Visible Imaging System (VIS)
Recent Space Weather Induced
Geomagnetic Storms

8 November 2004


These movies are time-lapse playbacks from the VIS Earth Camera on the Polar spacecraft. The view is of the Southern Aurora from 06:30 to 09:22 UT on 8 November 2004

15-16 July 2000

From USA Today, Tuesday, 18 July 2000 on page 14
[USAToday Weather Focus, 18 Jul 2000]


These movies (640x480) are time-lapse playbacks from the VIS Earth Camera on the Polar spacecraft. The auroral images are displayed as if the observer had been in a stationary orbit above a particular point on Earth.


These two images (640x480 GIF) are with the point of view of the observer centered over the North American continent. The aurora are represented in false colors with the brighter colors corresponding to the more intense optical UV emissions.

Last Modified: Saturday, 21-Sep-2024 14:31:13 CDT