My portrait in 2022.

Masafumi Imai

Research Scientist

Department of Space Physics

Institute of Atmospheric Physics

The Czech Academy of Sciences

Bocni II 1401, 14100 Prague 4, Czechia

Research Projects

Photo of celebrating the arrival of Juno at Jupiter in 20216.

NASA Juno mission to Jupiter (2016-)

In understanding mysteries of Jupiter, Juno has been orbiting around the planet since 2016. In 2021, I am appointed a co-investigator of the Juno mission. My research interests include auroras and lightning at Jupiter.

Photo of LWA antennas in Niyodo on October 4, 2021.

LWA-Niyodo (2020-)

Utilizing a bow-tie antenna called a LWA antenna, we are now building a new low-frequency radio telescope in Niyodo, Kochi, Japan. With the initial equipments including three LWA antennas, we have been performing some observations for the low-frequency radio astronomy.

Autoplot retrieving LWA1 Jupiter data.

LWA Jupiter Data Server (2020-)

LWA stands for Long Wavelength Array, organized by the University of New Mexico. With the approved 11 LWA proposals, we collected a gigantic data for Jupiter radio observations from LWA-1 and LWA-Sevilleta stations. Via das2 server, we are providing these data to the community, which can be handled with Autoplot.

Photo of a SDR experiment with KOSEN-1 Jupiter dipole antenna in 2021.

KOSEN-1 CubeSat Mission (2019-)

KOSEN-1 is the first CubeSat developed by 10 colleges of National Institute of Technology, Japan. We are in charge of developing Jupiter Radio Receiver System and operating its CubeSat from the ground-tracking stations after the successful launch on November 9, 2021.

Photo of BBM, EM, and FM of KOSEN-2 Mission Instrument Control Component.

KOSEN-2 CubeSat Mission (2020-)

Following the succeser of KOSEN-1, KOSEN-2 is the second 2U CubeSat. Our laboratory develops Mission Instrument Control and Assisted Components, which allow to control USB devices and use a Tiny 2040 microcontroller.

Education Projects

Concept of offering three programs in space engineering for all KOSEN students.

KOSEN Education in Space Engineering (2020-2024)

In the scope of all student participants in 51 colleges of KOSEN, we have been offering a various kinds of space education programs, including KOSEN space academia, KOSEN CubeSat development and operation and all KOSEN space contest. These programs cover various student level from beginners to experts.