In celebration of the life of
Prof. James A. Van Allen
Hancher Auditorium, Iowa City, Iowa
Sunday, September 10, 2006; 3:00 p.m.
Gary C. Fethke
University of Iowa Interim President
Willard "Sandy" Boyd
University of Iowa Rawlings/Miller Professor of Law and former University of Iowa President
Donald A. Gurnett
University of Iowa James A. Van Allen/Roy J. Carver Professor of Physics
Stamatios M. "Tom" Krimigis
Johns Hopkins University/APL Space Science Head Emeritus
Craig A. Kletzing
University of Iowa Professor of Physics
Margot Van Allen Cairns
Daughter of James A. and Abigail Van Allen
Peter Van Allen
Son of James A. and Abigail Van Allen
Cynthia Van Allen-Schaffner
Daughter of James A. and Abigail Van Allen
Gary C. Fethke
(Closing Remarks)
Delbert Disselhorst
University of Iowa Professor of Music
The Mark of One Man
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Last updated October 5, 2006.
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