The following DE PWI data products are available through the SPDF: calibrated amplitude values from each of the Step Frequency Receivers (SFR) and the Low Frequency Correlator (LFC), the SFR and LFC measurements of the phase between signals from a given pair of antennas, and the DC electric field values (1-8 Hz) both parallel and perpendicular to the projection of the ambient magnetic field vector in the spacecraft spin plane for the period 81259 - 84175. Depending on the antenna configuration, the amplitude values of both the electric field and magnetic field components have been archived. The user is referred to the FORMAT.SFD and SSCDOC.SFD documents for a complete description of the archiving software and the output files.
The available data are uncalibrated binary (MSB "big-endian" integers only) files which are also available from this site. A compressed tar archive including portable FORTRAN code, a Python wraper, and Makefiles for Linux and Solaris, can be used to build software to extract calibrated units from these files. The data file format is described in FORMAT.SFD and the example source code and its output are described in SSCDOC.SFD. The FORTRAN code is well documented and includes data statements containing all necessary calibration information. The main program is contained in the file pwi.f, with extraction and calibration subroutines in libr.f, and utility subroutines in util.f. (See comments in util.f concerning possible non-portable options in an OPEN statement.) In addition, the calibration tables referenced in FORMAT.SFD are available separately.
DE PWI data products available at the University of Iowa include: electric and magnetic field spectrograms and phase plots from the LFC and SFR; digitized waveform data from the WBR for selected events; and spectrograms of the digitized wideband data, taken from the long-wire antenna. The electric and magnetic field frequency-time spectrograms from the LFC and SFR data are available in GIF file format in two-hour intervals for the period 81259- 84175. Approximately 10% - 15% of the WBR data are digitized and archived in 1-minute binary data files which are available on-line. Frequency-time electric field spectrograms of the Fourier-transformed WBR data are also available in GIF file format.
PWI data products available online at The University of Iowa include:
- SFR-A 2-hour spectrogram plots
- SFR-B 2-hour spectrogram plots
- SFR/LFC phase 2-hour spectrogram plots
- Copies of the CD-R archive volumes containing binary data files
- WBR 1kHz summary spectrogram plots
- WBR 10kHz summary spectrogram plots
- WBR 40kHz summary spectrogram plots
- Copies of the DVD-R archive volumes containing binary data files, documents, and software
For further information on SFR, LFC, and WBR data, contact Ann Persoon (
A few limited samples of LWR analog data have been digitized and archived on 8mm Exabyte tapes, available in a PDS-like format. For information on available LWR data and access to the archived data products residing at Stanford University, interested users should contact Umran Inan (