October 27, 2000.
Rockwell Collins Representative visits MARSIS prototype testing
area at the U. of Iowa.
November 7, 2000.
Balloon flight equipment used to take antenna
impedance measurements. Photos taken in Dept. of Physics and
Astronomy fabrication laboratory at the U. of Iowa.
November 21, 2000.
Sample MARSIS antenna impedance measurements were taken during a
balloon flight that originated from a launching area in Ames,
Iowa, in collaboration with Iowa State University staff members.
The balloon/equipment package was recovered near
What Cheer, Iowa, after a 78-mile flight that lasted
approximately 60 minutes.
April 25, 2001.
MARSIS antenna impedance verification test, Fort Collins,
June 4, 2001.
MARSIS antenna impedance verification test, Fort Collins,
September 16, 2001.
MARSIS antenna impedance verification test, Fort Collins,
January 2002.
Preship preparations of main electronics box, Iowa City,
March 2002.
MARSIS instrument integration. Rome, Italy.
June 2002.
Radiated power test of MARSIS transmitter and antenna.
Liberty Labs, Kimballton, Iowa.