In Memoriam: James A. Van Allen
by Gary C. Fethke
University of Iowa Interim President
Closing Remarks
When James Van Allen passed away, reports of his death and
remembrances of his accomplishments flashed literally across the world:
from Iowa City to Kansas City, from Mount Pleasant to the Mount Wilson
Observatory, from Ladora to London, from Bettendorf to Beijing.
James Van Allen will always be with us as part of the scientific world, and
he will always be with us at The University of Iowa. I would like to close
by sharing with you such sentiments as expressed by L.A. Fisk, Chair of
the Space Studies Board of the National Academies, in a letter to me:
"It is with profound sadness, but in celebration for a life well lived,
that the Space Studies Board of the National Research Council
acknowledges the death of its friend and colleague, Professor
James Van Allen. Professor Van Allen was the pioneer who led
this nation and the world into the scientific exploration of space.
"There will be many accolades for Professor Van Allen's unique
and significant accomplishments. One, however, that we would like
to acknowledge is his role in establishing the nation's research
universities, such as the University of Iowa, as the source of
innovation in the pursuit of space science. It was to the University
of Iowa that the nation looked when an innovative experiment was
needed for Explorer-1, and that set the precedent that the scientific
talent at universities could be the driving force in the scientific
exploration of space.
"The passing of the great pioneers of the space age is a time of
rededication to the principles of excellence that they established,
and we do so in memory of our colleague James Van Allen.
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