The University of Iowa
Donald A. Gurnett, (Gurnett requested change in status from PI to Co-I, effective Oct. 20, 2015)
William S. Kurth, PI (as of Oct. 20, 2015; previously Deputy PI)
George B. Hospodarsky
J. Douglas Menietti
Ann M. Persoon
University of Minnesota
Paul Kellogg (retired)
Keith Goetz (resigned)
Goddard Space Flight Center
Observatoire de Paris
University of Sheffield
- Les Woolliscroft * (deceased)
Hugo St. C. Alleyne (retired)
Austrian Academy of Science Space Research Institute
Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF-U)
University of Oslo
It is with our deepest regret that Les Woolliscroft passed away
on 12 March 1996. During the early stages of the Cassini
mission, Les contributed significantly to the RPWS investigation
through the development of data compression and other onboard
data processing algorithms.
- Karin Agren - IRFU, Sweden
- Mats Andre - IRFU, Sweden
- Nicolas Andre - CESR, Toulouse
- M.A. Balikhin - University of Sheffield
- Lars Blomberg - Royal Institution of Technology, Stockholm
- Mohammed Boudjada - Space Research Institute, Graz
- Niklas Edberg - IRFU, Sweden
- Anders Eriksson - IRFU, Sweden
- Marina Galand - Imperial College London
- Philippe Garnier - CESR/Toulouse
- Madeleine Holmberg - IRFU, Sweden
- Thomas Karlsson - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
- Tomoki Kimura - ISAS, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan
- Jean-Pierre Lebreton - CNRS-Orleans, France
- Jared Leisner - SDSE, LLC, NASA Planetary Science Division
- Nicole Meyer-Vernet - LESIA, Observatoire de Paris/Meudon
- Michel Moncuquet - Observatoire de Paris/Meudon
- Robert Mutel - University of Iowa
- Nojan Omidi - Solana Scientific
- Joseph Pagaran - Space Research Institute, Graz
- Mykhaylo Panchenko - Space Research Institute, Graz
- David Pisa - University of Iowa
- Svetlana Ratynskaia - Royal Inst., Stockholm
- Patricia Schippers - LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon
- Mohammad Shafiq - IRFU, Sweden
- Oleg Shebanits - Inst. of Space Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Ali Sulaiman - University of Iowa
- Ulrich Taubenschuss - Inst. of Space Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Zhenzhen Wang*
- Shengyi Ye - University of Iowa
* No longer working in space physics
Institutions Providing Hardware
RPWS receiver hardware was built in four locations:
- The University of Iowa
- Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France
- CETP, Velizy, France
- IRFU, Uppsala, Sweden
In addition, Iowa oversaw the procurement of the electric dipole
antenna system in coordination with Meudon.
If you are one of our colleagues and would like to link your
to a specific
URL, or provide your e-mail address, or modify the link to
home institution, please contact me.