Cassini RPWS Investigation
Outreach Activities

Articles & Broadcasts
Photos & Thank Yous
Sounds of Space
Education & Public Outreach 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2017 2018 2019-present

  1. Spacecraft Models, Scientific Instruments, Photos, and Project Summaries of University of Iowa Space Physics Projects, Van Allen Hall, University of Iowa Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa City, Iowa, August 1978-present.
  2. Physics Demonstrations and Space Physics Project Summaries, Jay Ansher, Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, Iowa, August 12-14, 1998.
  3. The Iowa Space Pioneers Exhibit, in the Old Capitol Mall, Iowa City, Iowa, July 20, 1998 - May 31, 1999. Included: model of the Cassini antenna mechanism, photos, and project information.
  4. Space: Past, Present, Future - The Iowa Space Pioneers, Cedar Rapids Science Station, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 17, 1999 - December 31, 1999. Included: model of the Cassini antenna mechanism, photos, and project information.
  5. Space Trek: The Iowa Space Pioneers, Science Center of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa, January 15, 2000 - June 11, 2000. Included: model of the Cassini antenna mechanism, photos, and project information.
  6. Space: Past, Present, Future: The Iowa Space Pioneers, Bluedorn Science Imaginarium, Waterloo, Iowa, June 20, 2000 - October 20, 2000. Included: model of the Cassini antenna mechanism, photos, and project information.
  7. Space: Past, Present, Future - The Iowa Space Pioneers, Sanford Museum and Planetarium, Cherokee, Iowa, January 4, 2001 - July 18, 2001. Included: model of the Cassini antenna mechanism, photos, and project information.
  8. University of Iowa Space Physics Research, William Kurth, George Hospodarsky, Doug Menietti, Mike Mitchell, Mike Fountain, Jean Hospodarsky, and Kathy Kurth, Fly Iowa 2001, Iowa City Regional Airport, Iowa City, Iowa, August 25-26, 2001. Included: Cassini antenna assembly, Cassini spacecraft model, photos, and project information.
  9. Sights and Sounds of Space Physics, William Kurth, George Hospodarsky, and Kathy Kurth, Iowa State Fair (~500 people), Des Moines, Iowa, August 13, 2002.
  10. University of Iowa Space Research, George Hospodarsky, William Kurth, William Robison, Ondrej Santolik, Jean Hospodarsky, and Kathy Kurth, Fly Iowa 2003 (~500 people), Eastern Iowa Airport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 5-6, 2003. (Featured the Cassini and Mars Express missions)
  11. Exploring Saturn and Mars, Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, Iowa, August 12-22, 2004. Main gate attendance totaled more than one million people. The Iowa State Fair was (a) recognized twice as Iowa's Tourism Event of the Year; (b) named in 2004 USA Weekend Magazine's number two place that Americans go to have fun; and (c) in June 2004 Esquire magazine as the "best state fair" in its list of "15 superlative things to experience before Labor Day." Although Cassini, Mars Express, and Mars Rovers were featured in one segment of the exhibit, another portion of the exhibit included brief information on all U. of Iowa space research projects and also student research opportunities.
  12. Space Research at the University of Iowa (booth), George Hospodarsky, TrekFest, Riverside, Iowa, June 24, 2006. (Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express, HCIPE,Cluster, Polar, Galileo)
  13. Space Research at the University of Iowa, Summer Reading Program, Iowa City Public Library, Iowa City, Iowa, July 1-Aug. 21, 2006. (Cassini, Voyager, Mars Express, Polar, Cluster, Galileo)
  14. Exploring Gas Giants with the Cassini and Juno Spacecraft, Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, Iowa, August 14, 2007. Main gate attendance totaled more than one million people; staff interacted with hundreds of visitors. Supporting the booth were: Bill Kurth, George Hospodarsky, and Kathy Kurth from the U. of Iowa Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, and the Juno Educational Outreach team. (Cassini and Juno).
  15. University of Iowa Space Research: Past, Present, Future, a three-panel display that accompanied a NASA exhibit "Visions of the Universe" at the Drake Public Library, Grinnell, Iowa, January 15 - March 26, 2010. Voyager, Cassini, and Mars Express were the current projects featured in the display.
  16. Iowa Space Pioneers, a companion display to the visiting NASA|Art: 50 Years of Exploration exhibit at the Figge Museum, Davenport, Iowa. Cassini was one of 11 featured projects. July 14-Oct. 7, 2012.
  17. Iowa Space Pioneers and the James Van Allen Legacy, coordinated by Kathy Kurth, Dale Stille, and Mike Thornburg, U. of Iowa display at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. A display summarizing the space research legacy of James Van Allen and the space pioneers that followed in his footsteps. Display includes historical space artifacts and photos, and posters featuring select past, present, and future U. of Iowa space research missions. Oct. 11-18, 2013.
  18. University of Iowa Space Research: Past, Present, Future, a display in Van Allen Hall lecture room lobby, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 6, 2011 - Sept. 2015. Cassini was one of six projects featured in the display.
  19. University of Iowa Space Research: Past, Present, Future, a display in Van Allen Hall lecture room lobby, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 16-17, 2015. Cassini was one of six current projects featured in the display.
  20. University of Iowa Space Research: Past, Present, Future, a display in Van Allen Hall lecture room lobby, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, during the U. of Iowa Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Annual Public Demo Night, March 11, 2016. Cassini was one of six current projects featured in the display.
  21. Hawkeyes in Space, exhibit in Old Capitol Museum, University of Iowa campus, Iowa City, Iowa, Sept. 16, 2016 - Sept. 15, 2017. Exhibit summarizes the University of Iowa participation in space exploration from the 1950s to current projects. A Cassini spacecraft model, the Cassini RPWS antenna mechanism, and project information are included in the exhibit.
  22. Cassini Mission Summary and Spacecraft Model, display in Van Allen Hall lobby, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 6, 2004 - present. Cassini is one of six current projects featured in the display.
  23. Hawkeyes in Space, exhibit in Science Center, Des Moines, Iowa, Sept. 16, 2018 - present day. Exhibit features several University of Iowa space physics exploration projects from the 1950s to current operating projects. A Cassini spacecraft model, the Cassini RPWS antenna mechanism, and project information are included in the exhibit.

Articles and Broadcasts:
  1. JPL Workers Log Milestone in Cassini Development, Space News, March 11-17, 1996. Photo of RPWS antenna mechanism integration and an article discussing that the RPWS instrumentation was the first scientific instrument to be assembled onto the Cassini spacecraft.
  2. First Science Instrument Installed on Cassini, Aviation Week, March 18, 1996. Photo of the Cassini RPWS antenna extension test at JPL and an article discussing the installation of RPWS scientific instrumentation onto the Cassini spacecraft.
  3. University of Iowa Staff to Explore Saturn Using Cassini Spacecraft, in Illumine,University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1998. An article and Cassini launch photo in Illumine, which is a University of Iowa periodical summarizing research, scholarship, and creative activity at the University of Iowa.
  4. Donald Gurnett: Space Dreams, in The University of Iowa Annual Report, presented by U. of Iowa President Mary Sue Coleman, 1997-1998. A Cassini antenna mechanism photo and article about Prof. Gurnett and the history of space research at the U. of Iowa.
  5. Sights and Sounds of Jupiter, William Kurth participated in a live Webcast from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, January 22, 2001. Scientists from California, University of Iowa, and Colorado discussed information gathered by the scientific instrumentation on the Cassini and Galileo spacecraft during the Jupiter Millennium Flyby on December 30, 2000. Students asked questions of the scientists during the Webcast via the internet.
  6. Iowa State Fair Preview - Sights and Sounds of Space Physics, Live broadcast from University of Iowa WSUI "Iowa Talks" radio studio, Iowa City, Iowa, August 7, 2002. William Kurth gave a brief narrative summary of the space physics display to be in the University of Iowa booth at the Iowa State Fair. Sample sounds of space were played for the interviewers and audience. (Cassini, Cluster, Galileo, Voyager, Polar)
  7. The Musical Sounds of Space: Kronos Quartet Performs Music Based on Distant Signals, National Public Radio Morning Edition, January 23, 2003. Interviews with Don Gurnett, Terry Riley, and David Harrington, summarizing the NASA commissioning and creation of Sun Rings, which is multimedia collaboration between art and science based on sounds of space collected by Don Gurnett over a 40-year period.
  8. Cassini Spacecraft Captures Sounds of Solar Storm, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory news release, Nov. 3, 2003. Article includes comments by University of Iowa Prof. Don Gurnett, and features sounds generated from data collected by the U. of Iowa Cassini RPWS instrument.
  9. Cassini Reveals Saturn's Eerie-Sounding Radio Emissions, University of Iowa news release by Gary Galluzzo, July 25, 2005. Article features comments by University of Iowa Don Gurnett and Bill Kurth about 2005 Cassini research results.
  10. Sounds of Space, BBC, Radio 4 Today, June 6, 2006. Interviews with Don Gurnett and Bill Kurth about sounds of space.
  11. Saturn's Largest Sphere, NASA Solar System Exploration Science and Technology Highlights, Science Feature, January 2007. Web feature by William S. Kurth, Cassini RPWS, University of Iowa.
  12. Saturn's Giant Sponge, NASA Press Release, February 2008. Narrative discussion provided by Cassini RPWS Investigator William M. Farrell/GSFC.
  13. NASA Spacecraft Tracks Raging Saturn Storm, NASA Press Release, April 2008. Narrative discussion provided by Cassini RPWS team member Georg Fischer/U. of Iowa.
  14. Ask a NASA Cassini Scientist, Students (90 students; 10 teachers) from six schools called in questions about Cassini, June 4, 2008. George Hospodarsky and five other Cassini scientists responded to questions.
  15. Saturn's Radio Broadcasters Mapped in 3-D for the First Time, European Planetary Science Congress Outreach Report, 2008. Web feature by Baptiste Cecconi, LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France.
  16. Cassini Scientist for a Day, George Hospodarsky participated in a live interactive conference call between scientists and elementary school students who asked questions about Cassini and Saturn. October 22, 2009.
  17. Modulation Periods of Saturn Kilometric Radiation in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres of Saturn, News & Features: Cassini Top 10 Science Highlights -- 2009, February 3, 2010. Web feature by D. Gurnett and W. Kurth, Cassini RPWS, University of Iowa.
  18. Saturn's First Dive Inside Saturn's Aurora, EuroPlanet Research Infrastructure Report, September 2010. Web feature by Laurent Lamy, LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France.

  19. History of Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Honors First-Year Seminar, Iowa and the Space Race: The Legacy of James A. Van Allen (16 students), University of Iowa Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Nov. 11, 2015.
  20. Recent University of Iowa Space Research, Don Kirchner, Iowa City Optimists Club (30 members), Iowa City, Iowa, Dec. 8, 2015.
  21. UI Readies for Cassini Finale, University of Iowa news release by Richard C. Lewis, with photo by Justin Torner, November 11, 2016. Features some of the University of Iowa Cassini RPWS research team: Don Gurnett, Bill Kurth, George Hospodarsky, Doug Menietti, and Ann Persoon.
  22. UI, NASA Combine on Saturn Project, Daily Iowan article by Anna Kayser, Dec. 13, 2016. Features comments by U. of Iowa scientists George Hospodarsky and Bill Kurth, and by Cassini Project Manager Linda Spilker from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

  23. Cassini's Final Spins Around Saturn Bittersweet for U-I Researcher, Radio Iowa interview by Matt Kelley with University of Iowa Bill Kurth, April. 25, 2017.
  24. Cassini Finds 'The Big Empty' Close to Saturn, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory news release, April 30, 2017. Article includes comments by University of Iowa staff.
  25. The 'Sounds' of Space as NASA's Cassini Dives by Saturn, New York Times article by Kenneth Chang, May 3, 2017. A summary of the results from the first dive between Saturn and its rings.
  26. UI Researchers 'Listen' To Planet Saturn with Instrument on Spacecraft, Cedar Rapids KCRG TV News report by Ethan Fickau, May 11, 2017, featuring comments by University of Iowa scientists George Hospodarsky and Bill Kurth and French scientist Philippe Zarka.
  27. Unlocking Saturn's Mysteries with Sound, Iowa Public Radio Interview with University of Iowa Cassini scientist Bill Kurth, June 13, 2017.
  28. Cassini To Wrap Up 20-Year Space Mission With Fiery Friday Finale, Radio Iowa interview by Matt Kelley with University of Iowa Bill Kurth, Sept. 14, 2017.
  29. Cassini Vanishes Into Saturn, Its Mission Celebrated and Mourned, New York Times article by Kenneth Chang, Sept. 14-15, 2017, mentions U. of Iowa team studying Cassini's final signals.
  30. This Is the Way Cassini Ends, The Atlantic report by M. Koren, Sept. 15, 2017.
  31. Cassini Wraps Up 20-Year Space Mission With Fiery Finale, KGLO CBS Radio News report by B. Fischer, Sept. 15, 2017.
  32. Cassini Space Craft To Bid Adieu, Directed On a Crash Course With Saturn with University of Iowa Instrument On Board, Cedar Rapids Gazette article by Vanessa Miller, Sept. 15, 2017.
  33. Cassini Gave UI Scientists Front-Row Seat During 'Wildly Successful' Mission, Iowa City Press Citizen/Des Moines Register article by J. Charis-Carlson, Sept. 15, 2017.
  34. Six Saturn Secrets Revealed, University of Iowa news release by Richard C. Lewis, Sept. 14, 2017; and reprinted by other news media outlets including article featuring University of Iowa Cassini research results.
  35. Univ. of Iowa Professor Served as Engineer on Destroyed Cassini Spacecraft, Cedar Rapids KCRG TV interview by Josh Scheinblum with University of Iowa Cassini engineer Don Kirchner, Sept. 15, 2017.
  36. UI Researchers Reflect On End of 20-Year Cassini Mission to Saturn, Daily Iowan article by Brooklyn Draisey, Sept. 19, 2017. Featuring comments by U. of Iowa Cassini scientist George Hospodarsky and U. of Iowa Cassini engineer Don Kirchner.
  37. Cassini's Legacy in Print (PDF), by J. Lunn, M. Liemohm, M. M. Moldwin, and E.P. Turtle, EOS, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, Sept. 20, 2017. (Two of the four most-cited Cassini papers published between 1997 and 2017 in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics are authored by Cassini RPWS team members and featured in this article.)
  38. Center of the Universe, by Shelbi Thomas, interview featuring Don Gurnett's involvement in space research projects, Iowa Alumni Magazine, Iowa City, Iowa, Sept. 2017.
  39. Listen: Sound of Electromagnetic Energy Moving Between Saturn, Enceladus, NASA JPL News, July 9, 2018.
  40. Saturn's Eerie Song: Scientists Reveal the Spooky Sounds Emitted by the Strange Bond Between the Gas Giant and Its Moon Enceladus, by Tim Collins for MailOnline, July 10, 2018.
  41. Four Things We Now Know About Saturn, article by J. Barbuzano, includes a comment by Laurent Lamy, Sky and Telescope, Oct. 5, 2018.

Education and Public Outreach
  1. A Perspective of the Value of Space Research, Donald A. Gurnett, Thirty-Third Annual Iowa Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, February 17, 1995.
  2. Exploring the Outer Planets with Voyager, Galileo, and Cassini, Donald A. Gurnett, Wabash Valley Soaring Association, Vincennes, Illinois, March 4, 1995.
  3. Overview of University of Iowa Plasma Wave Research Projects, George B. Hospodarsky, Cedar Rapids Science Station, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 22, 1995.


  4. Space and Our Solar System: University of Iowa's Contribution Toward the Collection of this Information, Michael A. Mitchell, Third Grade Class, Steward Lower Elementary School, Washington, Iowa, April 2, 1996.
  5. Career as a Space Physicist; University of Iowa Space Physics Projects, George B. Hospodarsky, Iowa City Northwest Jr. High School Extended Learning Seminar, Coralville, Iowa, April 15, 1996.
  6. University of Iowa Plasma Wave Group Science and Hardware Development Activities , William S. Kurth and Michael A. Mitchell, Space Science and Engineering Program for High School Students, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, June 17, 1996.
  7. Magnetospheric Physics, Donald A. Gurnett, Korean Science Teachers' Overseas Training Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, August 7, 1996.
  8. Overview of University of Iowa Space Physics Hardware Projects and Demonstration of Data Reduction and Data Displays, Robert L. Brechwald, Larry J. Granroth, Joe B. Groene, Richard Huff, Michael A. Mitchell, Jolene S. Pickett, Korean Science Teachers' Overseas Training Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, August 8, 1996.
  9. Space Research Project Summaries and Information About the Solar System, coordinated by Kathy Kurth, Urbandale Elementary School, Iowa City, Iowa, September 11, 1996.
  10. Tours of University of Iowa Plasma Wave Hardware and Data Analysis Facilities, Computer-Driven Telescope Laboratory, and North Liberty Radio Observatory, William S. Kurth, J. Douglas Menietti, Michael A. Mitchell, Larry J. Granroth, Robert Mutel, Monticello High School Physics Classes, Iowa City, Iowa, October 7, 1996.
  11. Overview of the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science Investigation, Donald A. Gurnett, JPL Employee Inreach Noon Luncheon Series, October 30, 1996.


  12. Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa: Discussion of Projects, Steps of Hardware Development, Launch Videos, and Laboratory Tour , Terry F. Averkamp, Iowa City Cub Scout Pack 251, Iowa City, Iowa, February 6, 1997.
  13. Galileo Mission and Recent Space Physics and Astronomy Topics, J. Douglas Menietti, Regina Elementary 4th Grade Science Class, Iowa City, Iowa, February 18, 1997.
  14. Brief Overview of the Cassini RPWS Investigation, Terry F. Averkamp, Iowa Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, February 20, 1997.
  15. Overview of University of Iowa Plasma Wave Space Physics Hardware and Data Analysis Efforts, George B. Hospodarsky, William S. Kurth, Iowa Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Iowa City, Iowa, February 21, 1997.
  16. University of Iowa Space Research Projects, Donald A. Gurnett, Richard Skorton, Dan Goldin (NASA Administrator), Congressman Boswell, Grinnell, Iowa, April 2, 1997.
  17. Overview of University of Iowa's Space Physics History, Michael A. Mitchell, University of Iowa Engineering Group, Iowa City, Iowa, April 7, 1997.
  18. Overview of University of Iowa Space Physics Hardware Projects, Chad Thompson, Robert Johnson, Kathy Kurth, Prospective U. of Iowa Undergraduate Students, Iowa City, Iowa, April 8, 1997.
  19. Overview of University of Iowa's Participation in Space Physics, Michael A. Mitchell, Fourth Grade Class, Washington, Iowa, April 11, 1997.
  20. Career in a Space Research Area: University of Iowa Space Physics Projects, William S. Kurth, Iowa City Northwest Jr. High Extending Learning Seminar, Coralville, Iowa, May 14, 1997.
  21. Career in a Space Research Area; Tour of University of Iowa Space Physics Laboratory, William S. Kurth, Iowa City Northwest Jr. High Extending Learning Seminar, Iowa City, Iowa, May 15, 1997.
  22. Magnetospheric Physics, Donald A. Gurnett, Korean Teachers' Overseas Training Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 21, 1997.
  23. Overview of Space Physics Research Hardware and Data Analysis Projects, William S. Kurth, Michael A Mitchell, Larry Granroth, University of Iowa PIVOT Program for High School Students, Iowa City, Iowa, July 21, 1997.
  24. Magnetospheric Physics, Donald A. Gurnett, Korean Teachers' Overseas Training Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 31, 1997.
  25. Overview of Hardware Projects and Data Analysis Displays, Larry Granroth, J. Doug Menietti, Joe Groene, Michael A. Mitchell, Richard L. Huff, Steven L. Remington, Korean Teachers' Overseas Training Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 31, 1997.
  26. Overview of the Plasma Wave Group Hardware and Data Analysis Efforts, William S. Kurth, Society of Physics Students, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, September 9, 1997.
  27. Provided information on the Cassini project, Donald Kirchner, Cathedral School Science Classes, October 1, 1997.
  28. Overview of Planets and Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, Extending Learning Program, Lincoln Elementary School, Iowa City, Iowa, December 1, 1997.
  29. University of Iowa Involvement in Space Research; Women in Aeronautics, Terry Averkamp, Michael Mitchell, Junior Girl Scout Troop 2226, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, December 3, 1997.


  30. Search for Life in Our Solar System, Donald A. Gurnett, First Lutheran Church Adult Education Class, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 1, 1998.
  31. Forty Years of Experimental Space Research at the University of Iowa Explorer , Donald A. Gurnett, Experimental Aircraft Association, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 6, 1998.
  32. Described the job of a space physics scientist and described the Cassini mission, George Hospodarsky, Solon Elementary School First Grade and Kindergarten Groups, February 26, 1998.
  33. Tour of the space plasma physics area and brief descriptions of projects, George Hospodarsky, Prospective Physics and Astronomy Student, Iowa City, Iowa, March 18, 1998.
  34. Tour of space physics area and brief descriptions of projects, George Hospodarsky, Prospective Physics and Astronomy Students, Iowa City, Iowa, March 23, 1998.
  35. Exploring the Outer Planets, Donald A. Gurnett, University of Iowa Retirees Association, Iowa City, Iowa, May 8, 1998.
  36. Overview of space physics research hardware and data analysis projects, William S. Kurth, Michael A. Mitchell, Larry Granroth, University of Iowa PIVOT Program for High School Students, Iowa City, Iowa, July 22, 1998.
  37. Physics demonstrations and project reviews, Jay Ansher, Iowa State Fair, August 13, 1998.
  38. Overview of University of Iowa's participation in space physics research and possible opportunities for student jobs, George Hospodarsky, University of Iowa Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Orientation, Iowa City, Iowa, August 20, 1998.
  39. Magnetospheric Physics, Donald A. Gurnett, Korean Science Teachers' Program, Iowa City, Iowa, September 29, 1998.
  40. Discussion of NASA's current and future space missions, George Hospodarsky, ICON Science Fiction Convention, Coralville, Iowa, October 17, 1998.
  41. Planetary Exploration, Donald A. Gurnett, Korean Science Teachers' Program, Iowa City, Iowa November 11, 1998.
  42. Forty Years of Space Research at The University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, University of Iowa Legislative Day for Alumni Advocates, Iowa City, Iowa, November 13, 1998.
  43. Discussion about stars, planets, satellites and spacecraft, Terry Averkamp, Lemme Elementary 3rd Grade, Iowa City, Iowa, November 24, 1998.
  44. Discussion about antennas on Hawkeye, Polar, and Cassini, Donald Kirchner, Iowa City Amateur Radio Club, December 9, 1998.


  45. Exploration of the Outer Planets, Donald A. Gurnett, The QB Society, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 1, 1999.
  46. University of Iowa's Participation in Space Physics and Job Duties of a Space Scientist, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Junior High Extended Learning Program, Coralville, Iowa, April 6, 1999.
  47. Forty Years of Space Research, Donald A. Gurnett, Des Moines Downtown Kiwanis Club, Des Moines, Iowa, April 7, 1999.
  48. Tour of the University of Iowa Space Plasma Physics Laboratory, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Junior High, Iowa City, Iowa, April 9, 1999.
  49. Overview of the Study of Space Studies, William S. Kurth, Coralville Central Elementary School Kindergarten Class, Coralville, Iowa, April 15, 1999.
  50. Exploring Jupiter and Saturn, Donald A. Gurnett, North Central Regional Astronomical League Convention, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May 1, 1999.
  51. Forty Years of Space Research, Donald A. Gurnett, Medical Scientist Training Program Annual Retreat, Dinner Address, Iowa City, Iowa, August 27, 1999.
  52. Forty Years of Experimental Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, EAA Chapter 227 Annual Banquet, Waterloo, Iowa, October 15, 1999.
  53. Forty Years of Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Inst. of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Midwest Fall Conference, Luncheon Address, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October 20, 1999.
  54. The Space Physics Connection to the Origin of Life, Jan-Erik Wahlund, Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar Series, lecture at the Nobel festivities, 30 students, Stockholm, Sweden, December 6, 1999.
  55. University of Iowa Space Research, James R. Phillips, Franklin Elementary School, 200 students, December 21, 1999.


  56. Production of the Building Blocks of Life in the Atmosphere of the Saturnian Moon, Titan, Jan-Erik Wahlund, lecture at "Natural Science is Fun!" University Day, Uppsala, Sweden, January 23, 2000.
  57. What Can Be Learned from Space Research?, Terry Averkamp, Jr. Girl Scout Troop 2001, Iowa City, Iowa, February 10, 2000.
  58. Radio and Radio Antennas on Spacecraft, Donald Kirchner, Northwest Jr. High, 7th grade science classes, 30 students, February 11, 2000.
  59. Radio and Radio Antennas on Spacecraft, Donald Kirchner, Northwest Jr. High, 8th grade science classes, 30 students, February 14, 2000.
  60. The Upper Atmosphere of Titan as a Pre-Biotic Laboratory, Jan-Erik Wahlund, lecture presented at the Swedish Astronomical Society, Uppsala, Sweden, February 27, 2000.
  61. Cassini Project Summary, Terry Averkamp, Lemme Elementary School Class Science Project, 60 students, March 1, 2000.
  62. University of Iowa Space Physics Research Projects, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Jr. High, Coralville, Iowa, March 24, 2000.
  63. Forty Years of Space Research at The University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, University of Iowa Tau Beta Phi Student Engineering Association, Iowa Memorial Union, Iowa City, Iowa, April 11, 2000.
  64. Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Solon 2nd and 3rd Grade Elementary Students, Solon, Iowa, April 19, 2000.
  65. Plasma Wave Investigations on Voyager, Galileo, Cassini; Radio and Plasma Wave Phenomena Recorded by Voyager, Galileo, and Polar, William S. Kurth, Regina Science Club (high school), Iowa City, Iowa, May 9, 2000. Provided Polar, Voyager, and Galileo radio and plasma wave phenomena audio .wav files for the Regina Science Club's Image Media Experiment that is part of the NASA Student Involvement Program (NSIP). The experiment will send images and sounds on various media into space on the space shuttle to determine the effects of the space environment on the media.
  66. Summary of Physics, Astronomy, and Engineering Efforts Required to Successfully Complete Experimental Space Physics Projects, George B. Hospodarsky, Prospective Undergraduate Student Tour, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, May 12, 2000.
  67. Public Library Summer Reading Program "Cosmic Connections," Coralville and Iowa City, Iowa, June - September 2000. The University of Iowa and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory provided Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, and Polar project-related posters, bookmarks, photos, postcards, and coloring books to be used as rewards for students participating in library events during the summer.
  68. Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, Iowa, August 2000. Cassini spacecraft photo and project summary included in the University of Iowa display.
  69. Children's Workshop on Spacecraft Construction, Jan-Erik Wahlund, at Gustavianum, Uppsala, Sweden, November 11, 2000. 20 children aged 7-12 years fabricated spacecraft from paper, paint, frigolit, folie, etc.
  70. The Origin of Life, Jan-Erik Wahlund, lecture presented at school of Gr_nby, Sweden, 60 students aged 14-15 years, November 23, 2000.
  71. Weber Elementary English As A Second Language Class, George Hospodarsky led a laboratory tour and discussion about building space instrumentation, Iowa City, Iowa, December 18, 2000.
  72. NASA Press Briefing - Cassini and Galileo Jupiter Millenium Flyby, William S. Kurth, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, December 30, 2000. Press briefing was broadcast as a live Webcast on MSNBC. A panel of Cassini and Galileo scientists presented initial results from December 30, 2000, data obtained by instruments on both spacecraft: Galileo, which is orbiting Jupiter; and Cassini, which was flying by Jupiter on its way to Saturn.


  73. Cassini Observations at Jupiter, William S. Kurth, Coralville Central Elementary 2nd Grade Class, Coralville, Iowa, February 12, 2001.
  74. Overview of Spaceflight Hardware Built by University of Iowa Plasma Wave Group, Donald A. Kirchner, Central Lee High School, Donnellson, Iowa, April 3, 2001. (Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express)
  75. Life of a Space Scientist at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Solon Elementary School (Grades 3 & 4), Solon, Iowa, April 26, 2001. (Galileo, Polar, Cassini, Cluster)
  76. Life as a Space Scientist, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Jr. High School, Coralville, Iowa. May 10, 2001. (Galileo, Polar, Cassini, Cluster)
  77. Tour of U. of Iowa Space Physics Laboratories, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Jr. High School students, Iowa City, Iowa, May 22, 2001. (Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cassini, Cluster, Mars Express)
  78. Cassini and Galileo Wave Observations at Jupiter, William S. Kurth, at the Geophysical Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshop for Science Teachers, American Geophysical Union meeting, Boston, MA, May 30, 2001. (Cassini, Galileo)
  79. Overview of University of Iowa Space Research and Life as a Scientist, George Hospodarsky, Prospective University of Iowa Students, at the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 25, 2001. (Cassini, Galileo, Polar, Cluster)


  80. Space Research at The University of Iowa, Donald Gurnett, Iowa Senate Education Committee, Des Moines, Iowa, January 28, 2002. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar, Mars Express)
  81. University of Iowa's Participation in Space Research, George Hospodarsky, Prospective U. of Iowa Graduate Students, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, February 1, 2002. ( Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar, Mars Express)
  82. Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Burlington Kiwanis Club, Burlington, Iowa, February 21, 2002. (Explorer, Hawkeye, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar, Mars Express)
  83. Solar System, Space, and Exploration, George Hospodarsky, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Day Care Center, March 6, 2002. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini)
  84. University of Iowa's Role in Space Physics Research, Terry Averkamp, Academy of Ambassadors Connecting with Engineering, University of Iowa Summer Camp for High School Students, Iowa City, Iowa, June 19, 2002. (Explorer, Hawkeye, PDP, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster)
  85. Magnetospheres and Plasma Environments: Giant Planets' Satellites, William Kurth and Philippe Zarka, Program for Young Researchers, Jupiter after Galileo and Cassini Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 20, 2002. (Galileo, Cassini)
  86. University of Iowa Space Research, George Hospodarsky, QuarkNet Classes for Physics Teachers, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 3, 2002. (Cassini, Cluster, Galileo, Voyager)
  87. Viewing Night Skies: Telescopes, Stars, Constellations, George Hospodarsky, Prospective University of Iowa Students, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 30, 2002. (Cassini, Galileo, Voyager)
  88. Astronomy and Space Physics, George Hospodarsky, Summer Children's Program, Iowa City, Iowa, July 31, 2002. (Cassini, Cluster, Galileo, Voyager)
  89. Iowa State Fair Preview - Sights and Sounds of Space Physics, William Kurth, WSUI "Iowa Talks" Live Radio Broadcast, Iowa City, Iowa, August 7, 2002. (Cassini, Cluster, Galileo, Voyager, Polar)
  90. Sights and Sounds of Space Physics, William Kurth, George Hospodarsky, and Kathy Kurth, Iowa State Fair (500 people), Des Moines, Iowa, August 13, 2002. (Cassini, Cluster, Galileo, Voyager, Polar). Summary and photos
  91. Space Research at the University of Iowa: 1958-2002, Donald Gurnett, State of Iowa Board of Regents Orientation, Iowa City, Iowa, August 30, 2002. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Mars Express)
  92. The Songs of the Aurora and the Solar Wind, William Kurth, Family Adventures in Science (55 people), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, October 19, 2002. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar)
  93. Sounds of Space and the Kronos Quartet Sun Rings: A Pre-Performance Presentation, Donald A. Gurnett, David Harrington, Terry Riley, and Willie Williams, University of Iowa (125 people), Iowa City, Iowa, October 24, 2002. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar)
  94. Sounds of Space and the Kronos Quartet Sun Rings: A Pre-Performance Discussion, Donald A. Gurnett, Terry Riley, David Dvorin, Greenroom, Hancher Auditorium (60 people), Iowa City, Iowa, October 26, 2002. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar)
  95. Sun Rings, Kronos Quartet, Hancher Auditorium (1500 people), Iowa City, Iowa, October 26, 2002.
    Production based on the sounds of space collected by Prof. D. Gurnett over a 40-year period, commissioned by the NASA Arts Program office and supported by the Hancher Auditorium/University of Iowa, the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other music-presenting organizations. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster)
  96. Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Solon 6th Grade Class (96 students), Solon, Iowa, November 8, 2002. (Sounds of space, Cassini, Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, Polar)
  97. Recent University of Iowa Experimental Space Research Projects and a Tour of the Spaceflight Fabrication Labs., William Robison, Iowa City Amateur Radio Club (35 people), Iowa City, Iowa, November 13, 2002. (Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express}
  98. Sounds of Plasma Waves In Space, William Kurth, Coralville Central 4th Grade Class (25 students), Coralville, Iowa, November 25, 2002. (Galileo, Cassini, Voyager, Polar. Cluster)


  99. Sounds of Space and the Kronos Quartet Sun Rings, A Pre-Performance Presentation, Bert Ulrich, Donald A. Gurnett, and David Harrington, University of Houston Clear Lake Theater (200 people), Houston, Texas, January 22, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar)
  100. Sun Rings, Kronos Quartet, Wortham Center's Cullen Theater, Houston, Texas, January 23, 2003.
    Production based on the sounds of space collected by Prof. D. Gurnett over a 40-year period, commissioned by the NASA Arts Program office and co-commissioned by the Hancher Auditorium, the University of Iowa, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Society of Performing Arts, the University of Houston Clear Lake, and other music-presenting organizations. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster)
  101. Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Iowa City Elementary Students toured the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy space physics laboratories, February 7, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars Express)
  102. Our Solar System, George Hospodarsky, Lincoln Elementary Kindergarten Class (35 students), Iowa City, Iowa, March 12, 2003. (Cassini, Voyager, Galileo, Cluster)
  103. Sounds of Space and the Kronos Quartet Sun Rings, A Pre-Concert Presentation, Donald A. Gurnett and Willie Williams, Barbican Centre (600 people), London, United Kingdom, March 22, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar)
  104. Sun Rings, Kronos Quartet, Barbican Centre, London, United Kingdom, March 22, 2003.
    Production based on the sounds of space collected by Prof. D. Gurnett over a 40-year period, commissioned by the NASA Arts Program office and co-commissioned by the Hancher Auditorium, the University of Iowa, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Society of Performing Arts, Barbican Centre/London, and other music-presenting organizations. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster)
  105. Life as a Space Scientist, George Hospodarsky, Van Buren Elementary Career Day, Grades K-6 (120 students), Cedar Rapids, Iowa, April 30, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars, sounds of space)
  106. University of Iowa Space Research: Past, Present, Future, George Hospodarsky, Whittier Elementary Space Day Celebration (125 students), Clinton, Iowa, May 2, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars, sounds of space)
  107. A Typical Day in the Life of a Space Scientist, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Junior High School (30 students), Coralville, Iowa, May 28, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars, sounds of space)
  108. Fly Iowa 2003, George Hospodarsky, Bill Kurth, Bill Robison, Ondrej Santolik, Jean Hospodarsky, and Kathy Kurth, Eastern Iowa Airport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 5-6, 2003. Display featured the Cassini and Mars Express projects; in addition, provided information about the Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, and Polar missions; and the department's participation in space research over the last 45 years.
  109. Sounds of Space and the Kronos Quartet Sun Rings, A Pre-Performance Presentation, Donald A. Gurnett, public lecture at the Westin South Coast Plaza (100 people), Costa Mesa, California, October 12, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar)
  110. Exploring Space, George Hospodarsky, public lecture for youth at the Orange County Performing Arts Center (60 people), Costa Mesa, California, October 12, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar, Mars)
  111. Sounds of Space and the Kronos Quartet Sun Rings, A Pre-Concert Presentation, Donald A. Gurnett and Terry Riley, public lecture at the Orange County Performing Arts Center (2000 people), Costa Mesa, California, October 14, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar)
  112. Sun Rings, Kronos Quartet, Orange County Performing Arts Center, Costa Mesa, California, October 14, 2003.
    Production based on the sounds of space collected by Prof. D. Gurnett over a 40-year period, commissioned by the NASA Arts Program office and co-commissioned by the Hancher Auditorium, the University of Iowa, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Society of Performing Arts, the University of Houston Clear Lake, and other music-presenting organizations. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster)
  113. Why Study Space?, George Hospodarsky, Cub Scouts (50 scouts and parents), Iowa City, Iowa, Nov. 11, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars, sounds of space)
  114. What You Can Learn From Studying Space, George Hospodarsky, Solon Elementary 6th Grade Class (93 students), Solon, Iowa, Nov. 14, 2003. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars, sounds of space)


  115. Overview of the Solar System, Telescopes, and Current U. of Iowa Space Science Projects, George Hospodarsky, Iowa City Girl Scout Troop (20 people), Van Allen Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, March 24, 2004. (Cassini, Cluster, Polar, Mars Express)
  116. It's Fun to be a Space Scientist, George Hospodarsky, University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics Childcare Center (20 people), Iowa City, Iowa, April 8, 2004. (Cassini, Polar, Cluster)
  117. Jobs in Space Science, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Jr. High School, Coralville, Iowa, April 14, 2004. (Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars Express)
  118. University of Iowa Radio Receivers and Transmitters in Space, Donald Kirchner, Iowa City Amateur Radio Club (25 people), Iowa City, Iowa, May 12, 2004. (Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express)
  119. History of U. of Iowa Space Physics and the Cassini Mission, George Hospodarsky, Cedar Amateur Astronomers Club (32 people), Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 3, 2004. (Cassini)
  120. 2004 Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, Iowa, August 12-22, 2004. (see summary in above exhibit section)
  121. U. of Iowa Space Research Summary and Building Tour, George Hospodarsky, prospective student and parents, Van Allen Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, October 9, 2004. (Voyager, Polar, Cluster, Cassini)
  122. History of Space Physics at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, ICON 29 Science Fiction Convention (27 people), Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October 10, 2004. (Past projects, Voyager, Polar, Cluster, Cassini)
  123. The Phases of the Moon, Seasons of Earth, and Eclipses, William Kurth, Coralville Central Elementary 6th Grade Class (23 students, 1 teacher), Coralville, Iowa, November 10, 2004. (Cassini, Voyager)


  124. The Cassini Mission to Saturn, Donald A. Gurnett, University of Iowa Triangle Club, Iowa City, Iowa, Jan. 16, 2005. (Cassini)
  125. The Phases of the Moon, Seasons of Earth, and Eclipses, William Kurth, Coralville Central Elementary 6th Grade Class (23 students, 1 teacher), Coralville, Iowa, Jan. 27, 2005. (Cassini, Voyager)
  126. Life as a Space Physicist, George Hospodarsky, Van Buren Elementary, Kindergarten classes (60 students, 3 teachers), Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Mar. 28, 2005. (Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Voyager, Galileo, Solar System)
  127. The Phases of the Moon, Seasons of Earth, and Eclipses, William Kurth, Coralville Central Elementary 6th Grade Class (23 students, 1 teacher), Coralville, Iowa, Mar. 30, 2005. (Cassini, Voyager)
  128. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, Invited Slichter Lecture (public), UCLA, Los Angeles, Apr. 8, 2005. (Cassini)
  129. The Cassini Mission to Saturn, Donald A. Gurnett, Iowa Academy of Science, Annual Meeting held at Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, April 29, 2005. (Cassini)
  130. The Cassini Mission to Saturn,, Donald A. Gurnett, Experimental Aircraft Association, Quarterly Meeting, Beems Auditorium, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May 11, 2005. (Cassini)
  131. University of Iowa's Role in Space Physics and Studies of our Solar System, George Hospodarsky, Carpenter Elementary School Grades 2, 3, and 4 (180 students, 12 teachers), Monticello, Iowa, May 16, 2005. (Cassini, Polar, Voyager, Cluster, Galileo)
  132. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, 2005 Annual Meeting of the University of Iowa Association of Retired Faculty (70 people), Iowa City, Iowa, June 20, 2005.
  133. Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Korean Science Teachers Workshop (45 people), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, June 29, 2005. (Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express)
  134. A Space Scientist's Role in Studying the Solar System with Robotic Spacecraft, George Hospodarsky, Riverside Elementary School Summer Program (25 students/teachers), Riverside, Iowa, July 6, 2005. (Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Galileo, Voyager, Mars Express)
  135. A Tour of the Solar System: History and Recent Investigations, Donald A. Gurnett, workshop for Korean Earth Science Teachers (25 people), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 19, 2005. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars Express)
  136. Exploring Saturn and Its Rings and Moons, Donald A. Gurnett, 30th Annual Mel Oliven Lecture, Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 22, 2005. (Cassini)
  137. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, Clinical Society of Genitourinary Surgeons 84th Annual Meeting, (40 meeting participants), Sheraton Conference Room, Iowa City, Iowa, September 24, 2005. (Cassini)
  138. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Weekly Colloquium Series (60 students/staff/faculty), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, October 10, 2005. (Cassini)
  139. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, Midwest Pediatric Cardiology 29th Annual Meeting, Sheraton Hotel, Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 20, 2005. (Cassini)
  140. Highlights of Radio and Plasma Wave Science Results From Early in Cassini's Orbital Tour, William S. Kurth, Cassini CHARM Presentation, October 25, 2005. (Cassini)
  141. The Phases of the Moon, Seasons of Earth, and Eclipses, William Kurth, Coralville Central Elementary 6th Grade Class (25 students, 1 teacher), Coralville, Iowa, November 4, 2005. (Cassini, Voyager)
  142. Exploring Saturn with Cassini, William Kurth, Cub Scout Pack 207 (35 Scouts, 35 parents/siblings), Coralville, Iowa, November 17, 2005. (Cassini)
  143. Past and Present Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, West Liberty Middle School (25 students and one teacher), West Liberty, Iowa, November 30, 2005. (Cassini, Mars, Cluster, Galileo, Voyager, Polar)


  144. The Search for Life in the Solar System, Donald A. Gurnett, Discussion Forum at the First Presbyterian Church (50 people), Cedar Rapids, Iowa, January 22, 2006. (Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express)
  145. What Does a Space Scientist Study? and a tour of University of Iowa Space Physics Laboratories, George Hospodarsky, Shimek Elementary School students (4 students, 1 teacher), Iowa City, Iowa, February 24, 2006. (Cassini, Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Mars Express)
  146. A Space Scientist's Role in Studying the Solar System with Robotic Spacecraft, George Hospodarsky, Riverside Elementary 1st Grade Class, (48 students/3 teachers), Riverside, Iowa, March 28, 2006. (Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Galileo, Voyager, Mars Express)
  147. Space Exploration at the University of Iowa, Don Kirchner, Grades 4, 5, and 6, at Wapello Elementary School (180 students, 13 teachers), Wapello, Iowa, May 5, 2006. (Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, HCIPE)
  148. Life as a Scientist Working on Space Research Projects at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Jr. High Grades 7 & 8 Honors Students (15 students, 1 teacher), Coralville, Iowa, May 12, 2006. (Cassini, Cluster, Polar, Galileo, Voyager, Mars Express)
  149. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, After-Dinner Presentation, American Board of Pediatrics Annual Meeting (100 people), Durham, North Carolina, June 10, 2006. (Cassini)
  150. A Perspective on a Career in Space Science and Engineering, Donald A. Gurnett, Math and Science Upward Bound Program (25 students), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, June 14, 2006. (Voyager, Cassini)
  151. HF Radio in the Solar System, Donald Kirchner, Iowa City Amateur Radio Club (30 people), Iowa City, Iowa, June 14, 2006. (Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express, HCIPE)
  152. Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, TrekFest (100 people), Riverside, Iowa, June 24, 2006. (Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express, HCIPE, Cluster, Polar, Galileo)
  153. History of Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Quarknet Science Teachers' Summer Workshop (17 people), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 18, 2006. (Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno)
  154. Tour of U. of Iowa Space Research Laboratories, George Hospodarsky, Quarknet Science Teachers' Summer Workshop (17 people), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 18, 2006. (Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express, Polar, Cluster, Juno)
  155. Highlights From Saturn: Cassini's First Two Years, William S. Kurth, Old Capitol Sertoma Club (12 people), Iowa City, Iowa, August 31, 2006. (Cassini)
  156. James A. Van Allen: Life, Career, and the Beginning of Space Physics at the University of Iowa, George B. Hospodarsky, ICON 31 Science Fiction Convention (20 people), Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October 14, 2006. (Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, Radiation Belt Storm Probes, Muli-Missions Studies)
  157. James Van Allen and Space Research at the University of Iowa, George B. Hospodarsky, Coralville City Employee Seminar (45 people), City Hall, Coralville, Iowa, November 17, 2006. (Van Allen, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Polar, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP, MSS)
  158. Just How Long Is A Day On Saturn, Anyway?, William S. Kurth, Presentation at the NASA Exhibit, American Geophysical Union Mtg., San Francisco, California, December 14, 2006. (Cassini)


  159. Life in the Solar System and Beyond, Donald A. Gurnett, Triangle Club Luncheon Lecture Series (60 people), Iowa City, Iowa, January 21, 2007. (Mars Express, Voyager, Cassini)
  160. Space Research Projects at the University of Iowa, Don Kirchner, Astronomy Club (25 people), Clear Creek Amana High School, Tiffin, Iowa, April 6, 2007. (Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, High Capacity Instruments for Planetary Exploration (HCIPE), Warm Ice Sounder Experiment (WISE), Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP))
  161. Exploring Saturn With the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, Invited Public Lecture, Buena Vista University, Buena Vista, Iowa, March 13, 2007. (Cassini)
  162. The Search for Life in the Solar System, Donald A. Gurnett, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Research Week After Dinner Talk, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, April 4, 2007. (Mars Express, Voyager, Cassini)
  163. University of Iowa's Role in Space Physics and Studies of Our Solar System, George Hospodarsky, Camp Highland (40 students, 3 teachers), Riverside Elementary School, Iowa, July 12, 2007. (Voyager, Galileo, Geotail, Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)
  164. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett Luncheon Speaker, Sertoma Club (40 people), Iowa City, Iowa, Aug. 9, 2007.
  165. Rockets Into Space, Donald L. Kirchner, Cub Scout Pack (7 adults, 7 scouts), North Liberty, Iowa, October 3, 2007. (Voyager, Cluster, ISEE, Cassini, Mars Express, Galileo, Hawkeye, CRRES, Juno)
  166. University of Iowa Space Physics Research, George Hospodarsky, Prospective Student Tour, Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 23, 2007. (Cassini, Cluster, Polar, Galilieo, Voyager, Mars Express, Juno, and RBSP)
  167. Spacecraft Telemetry, Donald L. Kirchner and William T. Robison, Iowa City Amateur Radio Club (35 people), Iowa City, Iowa, November 14, 2007. (Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, Polar, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)


  168. From the Dawn of the Space Age to the Edge of the Solar System: Fifty Years of Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Hoover Museum and Library (150 people), West Branch, Iowa, February 1, 2008.
  169. Space Engineering, Donald L. Kirchner, Kate Wickham Elementary School, 3 Kindergarten classes (60 students, 3 teachers), Iowa City, Iowa, February 27, 2008. (Cassini, Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, Mars Express, Juno, PDP, RBSP)
  170. James Van Allen and University of Iowa Space Research Projects, George Hospodarsky, North Liberty Optimists Club, North Liberty, Iowa, February 28, 2008. (Cassini, Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, Polar, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP, MMS)
  171. Space Exploration, Don Kirchner, George Hospodarsky, Bill Kurth, Boy Scout Merit Badge University (25 students, 6 adults), Iowa City, Iowa, March 8, 2008. (Voyager, Cassini, Juno, RBSP, Mars Express)
  172. Space Exploration at the University of Iowa, Donald L. Kirchner, Kate Wickham Elementary School, 3rd grade class (25 students, 1 teacher), Iowa City, Iowa, April 9, 2008. (Cassini, Voyager, Galileo, Cluster, Mars Express, Juno, PDP, RBSP, PDIPP)
  173. Careers in Space Research, Jessica Swanner, West Central High School, algebra, calculus, and physics classes (60 students, one instructor), Biggsville, Illinois, April 10, 2008. (Cassini, Voyager)
  174. Fifty Years of Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Kiwanis Club, Iowa City, Iowa, April 22, 2008.
  175. Fifty Years of Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Nelson Lecture in Astronomy, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, May 12, 2008.
  176. History of Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Riverside Elementary School, Camp Highland Summer Program, Kindergarten - 6th grade (30 students, 5 teachers), Riverside, Iowa, July 8, 2008. (Cassini, Voyager, Cluster, Juno, RBSP, Galileo, Polar, Geotail, )
  177. Exploring Saturn: Connections to Iowa and Amateur Astronomers, William Kurth, 2008 Iowa Star Party, Ames Area Amateur Astronomers (35 attendees), Garst Farm Resort and Star Field, Coon Rapids, Iowa, August 30, 2008. (Cassini, Juno)
  178. Fifty Years of Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Seminar, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, September 4, 2008.
  179. Astronomy, William S. Kurth, Scout Campout, Pack 207/Troop 207 (50 scouts, 30 adults), Kent Park, Tiffin, Iowa, September 30, 2008. (Cassini, Voyager, Juno, RBSP)
  180. The Search for Life in the Solar System, Donald A. Gurnett, Mathematics and Computer Science Study Group, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, October 1, 2008. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Mars Express)
  181. Space, George Hospodarsky and Ferzan Jaeger, Shimek Elementary School (74 students in K-2nd grades, 8 teachers), Iowa City, Iowa, November 18, 2008. (Solar system, Polar, Cluster, RBSP, Mars Express, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Juno)
  182. Space, George Hospodarsky and Ferzan Jaeger, Shimek Elementary School (111 students in 3rd-6th grades, 7 teachers), Iowa City, Iowa, November 18, 2008. (Solar system, Polar, Cluster, RBSP, Mars Express, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Juno)
  183. Space Research: From Fabrication to Science Analysis, George Hospodarsky and Sharon Kutcher, Society of Physics Students, University of Iowa Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Iowa City, Iowa, November 19, 2008. (History of space research, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP )


  184. Space Debris Impact on Spacecraft; and An Overview of Space Research Studies at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Future Problem Solvers (38 students in 5-12 grades, 12 adults), Linn/Johnson/Washington County Home Cooperative, University of Iowa Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa City, Iowa, January 9, 2009. (Voyager, Polar, Cluster, Galileo, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)
  185. From the Dawn of the Space Age to the Edge of the Solar System, Donald A. Gurnett, University of Iowa 26th Annual Presidential Lecture (100 attendees), February 15, 2009. (Voyager, Cassini)
  186. Ice in the Solar System, Don Kirchner, Willowwind School (15 students in 5th-6th grades, 2 teachers), Iowa City, Iowa, February 27, 2009. (Cassini, Mars Express, Galileo, Voyager, Juno)
  187. Space Exploration Merit Badge, William Kurth, Donald Kirchner, George Hospodarsky, Joseph Altmaier, Andrew Kopf, Shane Merritt, Merit Badge University class (18 boy scouts, 4 parents), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, March 7, 2009. (Voyager, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)
  188. Ice in the Solar System, Donald Kirchner, Wickham Elementary 4th grade class (30 students, 3 teachers), Coralville, Iowa, April 16, 2009. (Cassini, Galileo, Voyager, Mars Express, PIDDP)
  189. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett. Iowa Medical Society Luncheon Speaker, Coralville, Iowa, April 18, 2009. (Cassini)
  190. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett. Coe College Physics Club Annual Meeting Banquet Speaker, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, April 19, 2009. (Cassini)
  191. Outer Planetary Exploration: Current Status and Next Steps, William Kurth, North Central Regional Astronomical League Convention (85 attendees), Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May 2, 2009. (Cassini, Juno, Voyager)
  192. Future Spacecraft Exploration of the Solar System, William Kurth, International Year of Astronomy University of Iowa Public Lecture (50 attendees), Iowa City, Iowa, May 6, 2009. (Cassini, Juno, Voyager, Mars Express, Galileo)
  193. The Cassini and Juno Missions, William Kurth, Des Moines Astronomical Society (36 attendees), Ashton Observatory, Baxter, Iowa, May 30, 2009. (Cassini, Juno)
  194. The Search for Life in the Solar System, Donald A. Gurnett, Secondary Student Training Program Summer Series Seminar (25 students), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 1, 2009. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Mars Express)
  195. Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Iowa Math and Science Academy (40 high school students, 3 teachers), Seerley Hall, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, July 9, 2009. (Explorers, Pioneer 10 & 11, Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)
  196. Space Exploration, George Hospodarsky, Camp Highland (25 students, 3 teachers), Riverside Elementary School, Riverside, Iowa, July 23, 2009. (Solar System, Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Geotail, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)
  197. University of Iowa Space Research Program: Laboratory Tour and How Science Instruments Are Developed, George Hospodarsky, Riverside Elementary Summer Camp Highland (11 students, 3 teachers), Iowa City, Iowa, August 13, 2009. (Injun 3, Hawkeye, Voyager, PDP, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Juno, RBSP)
  198. Exploring Saturn: Connections to Iowa and Amateurs, W. S. Kurth, Cub Scout Pack 207 and Boy Scout Troop 207 (25 scouts, 25 parents), Kent Park, Johnson County, Iowa, October 17, 2009. (Cassini, Juno)
  199. Rockets Into Space, Don Kirchner, Science Benefit Party (10 students, 8 adults), Kate Wickham Elementary School, Coralville, Iowa, November 8, 2009. (Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Cluster, Mars Express, Juno, PIDPP)
  200. University of Iowa's Role in Space Exploration, George Hospodarsky, Quincy University Polis Lecture (35 attendees), Quincy University North Campus, Quincy, Illinois, November 13, 2009. (Explorer, Pioneer 10, Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)
  201. Space, Our Solar System, and University of Iowa's Role in Space Exploration, George Hospodarsky, West Liberty Middle School 8th Grade Class (20 students, 1 teacher), 203 E. 7th Street, West Liberty, Iowa, December 3, 2009. (Pioneer, Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)


  202. Space Exploration and University of Iowa Space Research Projects, George Hospodarsky, Clear Creek Amana Elementary Grades 4 and 5 (41 students, 4 teachers), Amana, Iowa, February 12, 2010. (Pioneer, Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Cassini, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)
  203. University of Iowa Spaceflight Instruments, Don Kirchner, Science Party, Kate Wickham Elementary School (12 students, 7 adults), Coralville, Iowa, February 27, 2010. Mars Express, Juno, Cluster, Cassini, PDP, Voyager, PIDDP) )
  204. Fifty Years of University of Iowa Space Research, Donald A. Gurnett, Drake Public Library, Grinnell, Iowa, March 4, 2010.
  205. Exploring Jupiter With Radio Waves, William S. Kurth, NASA Space Science Workshop: "Explore! Jupiter's Family Secrets," (30 librarians from Missouri and Arkansas). The Library Center, Springfield, Missouri, May 4-5, 2010. (Juno, Cassini, Voyager)
  206. The Solar System and University of Iowa's Contribution to Space Exploration Using Robotic Spacecraft, George Hospodarsky, Clear Creek Amana North Bend Elementary School, 4th and 5th grades (75 students, 3 teachers), North Liberty, Iowa, May 11, 2010. (Pioneer, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini, Polar, Cluster, Mars Express, Juno, RBSP)
  207. The Search for Life in the Solar System, D. A. Gurnett, Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP) lecture,(24 high school students), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, June 30, 2010.
  208. Tour of U. of Iowa Space Research Facilities, George Hospodarsky, U. of Iowa Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Alumni and Their Families (8 adults, 2 kids), July 10, 2010. (Cassini, Juno, RBSP, Voyager, Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Mars Express)
  209. The Future of the U.S. Space Program, D. A. Gurnett, Noon Lions' Club (30 club members), Marshalltown, Iowa, Sept. 27, 2010.
  210. Astronomy, and the Voyager, Cassini, and Juno Missions, W. S. Kurth, Coralville Cub Scout Pack 207 (12 scouts, 23 family members), Kent Park, Oxford, Iowa, Oct. 16, 2010.
  211. U. of Iowa Space Research Projects and Facilities Tour, D. A. Gurnett and G. B. Hospodarsky, Prospective student and family, Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 19, 2010.


  212. Foundations of University of Iowa Space Physics, George Hospodarsky, Iowa City West High School, 9th and 10th grades science classes (75 students; 4 teachers), Iowa City, Iowa, February 8, 2011.
  213. Space Exploration and Space Science Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, AVATARS Science Club (5 students, 2 adults), West Branch, Iowa, February 27, 2011.
  214. The Future of the U.S. Space Program and the University of Iowa Role In It, Donald A. Gurnett, Lunch & Learn Lectures, Facilities Management Planning and Design Group (15 attendees), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, March 23, 2011.
  215. From the Dawn of the Space Age to the Edge of the Solar System, Donald A. Gurnett, Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (100 adults), Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, April 2, 2011.
  216. University of Iowa's Role in Space Research: Exploring, Research, Education, George Hospodarsky, Alburnett Elementary School, 5th Grade Class (45 students, 3 adults), Alburnett, Iowa, April 4, 2011.
  217. At Rome Around Jovian Moons, a Paul Rudy composition performed during a Cabaret to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first famed optical instrument demonstration on the April 14, 1611. The Caberet was held on the same spot where Galileo gave his demonstration in Rome, Italy, April 14, 2011. Composition includes sample sounds from the University of Iowa Cassini, Galileo, and Voyager plasma wave investigations, as well as other audio selected by the composer. At Rome Around Jovian Moons was commissioned by the American Academy in Rome.
  218. Space Scientist Job Shadow Experience, George Hospodarsky, Jared Leisner, WISE (Women In Science & Engineering) Job Shadow (1 undergraduate student), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, April 15, 2011.
  219. Life as a Space Physicist, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Jr. High 8th Graders (9 students, 1 teacher), Northwest Junior High, Coralville, Iowa, May 6, 2011.
  220. From the Outer Planets to Antarctica, Don Kirchner, Iowa City Optimist Club (35 adults), Iowa City, Iowa, July 19, 2011.
  221. Cassini Mission: University of Iowa RPWS Investigation, Jessica Swanner, Upward Bound Summer Session (15 students, one instructor), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 21, 2011.
  222. U. of Iowa Space Research: Missions and Careers, George Hospodarsky, Space Science Class (7 students and 1 instructor), Clear Creek Amana High School, Tiffin, Iowa, Oct. 13, 2011.
  223. U. of Iowa Space Research: Missions and Careers, George Hospodarsky, Space Science Class (11 students and 1 instructor), Clear Creek Amana High School, Tiffin, Iowa, Oct. 14, 2011.


  224. University of Iowa Space Research Projects, George Hospodarsky, Foundations in Science 9th and 10th Graders (35 students, 3 teachers), West High School, Iowa City, Iowa, Jan. 23, 2012.
  225. The History of Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, High School Science Classes (14 students, 1 teacher), Clear Creek Amana High School, Tiffin, Iowa, Feb. 28, 2012.
  226. The History of Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, High School Science Classes (17 students, 1 teacher), Clear Creek Amana High School, Tiffin, Iowa, Feb. 29, 2012.
  227. History of Space Physics at University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, One of several speakers at the annual Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Demonstration Show, this year featuring Space Weather (325 attendees), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, March 1, 2012.
  228. A Tour of the Planets and Their Moons, Donald A. Gurnett, Students of the Regina Catholic Education Center (100 students and adults), Iowa City, Iowa, April 19, 2012.
  229. Life as a Space Physicist and University of Iowa Space Research Projects, George Hospodarsky, Northwest Jr. High 8th Grade Science Classes, Iowa City Community Schools, Coralville, Iowa, May 7, 2012.
  230. The Search For Life On Other Worlds, Donald A. Gurnett, "Spacetacular," (150 attendees), a public event on space exploration featuring two guest speakers, Englert Theater, Iowa City, Iowa, July 7, 2012.
  231. Highlights of Over Fifty Years of Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Thursday Public Lecture Series, during the Smithsonian NASA|Art: 54 Years of Exploration and a companion U. of Iowa Space Artifacts Exhibit, Figge Museum, Davenport, Iowa, August 16, 2012.
  232. Space Physics At Iowa, Don Kirchner, Iowa City Morning Optimists Club (40 people), Iowa City, Iowa, September 11, 2012.
  233. History of University of Iowa Space Physics and Model Rocket Launch, George Hospodarsky and Pat Finn, Echo Hill Elementary School, 1st grade class (80 students, 4 teachers), 400 Echo Hill Road, Marion, Iowa, Sept. 14, 2012.
  234. University of Iowa Space Physics Research Facility Tour, George Hospodarsky, Prospective University student, Iowa City, Iowa, Sept. 18, 2012.
  235. History of University of Iowa Space Physics Exploration, George Hospodarsky, ICON 27 Science Fiction Convention, Cedar Rapids Marriott, 1200 Collins Road NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Nov. 2, 2012.


  236. Exploring Saturn with the Cassini Spacecraft, Donald A. Gurnett, Junior Science and Humanities Symposia Lecture, hosted by the University of Iowa Belin Blank Honors Center, Iowa City, Iowa, Feb. 28, 2013.
  237. Life as a University of Iowa Space Physicist, George Hospodarsky, Alburnett Elementary Community School, presentations to three groups of 3rd through 6th grade students (61 students), Alburnett, Iowa, March 1, 2013.
  238. Physics and Astronomy Demonstration, Cassini handouts and display summarizing U. of Iowa space research, with Cassinni as one of six featured missions, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, March 7, 2013.
  239. Space Physics Laboratory Tour and Summary of Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Prospective Graduate Student Visit, Van Allen Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, April 5, 2013.
  240. Planetary Astronomy, William Kurth and Kathy Kurth, Cub Scout Pack 207 (6 boys, 7 adults), (discussed the Voyager, Cassini, and Juno missions, plus observed the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn with telescopes), F. W. Kent Park, in Johnson County, Iowa, April 20, 2013.
  241. Exploring the Solar System with Robotic Spacecraft, William Kurth, Wilson Focus School (180 students in grades 3-6; 18 teachers), 5141 F. Street, Omaha, Nebraska, April 26, 2013.
  242. Space Exploration and Model Rocket Launch, George Hospodarsky, Rich Dvorsky, 1st grade class (40 students, teachers), Truman Elementary School, 441, West Post Road, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, April 26, 2013.
  243. Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, 2nd grade class (32 students, 2 teachers), Lone Tree Community School, 303 S. Devoe Street, Lone Tree, Iowa, May 16, 2013.
  244. Exploration of Saturn and Its Moons, Donald A. Gurnett, Secondary Student Training Program Lecture, hosted by the University of Iowa Belin Blank Honors Center, Iowa City, Iowa, June 18, 2013.
  245. The Solar System and Beyond, Don Kirchner, Johnston Middle School 9th Grade Astronomy class (32 students, 2 teachers), Johnston, Iowa, Sept. 18, 2013.
  246. The Solar System and Beyond, Don Kirchner, Cedar Amateur Astronomers (20 attendees), Dows Observatory, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Oct. 3, 2013.
  247. The Iowa Space Pioneers: The Legacy of James A. Van Allen, Donald A. Gurnett, Public lecture (85 attendees), Iowa Wesleyan College, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Oct. 11, 2013.


  248. Using Robotic Applications To Explore Space; and Technical Support for Student Teams Building Robots, Don Kirchner and Sharon Kutcher, FIRST Tech Robotics Challenge (30 students), Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, Coralville, Iowa, Feb. 21, 2014.
  249. Life as a Space Scientist, William S. Kurth. Responded to questions about being a space scientist, current projects, required tasks, and education. E-mail correspondence with a student from Maple Avenue Middle School, Littlestown, Pennsylvania, Feb. 28, 2014.
  250. The Solar System and Beyond, Don Kirchner, Kids Inc. pre-K classes (18 students, 4 adults), Coralville, Iowa, March 14, 2014.
  251. Life as a Space Scientist, George Hospodarsky. E-mail correspondence with a student from Maple Avenue Middle School, Littlestown, Pennsylvania. Responded to questions about being a space scientist, current projects, required tasks, and education, and sent a packet of printed outreach materials, Mar. 14, 2014.
  252. Space Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Career Enrichment Day (47 students, 1 teacher), Alburnett Elementary School, 131 Roosevelt St., Alburnett, Iowa, April 4, 2014.
  253. Sounds of Space, William S. Kurth, A panel presentation by W. Kurth, Charles Lindsay, and Eric McDougall, at Moogfest (450 attendees), Asheville, North Carolina, April 26, 2014.
  254. University of Iowa Space Research and Model Rocket Launches, George Hospodarsky and Pat Finn, Echo Hill Elementary School 2nd Grade class (78 students, 5 adults), 400 Echo Hill Road, Marion, Iowa, May 16, 2014.
  255. Problems in Spaceflight, Don Kirchner, Central Lee High School and Middle School, Student Robotics and Problem Solving Teams (16 students, 3 adults), Donnellson, Iowa, May 20, 2014.
  256. Some Characteristic Missions to the Outer Planets, William S. Kurth, Aerospace Engineering Class (15 students, 1 teacher), West High School, Iowa City, Iowa, May 30, 2014.
  257. University of Iowa Robotic Space Exploration Missions, Donald A. Gurnett, George Hospodarsky, Don Kirchner, Kathy Kurth, Waterloo Community High Schools STEM Student Group (4 students, 2 adults), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, June 3, 2014.
  258. University of Iowa Space Physics, George Hospodarsky, Discussion and building tour for a foreign exchange high school student from Spain, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 2, 2014.
  259. The Search For Life in the Solar System and Beyond, Donald A. Gurnett, U. of Iowa Secondary Student Training Program (30 students), Pappajohn Business Building, Iowa City, Iowa, July 1, 2014.


  260. Life in the Cosmos, Donald A. Gurnett, First Presbyterian Church Forum Series (51 attendees), 310 - 5th Street SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, January 4, 2015.
  261. Life as a Space Scientist, William S. Kurth, responded to questions about being a space scientist, current projects, required tasks, and education. Maple Avenue Middle School (e-mail correspondence with a student, Littlestown, Pennsylvania, March 3, 2015.
  262. Sounds of Space, William S, Kurth, via Skype, Peoria Astronomical Society (30 attendees), Peoria, Illinois, March 4, 2015.
  263. Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Career Enrichment Day (44 students, 1 teacher), Alburnett Elementary School, Alburnett, Iowa, April 10, 2015.
  264. The Search for Life in the Solar System and Beyond, Donald A. Gurnett, Belin-Blank Summer Student Training Program (SSTP) for High School Teachers, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, June 30, 2015.
  265. The Search for Life in the Solar System and Beyond, Donald A. Gurnett, Belin-Blank Summer Student Training Program (SSTP) for Gifted High School Students, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 7, 2015.
  266. University of Iowa Space Explorers, George Hospodarsky, University of Iowa Mobile Museum, Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 21, 2015. (Cassini is not a featured project in the museum, but is included as a U. of Iowa robotic explorer orbiting Saturn.)
  267. A Journey Through the Solar System with Don Gurnett, William S. Kurth, Public lecture during the Gurnett Symposium, University of Iowa Van Allen Hall, Oct. 17, 2015.
  268. History of University of Iowa Space Physics and Tour of Instrument Fabrication/Testing Lab, George Hospodarsky, North Tama 6th Grade Class (7 students and teacher), University of Iowa, Oct. 19, 2015.
  269. History of Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Honors First-Year Seminar, Iowa and the Space Race: The Legacy of James A. Van Allen (16 students), University of Iowa Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Nov. 11, 2015.
  270. Recent University of Iowa Space Research, Don Kirchner, Iowa City Optimists Club (30 members), Iowa City, Iowa, Dec. 8, 2015.


  271. Past, Present, and Future Space Physics Research Projects at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, University Club (44 members), University of Iowa Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, March 2, 2016.
  272. University of Iowa Space Research: Past, Present, and Future, U. of Iowa Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Annual Public Demonstration Night. Poster displays summarizing the history of space research at Iowa and featuring seven current and future projects, including the Cassini mission, in the lobby of U. of Iowa Van Allen Hall Lecture Room 1, March 11, 2016.
  273. Space Research at the University of Iowa, followed by model rocket launches, George Hospodarsky and Pat Finn, 4th and 5th grades at Echo Hill Elementary School (total of 85 students and 5 teachers), Marion, Iowa, May 16, 2016.
  274. History of U. of Iowa Space Research and a tour of the campus space research laboratories, George Hospodarsky, Visitor group of 5 adults and 2 children, University of Iowa Van Allen Hall, July 2, 2016.
  275. Cassini Mission Summary and Spacecraft Model, Van Allen Hall lobby, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Cassini is one of six current projects featured in the display, 2004-present.
  276. Hawkeyes in Space: UI Physics: Past and Present, Public exhibit in the Old Capitol Museum, University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums, Iowa City, Iowa. An exhibit tracing the history of space research at the University of Iowa. Cassini is one of the featured missions with a display of a model of the Cassini spacecraft and a Radio and Plasma Wave Science antenna mechanism. The exhibit open Sept. 8, 2016 - May 14, 2017.
  277. Life of a Space Physicist at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, 8th grade class (21 students, 1 teacher), West Branch High School, West Branch, Iowa, September 30, 2016.
  278. A Brief History of Space Physics at the University of Iowa and Some Recent Events, William S. Kurth, ICON Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention (abt. 25 adults), Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Oct. 30, 2016.
  279. Juno Mission to Jupiter and Cassini Mission to Saturn, William S. Kurth, Participant in Iowa Public Radio's River-To-River broadcast and call-in program, December 12, 2016.


  280. A Day As a Space Scientist: Job Shadow, William S. Kurth, three Pleasant Valley High School students; job shadowed, observed University of Iowa classes, attended a departmental colloquium, and toured the U. of Iowa Dept. of Physics and Astronomy. Iowa City, Iowa, Feb. 20, 2017.
  281. Life as a Space Scientist, William S. Kurth, Responded to questions from a sixth grade student from Maple Avenue Middle School, Littlestown, Pennsylvania, March 9, 2017.
  282. University of Iowa's Role In Space Research, George Hospodarsky, Iowa Valley's Family Reading Night Program, Iowa Valley Elementary School, 151 E. May Street, Marengo, Iowa, March 16, 2017.
  283. Juno Mission to Jupiter and Cassini Mission to Saturn, William S. Kurth, Interview, Radio Iowa, April 25, 2017.
  284. University of Iowa Space Research and the Role Rockets Play in Space Missions (followed by model rocket launches), G. B. Hospodarsky, P. Finn, 5th graders at Echo Hill Elementary School (total of 100 students and 5 teachers), 400 Echo Hill Road, Marion, Iowa, May 16, 2017.
  285. Life as a Space Physicist at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Career Day (4 presentations), 4th and 5th Grade Classes, Alburnett Elementary School, 131 Roosevelt Stint, Alburnett, Iowa, May 19, 2017.
  286. Unlocking Saturn's Mysteries with Sound, William S. Kurth, Iowa Public Radio interview by John Pemble, June 13, 2017.
  287. Cassini's Exploration of the Saturnian System, William S. Kurth, Oaknoll Retirement Residence, (~100 residents), Iowa City, Iowa, August 3, 2017.

  288. See Sept. 2017 Cassini End-of-Mission news articles in the "Articles and Broadcasts" section above.

  289. What Does Space Sound Like?, William S. Kurth, The Naked Scientists interview by Izzie Clark, Podcast, article, August 15, 2017.
  290. What Makes Conditions Suitable for Life in the Solar System?, Donald A. Gurnett, Insight Series, First Presbyterian Church (~45 people), 3rd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Oct. 22, 2017.
  291. Space Physics at the University of Iowa: Past, Present, Future, George Hospodarsky, Physics Class (11 students, 1 teacher), Monticello High School, 850 East Oak Street, Monticello, Iowa, November 28, 2017.
  292. Life as a Space Physicist and University of Iowa's Role In Space Exploration, George Hospodarsky, Third grade classes (~70 students, 3 teachers), Carpenter Elementary School, 615 North Gill Street, Monticello, Iowa, November 28, 2017.


  293. University of Iowa's Latest Discoveries About Saturn, William S. Kurth, Iowa Public Radio Interview by John Pemble, January 2, 2018.
  294. University of Iowa Space Research, George Hospodarsky, Rotary Club of Iowa City A.M. (35 people), Kirkwood Room, 515 Kirkwood Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa, February 20, 2018.
  295. Cassini Explores Saturn, William S. Kurth, Responded to questions from an 8th grade student from Scofield Magnet Middle School, Stamford, Connecticut, February 28, 2018.
  296. Space Research at the University of Iowa: Past, Present, Future, George Hospodarsky, Iowa City Noon Optimist Club (7 people), Midwest One Bank, 19106 Keokuk Street, Iowa City, Iowa, March 14, 2018.
  297. Life as a Space Physicist and University of Iowa's Role In Space Exploration, George Hospodarsky, Seventh grade classes (~52 students, 3 teachers), West Branch Middle School, West Branch, Iowa, April 23, 2018.
  298. Space Research History and Collaboration Between University of Iowa and Czech Republic Scientists, George Hospodarsky, Czech & Slovak Museum, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 20, 2018.
  299. University of Iowa Space Research and Life as a Space Physicist, George Hospodarsky, University of Iowa Secondary Student Training Program Summer Program (30 students, 2 adults), July 3, 2018.
  300. Rock the Library, Sadie Elliott, introduced physics activities and space research topics, Grades 1-4 Summer Reading Program (25-30 students), Coralville Public Library, Coralville, Iowa, July 18, 2018.
  301. Sixty Years of Space Research at the University of Iowa, Donald A. Gurnett, Optimists Club (35 attendees), Iowa City, Iowa, August 21, 2018.
  302. University of Iowa Space Research and Life as a Space Physicist, George Hospodarsky, Williamsburg First Lego League (8 students; 2 adults), Van Allen Hall, University of Iowa campus, Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 14, 2018.
  303. University of Iowa Space Research and Life as a Space Physicist, George Hospodarsky, Lego League Team (9 students; 2 adults), Biology Building, University of Iowa campus, Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 14, 2018.
  304. Outer Planet Exploration at the University of Iowa, William S. Kurth, University of Iowa astronomy class (20 students), Iowa City, Iowa, 28 Nov. 2018.


  305. How Long Is A Day On Saturn?, comment by William Kurth, news article on, January 2019.
  306. Support for a student project: Design a mission to Jupiter looking for gamma ray flashes associated with lightning, George Hospodarsky, Undergraduate student project, University of Southampton, April 2019.
  307. Job Shadow: Space Research, William S. Kurth, Junior student from Pleasant Valley High School, Bettendorf, Iowa, May 1, 2019.
  308. Cassini Mission: Question and Answer Skype Discussion, William S. Kurth, Fourth graders (8 students), Tilford Elementary School, Vinton, Iowa, April 30, 2019.
  309. Blast Off with Hawk-Eyes in Space, George Hospodarsky, Summer Reading Program Presentation (40 students, 10 adults), Ely Library, Ely, Iowa, June 16, 2019.
  310. From Student to U. of Iowa Space Physics Scientist, George Hospodarsky, Secondary Student Training Program (14 high school students, 1 adult), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, July 9, 2019.
  311. From the Dawn of the Space Age to the Edge of the Solar System, Don Gurnett, Marion Heritage Center & Museum (130 attendees), Marion, Iowa, July 14, 2019.
  312. Hawkeyes in Space, George Hospodarsky, Summer Reading Program Presentation (12 students, 18 adults), Coralville Public Library, Coralville, Iowa, July 16, 2019.
  313. James Van Allen and Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Three presentations to elementary groups (3rd grade class = 107 students, 8 adults; 4th grade class = 85 students, 7 adults; 5th grade class = 88 students, 6 adults), Van Allen Elementary School, 1129 W. Ashland, Chariton, Iowa, Oct. 4, 2019.
  314. The Role of the University of Iowa in Space Physics Research, George Hospodarsky, One presentation to high school physics and Advanced Math class (15 students, 2 adults), Chariton High School, 501 N. Grand St., Chariton, Iowa, Oct. 4, 2019.
  315. Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, 6th grade classes, Maple Avenue Middle School, Littlestown, Pennsylvania, via Google Hangout, Oct. 10, 2019.

  316. University of Iowa's Role in Space Research, George Hospodarsky, Benton Community Schools Norway Intermediate 5th grade classes (108 students, 5 teachers), 100 School Drive, Norway, Iowa, May 20, 2021.
  317. University of Iowa Space Physics Laboratory Tour and Iowa's History of Space Research, George Hospodarsky, Tour of spaceflight fabrication laboratories, discussion about Iowa's involvement in past and present space exploration missions, and opportunities for student work on space physics projects. Met with prospective student and parents, University of Iowa Department of Physics and Astronomy, Van Allen Hall, Sept. 10, 2021.
  318. Past, Present, and Future: University of Iowa's Role in Space Research, George Hospodarsky, STEAM Institute for 7th graders (130 students, 7 teachers), Kirkwood Regional Center at The University of Iowa, 2301 Oakdale Boulevard, Coralville, Iowa, Nov 24, 2021.

  319. What Cassini Continues to Reveal About Saturn, comment by William Kurth, news article, The Planetary Society, Sept. 13, 2022.

  320. Space Physics at the University of Iowa, presentation by George Hospodarsky, Monticello High School Physics class (15 students, 1 teacher), 850 East Oak Street, Monticello, Iowa, April 26, 2023.
  321. Space Exploration Projects at the University of Iowa, presentation by George Hospodarsky, Monticello Elementary School 3rd grade class (~70 students, 4 teachers), 615 North Gill Street, Monticello, Iowa, April 26, 2023.
  322. Tour of the University of Iowa Space Physics Labs and Summary of Iowa's Past, Present, and Future Space Research Projects, George Hospodarsky, family visit (2 children, 2 adults), University of Iowa, Van Allen Hall, Iowa City, Iowa, October 11, 2023.
  323. Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Presentations to six groups of 7th graders, STEAM Institute (1st day), Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa, 2301 Oakdale Blvd., Coralville, Iowa, November 20, 2023.
  324. Space Physics Research at the University of Iowa, George Hospodarsky, Presentations to six groups of 7th graders, STEAM Institute (2nd day), Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa, 2301 Oakdale Blvd., Coralville, Iowa, November 21, 2023.

  325. U. of Iowa's Past, Present, and Future Space Research Projects, and a Tour of the Space Physics Facilities and Historical Artifacts, George Hospodarsky, family visit (2 children, 2 adults), University of Iowa, Van Allen Hall, Iowa City, Iowa, October 9, 2024.
  326. History of the University of Iowa Space Physics Program, 1958-Present, George Hospodarsky, presentation to the STEAM Institute for 7th grade classes (3 sessions; ~65 students, 3 teachers), Kirkwood Linn Regional Center, 1770 Boyson Road, Hiawatha, Iowa, December 16, 2024.

  327. Origin of Space Physics Research and University of Iowa's Involvement in Space Exploration, George Hospodarsky, presentation to the 8th grade Earth, Space Science, & General Science classes (~100 students, 1 teacher), North Central Middle School, North Liberty, Iowa, February 10, 2025.
  328. Origin of Space Physics Research and University of Iowa's Involvement in Space Exploration, George Hospodarsky, presentation to the 8th grade General Science classes (~80 students, 1 teacher), North Central Middle School, North Liberty, Iowa, February 11, 2025.

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