 (DSN)	Simultaneous DSN mode acquisition attempt from
					SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, successful for SC1, SC2, and
					SC3, failed for SC4.
					Access Data Files
WBD F8 on SC4


20001023   19:16:20.2	  N/A		First Power ON.
					Voltage monitor registered 5.965 V (5.688-6.211 V nominal).
					Temperature monitor registered 20.8 deg. C.
					All other monitored housekeeping parameters
					registered their default values.
20001025   23:20 - 23:40  BM2 (Burst)	First burst mode data acquisition attempt successful.
20001027   14:04 - 14:24  BM2 (Burst)	Simultaneous data acquisition from SC3 and SC4.
20001101   08:14 - 08:34  BM2 (Burst)	Third burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001104   07:59 - 08:31  TDA-8 (DSN)	First DSN data acquisition attempt successful.
20001106   03:28 - 03:48  BM2 (Burst)	Fourth burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001110   20:42 - 21:00  BM2 (Burst)	Fifth burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001114   03:18 - 03:38  BM2 (Burst)	Sixth burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001117   23:57 - 00:17  BM2 (Burst)	Seventh burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001121   23:45 - 00:05  BM2 (Burst)	Eighth burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001125   03:40 - 04:00  BM2 (Burst)	Ninth burst mode data acquisition successful.
20001127   12:49 - 13:49  BM2 (DSN)	Simultaneous DSN acquisition attempt from
					SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, successful for SC1, SC2, and
					SC3, failed for SC4.
20001128   05:15 - 07:16  TDA-8 (DSN)	Second DSN data acquisition attempt successful.
20001201   09:20 - 09:38  BM2 (Burst)	Twelfth burst mode data acquisition successful.
					Access Data Files