The two companion spacecraft Pioneers 10 and 11 were launched in 1972 and 1973, respectively. They passed through the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter without damage, made the first-ever investigations at close range of the great outer planets Jupiter and Saturn and are now on escape trajectories out of the solar system.
Pioneer History
- Pioneer Odyssey from the NASA History Division
- Pioneer 11 Animation and Archive Footage
- Pioneer 10 Silver Anniversary (1997)
- A Lone Pioneer Paved the Way Past Saturn
- Pioneer 10 Status, February 1998
- Termination of Pioneer 10's Mission, February 2003
- The Passing of a True Pioneer: Professor James A. Van Allen, August 9, 2006
GTT Charged Particles Experiment
- Science Background
- Geiger Tube Telescope
- Investigators
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Solar Wind
- Publications
- Access to Data
More Pioneer Information
- NASA Pioneer Project Page
- Other Experiments
- The Pioneer 10 Plaque
- Coordinated Heliospheric Observations Data (COHOWeb at NSSDC)
- Heliocentric Trajectories for Selected Spacecraft, Planets, Comets
- PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions - Outer Planets Subnode