Cluster 1 2003-10-31 22:00:00.0352520000014 Cluster on board time (OBT) correction not applied Column Information: 1 Seconds after Start Time 2 Calibrated WBD E-Field (mV/m) or B-Field (nT) 3 Clipped: 0=no, 1=yes 4 Bandwidth (kHz) 5 Conversion (kHz) 6 Gain (dB) 7 Antenna (Note: Ez or Ey for electric field, Bx or By for magnetic field. Data were calibrated using physical length of the antenna.) 8 Resolution 9 Sampling Frequency (Hz) 10 Data Capture Mode (TDA8 is direct transmission to the ground; BM2-DF and BM2-DC are recorded onboard using digital filtering or duty cycling, respectively. 11 Usable bandwidth (kHz): outside this limit data cannot be accurately calibrated and are possibly aliased. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It is not advisable to use the 1090 samples of data just before and just after any mode switch (such as Bandwidth, Conversion, Antenna, Resolution). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To convert data to frequency domain: a. For E-field divide by 1000.0 to get V/m b. Apply window, if any, of preference (Hanning, etc.) c. Divide data values by sqrt(2) d. Perform FFT (any number of points for bandwidth of 9.5 kHz, maximum size of 2180(1090) continuous samples in TDA8(BM2) for 19 and 77 kHz) e. Divide by noise bandwidth (sampling frequency/FFT size) f. Multiply by appropriate constant for window used, if any --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0.00000000000e+00 3.05866e+00 0 9.5 0.000 5 Ey 8-bit 27443.04 TDA8 9.5 3.64391081651e-05 3.23080e+00 0 9.5 0.000 5 Ey 8-bit 27443.04 TDA8 9.5 7.28782163303e-05 3.23080e+00 0 9.5 0.000 5 Ey 8-bit 27443.04 TDA8 9.5 1.09317324495e-04 3.40293e+00 0 9.5 0.000 5 Ey 8-bit 27443.04 TDA8 9.5