me at Prof Gurnett 50-year celebration

Larry Granroth

Systems Architect

I specialize in research computing support and am available for consulting, design, or implementation of hardware or software systems across campus. See my department bio.


My biosketch for archiving proposals

My Google Scholar profile and ORCID

My short form résumé

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System maintenance updates on Mastodon.

(Twitter is deprecated.)

"No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space."  -- A famous starship captain.

"You see this web of crystal above my head? It reproduces the pattern of my brain."
-- The Great One of Metebelis

Note our disclaimer.

Various Random Items . . .

Gogopuffs. Why? So you can "Google for Gogopuffs" and find my page, in addition to Randal L. Schwartz's original reference. (Plus all the Gogopuffs discussions and meta-discussions. "Mom! My Gogopuffs are getting stale!")

Well, there you go: Google "stale gogopuffs" and you'll find this page.

My public outreach projects:
on the Web
in the Fediverse
Space Audio
on YouTube
Space Audio
on FaceBook
waveform animation