Theses completed under the guidance of Prof. D. A. Gurnett
Stanley D. Shawhan,
VLF ray tracing in a model ionosphere,
PhD Thesis, Aug. 1966.
William Pfeiffer,
Non-Eckersley law whistlers received with satellite Injun III,
MS Thesis, Aug. 1966.
Thomas B. Burns,
Observations of ELF noise bands with satellite Injun III,
MS Thesis, June 1967.
William W.L. Taylor,
The morphology of VLF emissions observed with the Injun 3 satellite,
MS Thesis, Aug. 1967.
David P. Cauffman,
A Satellite Study of VLF Emissions During Magnetic Storms,
MS Thesis, June 1968.
Paul Rodriguez,
Experimental observations of mode coupling from Injun 3 VLF data,
MS Thesis, June 1969.
Mavis G. Cauffman,
D.C. electric fields in the magnetosphere,
MS Thesis, June 1969.
Roger R. Anderson,
Observations of lower hybrid resonance phenomena with the Injun 5 satellite,
MS Thesis, June 1969.
Stephen R. Mosier,
VLF measurements of the Poynting flux along the geomagnetic field with the Injun 5 satellite,
PhD Thesis, Jan. 1970.
Robert R. Shaw,
Nonlinear AC probe measurements in a collisionless plasma,
MS Thesis, Jan. 1970.
David P. Cauffman,
A satellite study of DC electric field reversals in the magnetosphere,
PhD Thesis, May 1971.
Douglas N. Hosford,
Similarities between Jovian decametric and terrestrial kilometric radiation,
MS Thesis, July 1973.
Paul Rodriguez,
Electrostatic and electromagnetic turbulence associated with Earth's bow shock,
PhD Thesis, July 1974.
William S. Kurth,
Direction finding measurements of auroral kilometric radiation,
MS Thesis, May 1975.
Robert R. Shaw,
Electrostatic noise bands associated with the electron gyrofrequency and plasma frequency in the outer magnetosphere,
PhD Thesis, July 1975.
Mark M. Baumback,
Direction-finding measurements of type III radio bursts out of the ecliptic plane,
MS Thesis, May 1976.
Roger R. Anderson,
Wave-particle interactions in the evening magnetosphere during geomagnetically disturbed periods,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1976.
Dennis Gallagher,
Auroral kilometric radiation: Time-averaged source location,
MS Thesis, Dec. 1978.
William S. Kurth,
Intense electrostatic waves near the upper hybrid resonance frequency,
PhD Thesis, May 1979.
Brian Strayer,
Observations of whistlers from Jupiter,
MS Thesis, May 1979.
James L. Green,
On the generation of auroral kilometric radiation,
PhD Thesis, July 1979.
Dennis L. Gallagher,
Short wavelength electrostatic waves in Earth's magnetosheath,
PhD Thesis, July 1982.
Lee A. Reinleitner,
Electrostatic bursts generated by electrons trapped in whistler mode chorus wave fields,
PhD Thesis, July 1982.
Stephen A. Fuselier,
Doppler-shifted ion waves upstream of the Earth's bowshock ,
MS Thesis, May 1983.
Daniel R. Weimer,
Magnetospheric Electric Fields Measured with Dynamics Explorer-1,
MS Thesis, Supervisor: Professor Stanley D. Shawhan, May 1983.
Ann M. Persoon,
Polar Cap Electron Densities From DE1 Plasma Wave Observations,
MS Thesis, May 1983.
Robert L. Tokar,
Whistler Mode Turbulence at Earth's Bow Shock: Generation Via Electron Beams and Ray Path Integrated Amplification,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1983.
Joan R. Seery,
Ion Diffusion in the Io Plasma Torus,
MS Thesis, May 1984.
Nojan Omidi,
Generation of auroral kilometric and Z-mode radiation by the cyclotron maser instability,
PhD Thesis, May 1984.
Daniel R. Weimer,
Auroral Zone Electric Fields From DE-1 and -2 At Magnetic Conjuctions,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1984.
Stephen A. Fuselier,
The downshift of electron plasma oscillations in the electron foreshock region,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1984.
William M. Farrell,
A Statistical Study of Solar Type-III Bursts and Auroral Kilometric Radiation Onsets,
MS Thesis, Dec. 1984.
John T. Steinberg,
The Possibility of Exciting Alfven Waves by the Space Shuttle,
MS Thesis, Dec. 1985.
Mark M. Baumback,
Properties of Auroral Kilometric Radiation from an Interferometer Analysis of the ISEE-1 and -2 Plasma Wave Data,
PhD Thesis, May 1986.
Ti-Ze Ma,
Electrostatic waves generated by gases interacting with flowing plasmas,
PhD Thesis, Aug. 1986.
William M. Farrell,
An Analysis of Whistler-Mode Radiation from the Spacelab-2 Electron Beam,
PhD Thesis, Aug. 1987.
Allen C. Kistler,
Voyager 2 Detection of Uranian Hectometric Radio Arcs,
MS Thesis, Aug. 1988.
John T. Steinberg,
Quasi-Static Electric Field Measurements Made with the Plasma Diagnostics Package in Free Flight During Spacelab-2,
PhD Thesis, May 1988.
Scott Arnold Boardsen,
Dynamics Explorer-1 Satellite Study of Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Waves,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1988.
Andrew E. Keller,
Determination of the Source Location of the 4.4 to 5.2 MHz Radiation Observed
by the AMPTE IRM Spacecraft,
MS Thesis, Dec. 1990.
William J. Schintler,
A Narrowband, Wide Dynamic Range Receiver For Amplitude,
MS Thesis Supervisor: Professor Norbert R. Malik, Dec. 1990.
George B. Hospodarsky,
Search Coil Magnetometers for the ISTP Polar and Wind Spacecraft,
MS Thesis, Aug. 1992.
Shan Xue,
A survey of Uranus' bow shock motions using Langmuir waves,
MS Thesis, Aug. 1992.
David D. Morgan,
Landau damping of auroral hiss,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1992.
Wei Feng,
Analysis of plasma wave interference patterns in the Spacelab 2 PDP data,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1992.
Michael J. LeDocq,
Measurements of electron number density fluctuations near the plasmapause from the CRRES spacecraft,
MS Thesis, Aug. 1993.
Dimitri Tsintikidis,
The properties of micron-sized particles detected at Saturn by the Voyager 1 and 2 plasma wave instruments,
PhD Thesis, Aug. 1993.
George B. Hospodarsky,
An analysis of the fine structure of Langmuir wave emissions,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1994.
Andrew E. Keller,
Lower hybrid waves generated in the wake of the Galileo spacecraft,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 1995.
Michael J. LeDocq,
The wave normal and Poynting flux of magnetospheric plasma waves,
PhD Thesis, July 1998.
Ryan Kadow,
A comparison of Galileo electron density measurements to a Voyager I model in the Io plasma torus,
MS Thesis, July 2001.
Jay A. Ansher,
Electron density at Jupiter using the Galileo plasma wave instrument,
PhD Thesis, Dec. 2001.
Lei Xin,
Whistler-mode resonance-cone emissions generated by Jupiter's moon Io,
MS Thesis, Dec. 2003.
Zhenzhen Wang,
Interplanetary dust particles detected by the Voyager 1 and 2 plasma wave instruments,
MS Thesis, Dec. 2004.
Lei Xin,
A study of whistler-mode resonance-cone emissions,
PhD Thesis, July 2005.
Ferzan Akalin,
Observation of a whistler in the magnetosphere of Saturn,
MS Thesis, Dec. 2005.
Benjamin Richards,
Determination of electron density in the Jovian magnetosphere from Galileo plasma wave data,
MS Thesis, May 2006.
Firdevs Duru,
Magnetically controlled structures in the ionosphere of Mars,
MS Thesis, July 2006.
Zhenzhen Wang,
The xharacteristics of dust particles detected by Cassini near Saturn's ring plane,
PhD Thesis, July 2006.
Andrew J. Kopf,
Transient layers in the topside ionosphere of Mars,
MS Thesis, Aug. 2008.
Andrew J. Kopf,
A Multi-instrument study of auroral hiss at Saturn,
PhD Thesis, July 2010.
Mark Vinton Kane,
Transient subsurface features in Mars Express radar data: An explanation based on ionospheric holes,
MS Thesis, Dec. 2012.
Samuel J. Ferguson,
From Canals to Fiber Optics: How Aoliton Methods Entered Physics,
MS Thesis/Critical Essay, May 2014.
Sadie Suzanne Tetrick (Elliott),
Plasma waves in Jupiter's high latitude regions: Observations from the Juno spacecraft,
MS Thesis, Dec. 2017.