All requests for VIS image data processing should go to the NASA Goddard
SpaceFlight Center's CDAWeb Site
- Check the Source to be Polar
- Check the Instrument Type to be Imaging and Remote Sensing (ITM/Earth)
- Click on the Submit button
- From the Data Selector page: Click on the CLEAR ALL checkboxes link
- Pick which Comprehensive VIS data set(s) you want to work with:
- PO_VIS_EARTH-CAMERA-CALIBRATED for Processing options available for EC Images
- PO_VIS_VISIBLE-IMAGER-CALIBRATEDfor Processing options available for Visible Images
- Click on the Submit button
- Follow the instructions to specify date ranges and processing options for the data to be processed.
Last Modified: Saturday, 21-Sep-2024 14:39:44 CDT