In understanding mysteries of Jupiter, Juno has been orbiting around the planet since 2016. In 2021, I am appointed a co-investigator of the Juno mission. My research interests include auroras and lightning at Jupiter.
Utilizing a bow-tie antenna called a LWA antenna, we are now building a new low-frequency radio telescope in Niyodo, Kochi, Japan. With the initial equipments including three LWA antennas, we have been performing some observations for the low-frequency radio astronomy.
LWA stands for Long Wavelength Array, organized by the University of New Mexico. With the approved 11 LWA proposals, we collected a gigantic data for Jupiter radio observations from LWA-1 and LWA-Sevilleta stations. Via das2 server, we are providing these data to the community, which can be handled with Autoplot.
KOSEN-1 is the first CubeSat developed by 10 colleges of National Institute of Technology, Japan. We are in charge of developing Jupiter Radio Receiver System and operating its CubeSat from the ground-tracking stations after the successful launch on November 9, 2021.
Following the succeser of KOSEN-1, KOSEN-2 is the second 2U CubeSat. Our laboratory develops Mission Instrument Control and Assisted Components, which allow to control USB devices and use a Tiny 2040 microcontroller.
In the scope of all student participants in 51 colleges of KOSEN, we have been offering a various kinds of space education programs, including KOSEN space academia, KOSEN CubeSat development and operation and all KOSEN space contest. These programs cover various student level from beginners to experts.