The Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite, CRRES, was a joint program of NASA and the Department of Defense launched in July of 1990. The spacecraft was placed in a highly elliptical orbit and conducted uniqely active experiments involving the release of chemicals at various locations where the complex interactions between solar radiation and the fields and particles in Earth's magnetosphere could be observed. Roger R. Anderson of The University of Iowa was the PI of the Plasma Wave Experiment on CRRES which was part of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory's SPACERAD project. The mission ended in October of 1991.
- CRRES information from NSSDC
- CRRES Publications
- Handbook
- Press Kit
- The Development of Static and Dynamic Models of the Earth's Radiation Belt Environment Through the Study of Plasma Waves, Wave-Particle Interactions and Plasma Number Densities from In Situ Observations in the Earth's Magnetosphere with the CRRES SPACERAD Instruments
- Java tool for browsing survey plots
- Survey plots by orbit