No claimed relationship to my professional duties

[blue ribbon campaign]

For information on freedom of speach on-line, visit the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Center for Democracy and Technology, or the American Civil Liberties Union.

Anyone remember the SSTP Astronomy Summer of 1977?

ITS takes stance on fiber optic project ;^)

"Reader advisory: Material in the following document may be objectionable to some viewers. Discretion is advised."
Policy on Electronic Publishing in the Division of Mathematical Sciences

Here are links to the local weather forcast from the National Weather Service Regional Office, and the current visible and infra-red satellite images.

Looking for a UIowa job? Try the Jobs@Iowa on-line listings for Professional/Scientific and Merit openings.

Fight spam on the internet! (My apologies to Hormel and their fine product.)

Want to e-mail a congress critter? Try the Congressional Email Directory.

Have a look at what the Iowa House Republicans are up to.

League for Programming Freedom The League for Programming Freedom
opposes software patents
and user interface copyrights
JAVA Lobby Java for the people! Freedom to read the media you buy!
The original is now a dns-hijacked advertising site run by a company providing "internet products and proprietary techniques for the driving of internet traffic to these products."
Fortunately, google still knows what is all about.
Burn All GIFs! Another example of software patent abuse
SETI@home Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
Valid HTML 4.01 Be radical . . . Conform!
Get Firefox A free and conforming browser
The OpenScience Project Open Science and Open Software
AGU Creationism Is Not Science
RPF Richard P. Feynman
EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Center
Richard Dawkins A Clear-Thinking Oasis
Happy Human International Humanist and Ethical Union
John Boswell Symphony of Science
MIT OCW MIT OpenCourseWare
Berkeley Webcast Berkeley Courses
Open Courseware Consortium Open Courseware Consortium Members
Linux Gazette The free international online Linux monthly
Scala Logo The Scala programming language
NO HSPD12 Onerous implementation of "security" directives at JPL
NCSE National Center for Science Education

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larry - granroth @ uiowa . edu