BORN: September 28, 1947, São Paulo, Brazil
PRESENT POSITION: Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa 1993-
PAST POSITION: Astrophysicist, Interplanetary Physics Branch, Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics (LEP) 1969-1993
Theorist who interacts with experiments about the physics of space magneto-plasmas and their kinetic properties - especially Knudsen regime and collisionless transport in the: solar corona, solar wind, collisionless shocks, magnetosheath, magnetopause, collisionless reconnection, the plasmasphere, magnetosphere. Analytical and numerical solution of MHD, Boltzmann, and Vlasov equations and design and interpretation of spaceborn particle detectors.
o Data Evaluation of the OGO-5 Electron Spectrometer
o Co-investigator Mariner 10 Plasma Science Team;
o Co-investigator ISEE-1 Vector Electron Spectrometer
o Co-investigator Voyager Plasma Science Team
o Co-investigator NASA Solar Terrestrial Theory Program with University of Maryland group
o Co-investigator Solar Wind Experiment, GGS Wind Spacecraft
o Principal Investigator ISTP/GGS Polar Hydra Hot Plasma Experiment 1978-present
o Principal Investigator CRAF (Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby) Mission for the CREWE: Coordinated Radio Electron Wave Experiment 1986-1992
B.A., Physics (with highest honors) and Mathematics; (magna cum laude),
Williams College, Williamstown, MA, 1969;
Undergraduate Thesis: ``Reaction Kinetics of Color Centers in KCl'' F. Pierce, Advisor.
M.S., Plasma Physics, University of Maryland, 1971
Master's Thesis: ``Electron Energy Flux in the Solar Wind'' K. Ogilvie and R. Myers, advisors.
Ph.D., Plasma Physics, University of Maryland, 1975.
Doctoral Thesis: ``Fission Driven Acoustic Waves in a Uranium Gas Core Reactor'' D.A. Tidman, advisor.
Tyng Scholar 1965-1969 Williams College
Phi Beta Kappa, 1968
Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1969
Bronfman Science Prize 1969, Williams College
Group Achievement Award, Mariner 10 Science Team, 1974
NASA Special Achievement Award, 1976
Max-Planck Society Fellowship for Auslanders, 1977
Group Achievement Award, ISEE-1 Project Team, 1979
NASA Special Achievement Award, 1979
NASA Voyager (Cruise, Jupiter) Certificate of Appreciation, 1981
NASA Special Achievement Award, 1981
NASA Voyager Group Achievement Award (Saturn), 1983
Quality Increases, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993.
NASA LEP Peer Award, 1986
NASA Special Achievement Award, 1986
NASA Voyager Group Achievement Award (Uranus), 1986
NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal, 1991
NASA Group Achievement Award for GGS-Polar Hydra Experiment, June, 1998
878: Physics of the Solar Wind -Graduate Level Maryland; Developed as a New Course 1991.
S1993: Intermediate Mechanics 29:115
F1993: Mathematical Methods for Physicists 29:171
S1994: Mathematical Methods for Physicists 29:172
S1994: Readings in Physics 29:103 2 Graduate Students in Plasma Transport OVERGUIDE
F1994: Mathematical Methods for Physicists 29:171
F1994: Readings in Physics 29:103 new course undergraduate Math Methods developed with Professors Payne and Mutel OVERGUIDE
S1995 Solar Terrestrial Physics 29:278-I Corona, Solar Wind and MHD
F1995: Mathematical Methods for Physicists 29:171
S1996 Solar Terrestrial Physics 29:278-II The Magnetopause and Collisionless Shocks
F1996 Classical Electrodynamics 29:213
S1997 Classical Electrodynamics 29:214
F1997 Classical Electrodynamics 29:213
F1997 Solar Terrestrial Physics 29:278-I Grauduate Student OVERGUIDE
S1998 Classical Electrodynamics 29:214
S1998 Solar Terrestrial Physics 29:278-II Graduate Student OVERGUIDE
F1998 Classical Electrodynamics 29:213
S1999 Classical Electrodynamics 29:214
F1999 College Physics 29:011
S2000 College Physics 29:012
F2000 College Physics 29:018
S2001 College Physics 29:017
F2001 Mathematical Physics I 29:171
S2002 Mathematical Physics II 29:172
Search Committee for New Physics Faculty: Spring 1993.
Search Committee for New Physics Faculty: Fall 1993-1994.
Chairman, Search Committee for New Physics Faculty: 1995-1996
Liberal Arts Faculty Assembly 1994-1999
Physics Department Educational Operations Committee: 1993-1996
Ad Hoc Committee on Examination Reform and Recommendations: 1994
Physics Department Executive Committee: 1996-1998
Chairman, Department Internal Tenure Review Committee for Prof. Kletzing 1998
Chairman, Department Colloquium Committee Academic Year 2001-2002
Ph.D. Orals Reader 6:
Adjunct thesis committee of Jin-gen Wang (Prof. Payne)
Adjunct thesis committee of Tak Sakurai (Prof. Spangler)
Adjunct thesis committee of A. Keller (Prof. Gurnett)
Adjunct thesis committee of Jongho Seon (Prof. Frank)
Adjunct thesis committee of Shuanghui Hu (Prof. Bhattacharjee)
Adjunct thesis committee of Takeshi Yasuda (Prof. Rodgers)
MS orals reader: Jongho Seon (Prof. Frank)
Master's Theses Directed:
Chonghui Shen 03/95
Robert Holdaway 12/95
Xuejun Cao 10/00
Phd Theses Directed:
Arthur J. Hull Ph.d. 11/98 Postdoctoral Position UC Berkeley: 11/98 - present Thesis: The Partition of Temperature between Electrons and Ions at Collisionless Fast Mode Shocks
John C. Dorelli Ph.d. 10/99 Postdoctoral Position LANL: 10/99- present Thesis: Heat Flow in a Gravitationally Confined Plasma
``The Theoretical Description of Magnetic Reconnection'', at International Space Science Institute, Berne, Switzerland, October, 1996.
``The Penetration of the Diffusion Region", at the Spring AGU meeting in Baltimore, May, 1997.
``Topology of the Reconnection Region Near the Diffusion Region'', Fall AGU, San Francisco, 1998
``Suprathermals: Incidental or Essential to Space Plasmas'', Spring 1998, Boston AGU Meeting
``Conclusive Evidence of Penetration of the Diffusion Region for Northward IMF Poleward of the Cusp'', Spring 1998 Boston AGU Meeting
``Fingerprints of Collisionless Reconnection'' Fall 1998 AGU San Francisco.
``Fingerprints of Collisionless Reconnection'', IPELS conference in Kreuth, Germany, July, 1999.
``Review of the Role of Parallel Electric Fields in Collisionless Shocks and Reconnection'', Fall 1999 AGU, San Francisco.
"Observational Evidence for Hall Ambipolar Mediated Reconnection at the Earth's Magnetopause", GGS - Topical Session on Magnetic Reconnection, March, 2000.
``Detection of Hall Scales and the Diffusion Region'', May 2001, Boston AGU Meeting on Magnetic Reconnection
``Demagnetization of the Electrons, Mechanism for Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection,'', July 2001, IPELS meeting in Japan on Magnetic Reconnection, (unable to attend).
"Enabling Collisionless Reconnection in Space Plasmas,"IGGP Frontier Lecture, LANL, April 2002.
American Geophysical Union
American Physical Society
o Deputy Project Scientist for ISTP/GGS Wind Spacecraft 1989-1990
o Deputy Project Scientist for ISTP/GGS Polar Spacecraft 1990-1993
o Adjunct Professor (without pay): University of Maryland 1991.
o Associate Editor Journal for Geophysical Research 1990-1992
o University of Iowa USRA Representative 1995-
o NASA Review Panel for Triannual Selections in Solar Terrestrial Theory
o Referee for NASA, NSF, CalSpace Proposals
o Referee for Journals: I have pending at any given time 3-4 journal articles of other parties seeking my comments for review from
1) Astrophysical Journal
2) Astrophysical Journal Letts.
3) Journal for Geophysical Research, European Editor
4) Journal for Geophysical Research, US Editor
5) Journal for Geophysical Research, Japanese Editor
6) Geophysical Research Letters
7) Physics of Fluids
8) Physical Review
9) Icarus
10) Annales Geophysicae
11) Journal of Computational Physics
o Referee for Proposals: I referee about one proposal a month from
1) NASA Science Research and Technology
2) NASA Flight Payloads
3) NSF Solar Division
4) NSF Magnetospheric
1. ``Magnetic Field and Electron Observations Near the Dawn Magnetopause'', K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, and M. Sugiura, J. Geophys. Res., 76, 3574-3586, 1971.
2. ''Spline Quadrature'', J. D. Scudder, NASA/GSFC X-692-71-200, 1971.
3. ``Electron Energy Flux in the Solar Wind'', K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, and M. Sugiura, J. Geophys. Res., 76, 34, 8165-8173, 1971.
4. ``Electron Observations in the Solar Wind and Magnetosheath'', J. D. Scudder, D. Lind, and K. W. Ogilvie, J. Geophys. Res., 78, 28, 6535, 1973.
5. ``Observations at Venus Encounter by the Plasma Science Experiment on Mariner 10'', H. S. Bridge, A. J. Lazarus, J. D. Scudder, K. W. Ogilvie, R. E. Hartle, J. R. Asbridge, S. J. Bame, W. C. Feldman, and G. L. Siscoe, Science, 183, 4131, 1974.
6. ``Observations at Mercury Encounter by the Plasma Science Experiment on Mariner 10'', K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder,R. E. Hartle, G. L. Siscoe, H. S. Bridge, A. J. Lazarus, J. R. Asbridge, S. J. Bame, and C. M. Yeates, Science, 185, 4146, 143, 1974.
7. ``Sweet's Mechanism in the Solar Wind'', L. F. Burlaga and J. D. Scudder, Ap. J., 191, 3, II, L149-152, 1974.
8. ``Motion of Shocks through Interplanetary Streams'', L. F. Burlaga, and J. D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 80, 28, 4004-4010, 1974.
9. ``Fission Driven Acoustic Waves in a Uranium Gas Core Reactor'', Ph.D. Thesis, J. D. Scudder, University of Maryland, 1975.
10. ``Preliminary Interpretation of Plasma Observations at the 3rd Encounter of Mariner 10 with Mercury'', R. E. Hartle, K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, H. S. Bridge, G. L. Siscoe, A. J. Lazarus, V. M. Vasyliunas, and C. M. Yeates, Nature, 255, 206, 1975.
11. ``An Examination of the Adiabatic Approximation in Cosmic Ray Propagation Theory'', J. D. Scudder, A. J. Klimas, Proceedings of XIV International Cosmic Ray Conference, Munich, Germany, 1975.
12. ``Interaction of the Solar Wind with Venus'', H. S. Bridge, A. J. Lazarus, G. L. Siscoe, R. E. Hartle, K. W. Ogilvie, and C. M. Yeates, in Solar Wind Interaction with the Planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars, N. F. Ness, ed., NASA SP-397, 1977.
13. ``Observations at the Planet Mercury by the Plasma Electron Experiment-Mariner 10'', K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, V. M. Vasyliunas, R. E. Hartle, G. L. Siscoe, J. Geophys. Res., 82, 1807, 1977.
14. ``Test Particle Propagation in Magnetostatic Turbulence, I. Failure of the Fokker-Planck Approximation'', A. J. Klimas, G. Sandri, J. D. Scudder, D. R. Howell, NASA/GSFC X-692-76-207, 1978.
15. ``Test Particle Propagation in Magnetostatic Turbulence, II. The Local Approximation Method'', A. J. Klimas, G. Sandri, J. D. Scudder, D. R. Howell, NASA/GSFC X-692-76-252, 1978.
16. ``Test Particle Propagation in Magnetostatic Turbulence, III. The Approach to Equilibrium'', A. J. Klimas, G. Sandri, J. D. Scudder, and D. R. Howell, NASA/GSFC X-692-77-92, 1978.
17. ``The Electron Spectrometer Experiment on ISEE- 1'', IEEE Trans. on Geoscience Electronics, GE- 16, 3, 261-265, K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, and H. Doong, 1978.
18. ``The Radial Gradients and Collisional Properties of Solar Wind Electrons'', K. W. Ogilvie and J. D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 183, A8, 3776-3782, 1978.
19. ``A Theory of Global Processes which Affect Solar Wind Electrons, I. The Origin of Typical 1 AU Velocity Distribution Functions - Steady State Theory'', J. D. Scudder and S. Olbert, J. Geophys. Res., 84, A6, 2755-2772, 1979.
20. ``A Theory of Local and Global Processes which Affect Solar Wind Electrons, 2. Experimental Support'', J. D. Scudder and S. Olbert, J. Geophys. Res., 84, A11, 6603-6620, 1979.
21. ``Plasma Observations near Jupiter: Initial Results from Voyager 1'', H. S. Bridge, J. W. Belcher, A. J. Lazarus, J. D. Sullivan, R. L. McNutt, F. Bagenal, J. D. Scudder, E. C. Sittler, Jr., G. L. Siscoe, V. M. Vasyliunas, C. K. Goertz, and C. M. Yeates, Science, 204, 987, 1979.
22. ``Plasma Observations near Jupiter: Initial Results from Voyager 2'', H. S. Bridge, J. W. Belcher, A. J. Lazarus, J. D Sullivan, R. L. McNutt, F. Bagenal, K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, E. C. Sittler, Jr., V. M. Vasyliunas, and C. K. Goertz, Science, 206, 972, 1979.
23. ``First Results from the Six-Axis Electron Spectrometer on ISEE-1'', K. W. Ogilvie and J. D. Scudder, Space Sci. Rev., 23, 123-133, 1979.
24. ``An Empirical Polytrope Law for Solar Wind Thermal Electrons between 0.45 and 4.76 AU: Voyager 2 and Mariner 10'', E. C. Sittler, Jr. and J. D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 5131-5137, 1980.
25. ``A Survey of the Plasma Electron Environment of Jupiter: A View from Voyager'', J. D. Scudder, E. C. Sittler, Jr., and H. S. Bridge, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 8157-8179, 1981.
26. ``Plasma Observations near Saturn: Initial Results from Voyager I'', H. S. Bridge, J. W. Belcher, A. J. Lazarus, S. Olbert, J. D. Sullivan, F. Bagenal, P. Gazis, R. E. Hartle, K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, E. C. Sittler, Jr., A. Eviatar, G. L. Siscoe, C. K. Goertz, and V. M. Vasyliunas, Science, 212, 217-224, 1981.
27. ``Distribution of Neutral Gas and Dust near Saturn'', E. C. Sittler, Jr., J. D. Scudder, H. S. Bridge, Nature, 292, 711-714, 1981.
28. ``Velocity-Space Synthesis of ISEE-1 Measurements of the Three-Dimensional Electron Distribution Function'', R. J. Fitzenreiter and J. D. Scudder, NASA TM 83838, 1981.
29. ``Radial Variation of Solar Wind Thermal Electrons between 1.36 and 2.25 AU: Voyager 2'', E. C. Sittler, Jr., J. D. Scudder, and J. Jessen, Solar Wind 4, Burghausen, September 1978, MPAE Document, Lindau, ed. H. Rosenbauer, p. 257, 1981.
30. ``Observations of the 'Strahl' by the Solar Wind Electron Spectrometer on Mariner 10'', K. W. Ogilvie and J. D. Scudder, in Solar Wind 4, H. Rosenbauer, ed., p. 250, 1981.
31. ``Titan's Ion Exosphere Observed from Voyager 1'', R. E. Hartle, E. C. Sittler, Jr., K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, and A. J. Lazarus, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 1383-1394, 1982.
32. ``Plasma Observations near Saturn: Initial Results from Voyager 2'', H. S. Bridge, J. W. Belcher, A. J. Lazarus, J. D. Sullivan, R. Mc Nutt, F. Bagenal, P. Gazis, R. E. Hartle, K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, E. C. Sittler, Jr., G. L. Siscoe, A. Eviatar, C. K. Goertz, V. M. Vasyliunas, Science, 215, 563-570, 1982.
33. ``Lion Roars and Non-oscillatory Drift Mirror Waves in the Magnetosheath'', B. T. Tsurutani, E. J. Smith, R. R.Anderson, K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Scudder, D. N. Baker, S. J. Bame, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 6060-6072, 1982.
34. ``The Plumes of Titan'', A. Eviatar, G. L. Siscoe, J. D. Scudder, E. C. Sittler, Jr. and J. D. Sullivan, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 8091-8103, 1982.
35. ``The Effect of a Non-Maxwellian Electron Distribution on Oxygen and Iron Ionization Balances in the Solar Corona'', S. Owocki and J. D. Scudder, Ap. J., 270, 758-768, 1983.
36. ``Titan's Magnetospheric Interaction'', F. M. Neubauer, D. A. Gurnett, J. D. Scudder and R. E. Hartle, book chapter in Saturn, T. Gehrels ed., University of Arizona Press, 760-787, 1983.
37. ``Survey of Low Energy Plasma Electrons in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Voyagers 1 and 2'', E. C. Sittler, Jr., K. W. Ogilvie, and J. D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 88, 8847-8870, 1983.
38. ``The Collapse of the Local, Spitzer-Harm Formulation and a Global-Local Generalization for Heat Flow in an Inhomogeneous, Fully Ionized Plasma'', J. D. Scudder and S. Olbert, NASA TM 85048, November, 1982, in Proceedings of Solar Wind 5, NASA Conf. Pub. 2280, 163-181, ed. M. Neugebauer, 1983.
39. ``Observations of Plasma Deceleration at a Rotational Magnetopause Discontinuity'', T. L. Aggson, P. J. Gamberdella, N. C. Maynard, K. W. Ogilvie, and J. D. Scudder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 11, 8-11, 1984.
40. Detection of Bump-on-Tail Reduced Electron Velocity Distributions at the Electron Foreshock Boundary'', R. J. Fitzenreiter, A. J. Klimas, and J. D. Scudder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 11, 496-499, 1984.
41. ``The Adiabatic Energy Change of Plasma Electrons and the Frame Dependence of the Cross Shock Potential at Collisionless Magnetosonic Shock Waves'', C. C. Goodrich and J. D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 6654-6662, 1984.
42. ``Fluid Signatures of Rotational Discontinuities at the Earth's Magnetopause'', J. Geophys. Res., 89, 7431-7440, 1984.
43. ``Scale Lengths at Quasi-Parallel Shocks'', J. D. Scudder, L. F. Burlaga and E. W. Greenstadt, NASA TM 85109 (Oct., 1983), J. Geophys. Res., 89, 7545-7550, 1984.
44. ``The Relationship of Flux Transfer Events to Magnetic Reconnection'', J. D. Scudder, K. W. Ogilvie, and C. T. Russell in Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas, E. Hones, ed., AGU Geomonograph Series #30, Washington, DC, 153-154, 1984.
45. ``Observations of Electron Beams in the Low Latitude Boundary Layer'', K. W. Ogilvie, R. J. Fitzenreiter, J. D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 10,723-10,732, 1984.
46. ``Plasma and Energetic Particle Structure Upstream of a Quasi-Parallel Shock'', C. T. Kennel, F. L. Scarf, F. V. Coroniti, C. T. Russell, K. P. Wenzel, T. R. Sanderson, P. Van Ness, W. C. Feldman, G. K. Parks, E. J. Smith, B. T. Tsurutani, F. S. Mozer, M. Temerin, R. R. Anderson, J. D. Scudder and M. Scholer, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 5419-5435, 1984.
47. ``Structure of the Nov. 12, 1978 Quasi-Parallel Interplanetary Shock'', C. F. Kennel, J. P. Edminston, F. L. Scarf, E. J. Smith, F. V. Coroniti, C. T. Russell, B. T. Tsurutani, J. D. Scudder, W. C. Feldman, R. R. Anderson, F. S. Mozer and M. Temerin, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 5436-5452, 1984.
48. ``Collisionless Shock Waves in the Solar Terrestrial Environment'', E. Greenstadt, V. Formisano, C. Goodrich, J. T. Gosling, M. Lee, M. Leroy, M. Mellott, K. Quest, A. E. Robson, P. Rodriguez, J. Scudder, J. Slavin, M. Thomsen, D. Winske and C. S. Wu, book chapter in Solar Terrestrial Physics: Present and Future, NASA Reference Publication #1120, D. Butler and K. Papadopoulos, eds., 1984.
49. ``Coupling of the Solar Wind to the Magnetosphere'' , J. K. Alexander, L. F. Bargatze, J. L. Burch, T. Eastman, J. G. Lyon, J. D. Scudder, T. W. Speiser, J. G. Vogt and C. C. Wu, book chapter in, Solar Terrestrial Physics: Present and Future, NASA Reference Publication #1120, D. Butler and K. Papadopoulos, eds., 1984.
50. ``Electron Plasma Waves Upstream of the Earth's Bow Shock'', C. Lacombe, A. Mangeney, C. C. Harvey, J. D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 73-, 1985.
51. ``Polar Rain: Solar Coronal Electrons in the Earth's Magnetosphere'', D.H. Fairfield and J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 4055-4068, 1985.
52. ``Fast and Optimal Solution to the 'Rankine- Hugoniot Problem''', A.F. Vinas and J. D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 39-58, 1984.
53. ``Reply to ``Comment on The adiabatic energy change of plasma electrons and the frame dependence of the cross shock potential at collisionless magnetosonic shock waves' '', C.C. Goodrich and J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 7135-7136, 1986.
54. ``The Resolved Layer of a Collisionless, High ,
Super-critical, Quasi-perpendicular shock wave:
1: Rankine Hugoniot Geometry, Currents and
Stationarity'', J.D. Scudder, A. Mangeney, C.
Lacombe, C. Harvey, T.L. Aggson, R. Anderson,
J.T. Gosling, G. Paschmann, C.T. Russell, J.
Geophys. Res., 91, 11,019-11,052, 1986.
55. ``The Resolved Layer of a Collisionless, High ,
Super-critical, Quasi-perpendicular shock wave:
2: Dissipative Fluid Electrodynamics'', J.D.
Scudder, A. Mangeney, C. Lacombe, C. Harvey,
and T.L. Aggson, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 11,053-11,073,
56. ``The Resolved Layer of a Collisionless, High ,
Super-critical, Quasi-perpendicular shock wave:
3: Vlasov Electrodynamics'', J.D. Scudder, A.
Mangeney, C. Lacombe, C. Harvey, C.S. Wu, and
R. Anderson, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 11,075-11,097,
57. ``Reply to Comment by S.J. Scwhartz'', on paper 56, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 6169, 1987.
58. ``The Field Aligned Flow Approximation for Electrons within Layers Possessing a Normal Mass Flux: A Corollary to the deHoffmann Teller Theorem'', J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 13,447-13455, 1987.
59. ``Pressure Balanced Structures between 1 AU and 24 AU and their Implications for Solar Wind Electrons and Interstellar Pickup Ions'', L.F. Burlaga, J.D. Scudder, L.W.Klein and P.A. Isenberg, J. Geophys. Res. 95, 2229-2239, 1990.
60. ``Three Dimensional Analytical Model for the Spatial Variation of the Foreshock Electron Distribution Function: Systematics and Comparisons with ISEE Observations'', R.J. Fitzenreiter, J.D. Scudder, and A.J. Klimas, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 4155-4173, 1990.
61. ``Electron Heating in Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks: A Monte Carlo Simulation'', with P. Veltri, and A. Mangeney, and J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res. 95, 14,939-14,959, 1990.
62. ``The Cause of the Coronal Temperature Inversion of the Solar Atmosphere and the Implications for the Solar Wind'', J.D. Scudder, refereed chapter in Solar Wind 7, Proceedings of the 3rd COSPAR Colloquium of Goslar in September 1991, R. Schwenn and E. Marsch, eds., 103-112, 1992.
63. ``On the Causes of Temperature Change in Inhomogeneous Low Density Astrophysical Plasmas'', J.D. Scudder, Ap. J., 398, 299-318, 1992.
64. ``Why There Should be Circumstellar Temperature Inversions Around all Stars'', J.D. Scudder, Ap. J., 398, 319-349, 1992.
65. ``Ion and Electron Suprathermal Tail Strengths at the Base of the Transition Region: Support for the Velocity Filtration Model of the Corona'', J.D. Scudder, Ap. J., 427, 446-452, 1994.
66. ``Hydra - A Three Dimensional Electron and Ion Instrument for the Polar Spacecraft of the GGS Mission,'' , J.D. Scudder, F. Hunsaker, G. Miller, J. Lobell, T. Zawistowski, K. W. Ogilvie, J. Keller, D. Chornay, F. Herrero, R. Fitzenreiter, D. Fairfield, J. Needell, D. Bodet, J. Googins, C. Kletzing, R. Torbert, J. Vandiver, R. Bentley, W. Fillius, C. McIlwain, E. Whipple, and A. Korth, Space Science Reviews, 71, 459-495, 1994, a chapter in The Global Geospace Mission
67. ``SWE, A Comprehensive Plasma Instrument for the the Wind Spacecraft'', with K.W. Ogilvie, D.J. Chornay, R.J. Fitzenreiter, F. Hunsaker, J. Keller, J.Lobell, G. Miller, J.D. Scudder, E.C. Sittler, Jr., R.B. Torbert, D. Bodet, G. Needell, A.J. Lazarus, J.T. Steinberg, J.H. Tappan, A Mavretic, and E. Gergin, Space Science Reviews, 71, 55-77, 1994, as a chapter in ``The Global Geospace Mission''.
68.``A Review of the Physics of Electron Heating at Collisionless Shocks'', J.D. Scudder, Adv. Space Res., 15, 181-223, 1994.
69. ``Observations of a MHD Slow-Mode Shock at the Lobe-Plasma Sheet Boundary in the Earth's Distant Magnetotail,'', J. Seon, L.A. Frank, W.R. Paterson, J.D. Scudder, F.V. Coroniti, S. Kokubun, and T. Yamamota, Geophys. Res. Letts. , 22, 2981-2984, 1995.
70. ``The Misrepresentation of Gedalin,
Balikhin, Krasnoselskikh, and Wooliscroft's Demagnetization of Electrons
in Inhomogeneous : Implications for Electron Heating in
Shocks'', J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 2561-2566, 1996.
71. ``Electron and Ion Temperature Gradients and Suprathermal Tail Strengths at Parker's Solar Wind Sonic Critical Point,'' J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res.,101, 11039-11053, 1996.
72. ``Dreicer Order Ambipolar Electric Fields at Parker's Steady State Solar Wind Sonic Critical Point'', J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 13,461-13,472, 1996.
73. ``Observations of slow-mode shocks in the Earth's distant magnetotail with the Geotail Spacecraft, J. Seon, L.A. Frank, W.R. Paterson, J.D. Scudder, F.V. Coroniti, S. Kokobun, and T. Yamamoto, J. Geophys. Res. 101, 27383-27,398, 1996.
74. ``Observations of ion and electron distributions associated with slow-mode shocks in the Earth's distant magnetotail, J. Seon, L.A. Frank, W.R. Paterson, J.D. Scudder, F.V. Coroniti, S. Kokubun, and T. Yamamoto, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 27,399-27,411, 1996.
75. `` Theoretical Approaches to the Description of Magnetic Merging:
The Need for Finite , Anisotropic Ambipolar Hall MHD'',
Space Science Review, 80, 235-267, 1997, also incorporated in a book
of reviews, ``Transport Across the Boundaries of the Magnetosphere'',
B. Hultqvist and M. Oieroset, Eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1997.
76. ``Correction to 'Observations of ion and electron veloctiy distributions associated with slow-mode shocks in the Earth's distant magnetotail' by J. Seon et al.'', J. Geophys. Res., 102, 2435, 1997.
77. ``Electron heating and phase space signatures at strong and weak quasi-perpendicular shocks'', A.J. Hull, J.D. Scudder, L.A. Frank, W. R. Paterson, M. Kivelson, JGR, 103, 2041-2054, 1998. Printer's errors corrected: J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9587-9589, 1998.
78. ``A comparison of a model for the theta aurora with observations from Polar, Wind and SuperDARN,'' S.W. Chang, J.D. Scudder, J.B. Sigwarth, L.A. Frank, N.C. Maynard, W.J. Burke, W.K. Peterson, E.G. Shelley, R. Friedel, J.B. Blake, R.A. Greenwald, R.P. Lepping, G.J. Sofko, J.-P. Villain and M. Lester, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 17367-17390, 1998 (delayed special issue).
79. ``Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Coupling During an Isolated Substorm Event: a Multispacecraft ISTP Study'', T.I. Pulkkinen, D.N. Baker, N.E. Turner, H.J. Singer, L.A. Frank, J.B. Sigwarth, J. Scudder, R. Anderson, S. Kokubun, R. Nakamura, T. Mukai, J.B. Blake, C.T. Russsell, H. Kawano, F. Mozer, J.A. Slavin, GRL, 8, 983, 1997.
80. "POLAR Observations of Convection with Northward IMF at Dayside High Latitude", N.C. Maynard, W.J. Burke, D.R. Weimer, F.S. Mozer, J.D. Scudder, C.T. Russell, W.K. Peterson, and R.P. Lepping, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 29, 1998.
81. ``Thermal Plasma Structure of the Auroral Acceleraton Region, J. R. Wygant, M. Johnson, C. Cattell, M. Temerin, F.S. Mozer, C. Kletzing, J. Scudder, H.Collin,, H.Laakso, A.Pedersen'', submitted to J. Geophys. Res. March 1997.
82. ``Geoeffectiveness of 3 WIND clouds: A comparative study'', C.A. Farrugia J.D. Scudder, M.P. Freeman, L. Janoo, G. Lu, J.M. Quinn, R.L. Arnoldy, R.B. Torbert, L.F. Burlaga, K.W. Ogilvie, R.P. Lepping, A. J. Lazarus, J.T. Steinberg, F.T. Gratton, and G. Rostoker, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 17261-17,278, 1998
83. ``Dayside Electrodynamics Observed by Polar with northward IMF'', N.C. Maynard, W.J. Burke, D.R. Weimer, F.S. Mozer, J.D. Scudder, C.T. Russell, and W.K. Peterson, in Geospace Mass and Energy Flow, AGU Monograph 104, 13-23, J.L. Horowitz, D.L. Gallagher and W.K. Peterson eds., 1998
84. ``Polar observations of cusp electrodynamics: Evolution from 2- to 4-cell convection patterns'', N. C. Maynard, W. J. Burke, D. R. Weimer, F. S. Mozer, J. D. Scudder, W. K. Peterson, R. L. Lepping, and C. T. Russell, Polar Cap Boundary Phenomena, edited by A. Egeland, J. Moen and M. Lockwood, pp. 157-172, Klewer, Dordrecht, 1998.
85.`` Electron Density Distribution in the Magnetosphere'', H. Laakso, H. Opgenoorth, J. Wygant, P. Escoubet, J. Clemmons, M. Johnson, N. Maynard, F. Mozer, R. Pfaff, J. Scudder, in Proceedings of the 31st ESLAB Symposium, 'Correlated Phenomena at the Sun in the Heliosphere and in Geospace', ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 22-25 September, 1997, ESA SP-415, December 1997, p 53-58.
86. ``Polar observations of convection with northward interplanetary magnetic field at dayside high latitudes, N.C. Maynard, W.J. Burke, D.R. Weimer, F.S. Mozer, J.D. Scudder, C.T. Russell, and W.K. Peterson, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 29, 1998
87. ``Identification of magnetospheric particles that travel between spacecraft and their use to help obtain magnetospheric potential distributions,'' E.C. Whipple, J. Halekas, J.D. Scudder, W.R. Paterson, L.A. Frank, R.B. Sheldon, N.C. Maynard, C.T. Russell, K. Tsuruda, H. Hayakawa, and T., Yamamoto, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 93, 1998.
88. ``Modelling signatures of pulsed magnetopause reconnection in cusp ion dispersion signatures seen at middle altitudes'', M. Lockwood, C.J. Davis, T.G. Onsager, and J.D. Scudder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 591-594, 1998.
89. ``Near Earth Plasma Sheet Penetration and Geomagnetic Disturbances'', L.R. Lyons, G.T. Blanchard, J.C. Sampson, J.M. Ruohoniemi, R.A. Greenwald, G.D. Reeves, and J.D. Scudder, in New Perspectives in the Earth's Magnetotail, 241-258, AGU Publication, 1998.
90. ``The nightside ionospheric response to IMF By changes'', J.R. Dudeney, A.S. Rodger, M.P. Freeman, J. Pickett, J.D. Scudder, G. Sofko, M. Lester, Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, 2601-2604, 1998.
91. ``Relationship of topside ionospheric ion outflows to auroral forms and precipitation, plasma waves, and convection observed by Polar'', M. Hirahara, J.L. Horowitz, T.E. Moore, G.A Germany, J.F. Spann, W. K. Peterson, E.G. Shelley, M. O. Chandler, B. Giles, P.D. Craven, C.J. Pollock, D.A Gurnett, J.S. Pickett, A.M. Persoon, J.D. Scudder, N.C. Maynard, F.S. Mozer, M.J. Brittnacher, and T. Nagai, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 17,391-17410, 1998.
92. ``Field and Flow Perturbation in the October 18-19, 1995 Magnetic Cloud'', L. Janoo, C.J. Farrugia, R.B. Torbert, J.M. Quinn, A. Szabo, R.P. Lepping, K.W. Ogilvie, R.P. Lin, D. Larson, J.D. Scudder, V.A. Osherovich and J.T. Steinberg, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 17,249-17,260, 1998.
93. ``The re-formation of the polar cap during quiet times: The theta aurora'', S.W. Chang, W.J. Burke, N.C. Maynard and J.D. Scudder, Eos Trans. AGU, 79, 269, 1998.
94. ``Cusp Energetic Ions: A Bow Shock Source'', S. -W. Chang, J.D. Scudder, S.A. Fuselier, J.F. Fennell, K.J. Trattner, J.S. Pickett, H.E. Spence, J.D. Menietti, W.K. Peterson, C.T. Russell, R.P. Lepping, and R. Friedel, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 3729-3732, 1998.
95. ``The Polar Cusp Location and its Dependence on Dipole Tilt'', X.W. Zhou, C.T. Russell, G. Le, S. Fuselier, and J.D. Scudder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 3,429, 1999.
96. ``Auroral Plasma Sheet Electron Anisotropy'', C.A. Kletzing, and J.D. Scudder, Geophys. Res. Lett. 26, 971-974, 1999.
97. ``Magnetospheric Electric Fields from Ion Data'', E.C. Whipple, D.L. Starr, J. S. Halekas, J. D. Scudder, R.D. Holdaway, J.B. Faden, P. Puhl-Quinn, N.C. Maynard, and C.T. Russell, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1561-1564, 1999.
98. ``Generalized Walén Tests for Alfvén Waves and Rotational Discontinuities using Electron Flow Velocities'', J.D. Scudder, P. P.-Quinn, F.S. Mozer, K. W. Ogilvie and C.T. Russell, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 19,817, 1999.
99. ``Solar Wind Control of the Polar Cusp at High Altitude'', X. W. Zhou, C.T. Russell, G. Le, S.A. Fuselier, and J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res. , 105, 245, 2000.
100. ``The Photoemission Current - Spacecraft Voltage Relation: Key to Routine, Quantitative Low Energy Plasma Measurements'', J. D. Scudder, X. Cao, and F.S. Mozer, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 21,281-21,294, 2000.
101. ``Polar Cap Precipitation for a Variety of Interplanetary States: Themes from Polar'', C.J. Farrugia, J.M. Quinn, R.B. Torbert, J.D. Scudder, X. Cao, K.W. Ogilvie, R.J. Fitzenreiter, R.P. Lepping, and A.J. Lazarus, in The Solar Wind- Magnetosphere System 3, ed. by H.K. Biernat, C.J. Farrugia and D.F. Vogl, Verlag de Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaten, 2000.
102. ``Pulsating Midmorning Auroral Arcs, Filamentation of a Mixing Regions in a Flank Boundary Layer, and ULF Waves Observed during Polar-Svalbard Conjunction'', C.J. Farrugia, P.E. Sandholt, N.C. Maynard, W.J. Burke, J.D. Scudder, D.M. Ober, J. Moen, and C.T. Russell, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 27,531-27,553, 2000.
103. ``Electron Temperature and deHoffmann-Teller Potential Change across the Earth's Bow Shock: New Results from ISEE 1'', A.J. Hull, J.D. Scudder, R.J. Fitzenreiter, K.W. Ogilvie, J.A. Newbury, and C.T. Russell, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 20,957-20,971, 2000.
104. ``Model for the Partition of Temperature Between Electrons and Ions Across Collisionless Fast Mode Shocks'', A.J. Hull and J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 27,323-27,341, 2000.
105. ``Mapping Prenoon Auroral Structures to the Magnetosphere'', D.M.Olber, N.C. Maynard, W.J. Burke, J. Moen, A. Egland, P.E. Sandholt, C.J. Farrugia, E.J. Weber, and J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 27,519-27,530, 2000.
106. ``Observations of Traveling Pc5 Waves and their Relation to the Magnetic Cloud of January 1997'', J.H. Clemmons, R.F. Pfaff, O.W. Lennartsson, F.S. Mozer, H.J. Singer, W.K. Peterson, J.D. Scudder, C.A. Kletzing, P.J. Chi, D.D. Wallis and D.E. Larson, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 5441, 2000.
107. ``Energetic Magnetosheath Ions Connected to the Earth's Bow Shock: Possible Source of Cusp Energetic Ions'', S.W. Chang, J.D. Scudder, J.F. Fennell, R. Friedel, R.P. Lepping, C.T. Russell, K.J. Trattner, S.A. Fuselier, W.K. Peterson, and H.E. Spence, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 5471, 2000.
108. ``Polar Spacecraft Based Comparisons of Intense Electric Field and Poynting Flux near and within the Plasma Sheet-Tail Lobe Boundary to UVI Images: An Energy Source for the Aurora'', J.R. Wygant, A. Keiling, C.A. Cattell, M. Johnson, R.L. Lysak, M. Temerin, F.S. Mozer, C.A. Kletzing, J.D. Scudder, W. Peterson, C.T. Russell, G. Parks, M. Brittnacher, G. Germany and J. Spann, J. Geophys. Res., 18,675, 2000.
109. "Reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause during northward interplanetary magnetic field conditions", T. G. Onsager, J. D. Scudder, M. Lockwood, C. T. Russell, J. Geophys. Res.,106, 25,467-25,488, 2001.
110. "Electron heat flow carried by kappa distributions in the solar corona", J.C. Dorelli and J.D. Scudder Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 3537-3541, 1999
111. "On the perpendicular scale of electron phase-space holes", J.R. Franz, P.M Kintner, C.E. Seyler, J.S. Pickett, J.D. Scudder Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 169-173, 2000
112. "Simultaneous triggered VLF emissions and energetic electron distributions observed on POLAR with PWI and HYDRA", T.F. Bell, U.S. Inan, R.A. Helliwell, and J.D. Scudder Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 165-169, 2000
113. "Systematics of ion Walen analysis of rotational discontinuities using E/Z measurements", P.A. Puhl-Quinn PA and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 105, 7617-7628, 2000
114. "Response of the equatorial and polar magnetosphere to the very tenuous solar wind on May 11, 1999", C.J. Farrugia, H.J. Singer, D. Evans, D. Berdichevsky, K.W. Ogilvie, R.J. Fitzenreiter, C.T. Russell and J.D. Scudder Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 3773-3777, 2000
115. "Factors controlling the diamagnetic pressure in the polar cusp", X.W. Zhou, C.T. Russell, G. Le, S.A. Fuselier and J.D. Scudder Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 915-919, 2001
116. "Observation of the magnetospheric "sash" and its implications relative to solar- wind/magnetospheric coupling: A multisatellite event analysis", N.C. Maynard, S. Savin, G.M. Erickson, H. Kawano, Z. Nemecek, W.K. Peterson, J. Safranokova, I. Sandahl, G.L. Siscoe, B.U.O. Sonnerup, D.R. Weimer, W.W. White, G.R. Wilson and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 106, 2001
117. "Electrostatic electron cyclotron waves observed by the plasma wave instrument on board Polar", J.D. Menietti, J.S. Pickett, D.A. Gurnett and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 106, 6043-6058, 2001
118. "Electrodynamics of the poleward auroral border observed by Polar during a substorm on April 22, 1998", D.M. Ober, N.C. Maynard, W.J. Burke, W.K. Peterson, J.B. Sigwarth, L.A. Frank, W.J. Hughes, C.T. Russell and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 106, 5927-5944 2001
119. "Plasma sheet access to the inner magnetosphere", R.H.W. Friedel, H. Korth, M.G. Henderson, M.F. Thomsen and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 106, 5845-5859, 2001
120. "Electron heating and phase space signatures at supercritical, fast mode shocks", A.J. Hull, D.E. Larson, R.P. Lin and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15711-15734, 2001
121. "MeV magnetosheath ions energized at the bow shock", S.-W. Chang, K. Kudela, H.E. Spence, J.F. Fennell, R.P. Lepping, R.P. Lin, and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 106, 19101-19116, 2001
122. "Plasma waves observed in the cusp turbulent boundary layer: An analysis of high time resolution wave and particle measurements from the Polar spacecraft", J.S. Pickett, J.R. Franz, J.D. Menietti, D.A. Gurnett, G.B. Hospodarsky, R.M. Braunger, P.A. Kintner, W.S. Kurth and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 106, 19081-19100, 2001
123. "Polar observations of the time-varying cusp", J.J. Rae, M. Lester, S.E. Milan, T.A. Fritz, M. Grande and J.D. Scudder J. Geophys. Res., 106, 19057-19066, 2001
124. "Polar Cap Precipitation for a Variety of Interplanetary States: Themes from Polar," in The Solar Wind-Magnetosphere System 3, H.K. Biernat, C.J. Farrugia and D.F. Vogel, eds., Verlag der Osterreichischen Akadiemie der Wissenschaften, ISBN 3-7001-2897-5, Ferdinand Berger and Sohne GesmbH, publishers, Wien, 2000.
125. Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Waves Generated by Low Energy Electron Beams, J. D. Menietti, O. Santolik, J. D. Scudder, J.S. Pickett, D. A. Gurnett, accepted for publication in J. Geophys. Res., 2002.
126. Evidence for kinetic Alfven waves and parallel electron energiztion at 4-6 Re altitudes in the plasma sheet boundary layer, J.R.Wygant, A. Keiling, C. A. Cattell, R. Lysak, M. Temerin, F. S. Mozer, C. A. Kletzing, J. D. Scudder, A. V. Streltsov, W. Lotko, C. T. Russell, accepted for publication in J. Geophys. Res., July, 2001.
127. A statistical study of large amplitude parallel electric fields in the upward current region of the auroral acceleration region, A.J. Hull, J.W. Bonnell, F.S. Mozer, J.D. Scudder, submitted J. Geophys. Res..
128. The Landau damping of magnetospherically reflected whistlers within the plasmasphere, T.F. Bell, U.S. Inan, J. Bortnic, J.D. Scudder, submitted July 2001, J. Geophys. Res.
129. Fingerprints of Collisionless Reconnection at the Separator: I. Ambipolar-Hall Signatures, J.D. Scudder, F.S. Mozer, N.C. Maynard, and C.T. Russell, accepted Jan 12, 2002 for J. Geophys. Res.
130. ``Ground disturbances of the ring, magnetopause, and tail currents on the day the solar wind almost disappeared'', V.K. Jordanova, C.J. Farrugia, J.F. Fennell, and J.D. Scudder, J. Geophys. Res., 106 25,529-25,540
131. ``Cusp ion steps , field aligned currents, and poleward moving auroral forms'', M. Lockwood, S.E. Milan, T. Onsager, C.H. Perry, J.D. Scudder, C.T. Russell, and M. Brittnacher, J. Geophys. Res. 106, 29,555-29,570, 2001.
132. ``Fingerprints of Collisionless Reconnection II: Fluid Magnetoelectrodynamics of the Separator and its Vicinity'', J. D. Scudder and F. S. Mozer and N.C. Maynard and P. A. Puhl-Quinn and Z. W. Ma and C. T. Russell, to be submitted J. Geophys. Res., 2002.
133. ``Electron Heat Flow in the Solar Corona: The Implications of Non-Maxwellian Velocity Distributions, the Solar Gravitational Field, and Coulomb Collisions, J.C. Dorelli and J.D. Scudder, accepted, J. Geophys. Res., 2002.
134. ``Fingerprints of Collisionless Reconnection III: Superposed Epoch Resolved Spatial Pictures of Separator Regime'', J. D. Scudder and F. S. Mozer and N.C. Maynard and P. A. Puhl-Quinn and Z. W. Ma and C. T. Russell, to be submitted J. Geophys. Res., 2002.
135. ``Worldline Dependences of Current Sheet Normals: the Achilles Heel of Variance Techniques'', J.D. Scudder, Z.W. Ma, and N. Omidi, to be submitted to JGR, 2002.