CASSINI Spacecraft Attitude tool
The VSE, GSE, JSE, and SSE coordinate systems are all defined as:
Planetary Solar Ecliptic, Planet centered X=Sun, V2=Orbital normal.
X - Along the Planet->Sun line (S), positive towards the Sun.
Y - V2 x X
Z - Parallel to the Planetary orbital plane upward normal.
The Solar Ecliptic Spacecraft Axes Matrix is similar to these Planetary
Solar Ecliptic systems, with the X-Y plane in the Ecliptic.
The X-axis is defined by the intersection of the Ecliptic Plane
and the Earth's Dynamic Equator at the Jan. 1, 2000, epoch. That is, it is
the X-axis of the J2000 coordinate system. The Z-axis is the Ecliptic normal.
The SSQ coordinate system is Saturn Solar Equatorial, defined as follows:
Saturn Solar Equatorial, Saturn centered Z=Omega, V2=Saturn-Sun vector.
X - In the Saturn->Sun plane, positive towards the Sun.
Y - Z x X
Z - Northward spin axis of Saturn.
For more information, see
Cassini Attitude.