Copyright 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Reprinted by permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers.


This article is dedicated to the memory of the late S. D. Shawhan who was the original Principal Investigator of this investigation when proposed in 1980, to the late R. R. Shaw who was the Project Manager of the plasma wave instrument, and to the late C. K. Goertz who was a Co-Investigator. The authors extend their thanks to the personnel of the University of Iowa Electronics and Machine Shops who fabricated the PWI; to the University of Iowa software engineers who developed the flight and test software: R. Brechwald, C. Herscovici, and W. Robison; to the University of Iowa engineers and technicians who designed and assembled the PWI: M. Bailey, R. Barrie, R. Beall, E. Kruse, S. Kutcher, R. Wenman, and H. Zimmon; and to the project personnel at the University of California, Berkeley, who were responsible for the design and testing of the electric antennas: P. Harvey, D. Pankow, and J. Wygant. This effort is supported by NASA contract NAS5-30371 with the Goddard Space Flight Center.


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