Copyright 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Reprinted by permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers.

7. PWI Key Parameters

Key parameters for the Plasma Wave Investigation will be derived from the SFR data using the Eu electric antenna and the magnetic loop antenna. Each PWI key parameter file will contain the epoch time, a real value provided by the Central Data Handling Facility and converted to time of day in units of day, month, year, hour, minute, and second. Each key parameter file will also contain 24 hours of electric and magnetic amplitudes in 160 logarithmically spaced frequencies. Both average and peak values of the electric and magnetic field amplitudes will be calculated for each 5-minute interval of the day. The key parameter file will also contain the electron cyclotron frequency and selected spacecraft orbit parameters at the mid-point of each averaging interval.

A list of the PWI key parameters contained in each record is given in Table 8. It is expected that the key parameter data will provide the user with electric and magnetic spectrum measurements suitable for identifying events of interest. The key parameter data will be made routinely available to the scientific community through the Central Data Handling Facility.