Voyager Plasma Wave data in PDS4 form
Voyager Plasma Wave data indexed by the
Voyager Plasma Wave data in PDS3 form
- VGPW_0101: A full mission
Planetary Data System (PDS) archive volume of PWS Electric Spectrum
Analyzer measurements for both Voyagers 1 & 2. Note the
file on this volume contains a concise data processing description for
these data, including calibration and example code.
- VGPW_1001: Release 7 of the
Full mission PDS 3 archive volume of PWS Electric Field Waveforms
for Voyager 1.
Also available as a single compressed file
VGPW_1001_R7.tar.gz (6.5 GB)
- VGPW_2001: A Full mission
PDS 3 archive volume of PWS Electric Field Waveforms for Voyager 2.
Note that some of these data have not completed peer review and are
subject to occasional corrections and updates. Archived data sets are also
available through our Outer Planets Subnode
of the
Planetary Plasma Interactions node of NASA's
Planetary Data System.
For access to data not listed here or not currently online, contact
Dr. William S. Kurth
via e-mail
william-kurth @ uiowa . edu.
Interactive Plots via Autoplot
The following links lead to Autoplot settings
files (also called vap files). These files do not contain data, but rather tell
the Autoplot program how to load data from the web. Download any of the following files and open them in Autoplot to browse Voyager
PWS data holdings.
Calibrated PWS Spectrum Analyzer data streams from PDS3 files
via das2 streams for:
Filtered and calibrated hourly averages and peaks from the PWS Spectrum Analyzer via PDS files for:
Relative intensity PWS high-resolution spectrogram streams computed
from Waveform PDS files by the das2 server for Voyager 1 in:
Relative intensity PWS high-resolution spectrogram streams computed
from Waveform PDS files by the das2 server for
Voyager 2 in:
- Calibrated PWS Spectrum Analyzer data from PDS4/CDF files for:
- Spectrograms from PWS Waveforms in PDS4/CDF files:
Interactive Plots via Custom PWS Apps
The following Java 1.8 programs provide access to Voyager Low-Rate
16-channel interactive plots and High-Rate wavefrom data. These versions
are standalone applications that do not require Java Web-start to function.
To use them, download one of the *.jar files below, figure out where
you put it, and "double-click" to run:
vgpws_lr-1.2.1-app.jar, a standalone
Voyager 16-channel interactive plotter that reads local PDS files
or from das2 streams.
vgpws_hr.jar, a standalone Voyager
Waveform interactive plotter that reads local PDS files or
from das2 streams.
Linux Note: You may have to set execute permission bits on the
downloaded files before the programs will run.