Spin-scan Auroral Imaging System (SAI)


    1984 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 3-7 December 1984, San Francisco, CA

  1. Craven, J. D. and L. A. Frank, An Apparent Signature of Modifications to the Upper Atmosphere During Aurora Substorms, EOS, 65(45), 1021, 1984.
  2. Frank, L. A., J. D. Craven, C. T. Russell and E. J. Smith, Variations of Magnetotail Energy in Response to Fluctuations of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, EOS, 65(45), 1050, 1984.
  3. Huang, C. Y., L. A. Frank, J. D. Craven, R. C. Elphic and G. K. Parks, High-Altitude Signatures of a Theta Aurora, EOS, 65(45), 1051, 1984.
  4. Reiff, Patricia H., J. L. Burch, J. D. Winningham, W. K. Peterson, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Simultaneous Measurement of Auroral Electrostatic Potential Differences from High and Low Altitudes, EOS, 65(45), 1058, 1984.
  5. Sigwarth, J. B., L. A. Frank and J. D. Craven, Asymmetric Distribution of Atmospheric Holes Possibly Associated with Meteors, EOS, 65(45), 1020, 1984.
  6. Vondrak, R. R., R. M. Robinson, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Simultaneous Measurements of Ionization by the Chatanika Radar and Optical Emissions by the DE-1 Spin-Scan Auroral Imager, EOS, 65(45), 1020, 1984.

    1985 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 27-31 May 1985, Baltimore, MD

  7. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank, M. S. Gussenhoven, D. A. Hardy, D. S. Evans and H. H. Sauer, On the Simultaneous Existence and Motion of the Theta Aurora over the Two Polar Caps, EOS, 66(18), 345, 1985.
  8. Frank, L. A., J. D. Craven, R. P. Lepping, N. C. Maynard, C. T. Russell and E. J. Smith, Global Auroral Imaging with DE-1: Large Auroral Substorms, Theta Auroras and Attempts at Stereoscopy, EOS, 66(18), 345, 1985.

    IUGG/IAGA XVIII General Assembly, 5-17 August 1985, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

  9. Craven, J. D. and L. A. Frank, Auroral, Geocoronal and Atmospheric Imaging with Dynamics Explorer. (Poster)
  10. Frank, L. A., Auroral Observations from the Atmosphere and Dynamics Explorer Satellites.
  11. Huang, C. Y., L. A. Frank, J. D. Craven, W. K. Peterson, D. J. Williams, W. Lennartsson, D. G. Mitchell, R. C. Elphic and C. T. Russell, Filamentary Structures in the Magnetotail.

    Chapman Conference on Magnetotail Physics, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, 28-31 October 1985, Laurel, MD

  12. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank and T. E. Eastman, Latitudinal Motions of Auroras in the Midnight Sector During Substorms.

    1985 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 9-13 December 1985, San Francisco, CA

  13. Craven, J. D., Comparisons of Plasma-Sheet Boundary Motions with Auroral Oval Dynamics Using DE 1 and ISEEs 1, 2, and 3, EOS, 66(46), 1028, 1985. (Invited)
  14. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank, C. T. Russell and R. P. Lepping, Onset of the Classical Auroral Substorm, EOS, 66(46), 1047, 1985.
  15. Elphic, R. C., M. Sugiura, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank and W. K. Peterson, Simultaneous Measurements of Field-Aligned Currents at High and Low Altitudes: ISEE and DE Observations, EOS, 66(46), 998, 1985.
  16. Frank, L. A., Recent Imaging Results from the Dynamics Explorer Mission, EOS, 66(46), 1047, 1985. (Invited)
  17. Gombosi, E., T. L. Killeen, R. W. Eastes, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, J. D. Winningham, R. A. Heelis and N. W. Spencer, On the Relationship Between the Dynamics of the Polar Thermosphere and the Morphology of the Visible Aurora, EOS, 66(46), 998, 1985.
  18. Gussenhoven, M. S., J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank and D. N. Baker, Highly Asymmetric Response of the High Latitude Magnetosphere for Bz Northward, EOS, 66(46), 1033, 1985.
  19. Hoffman, R. A., M. Sugiura, N. C. Maynard, L. A. Frank and J. D. Craven, Electrodynamics of the Polar Region During Extremely Quiet Periods, EOS, 66(46), 1001, 1985. (Poster)
  20. Rairden, R. L., L. A. Frank and J. D. Craven, Images of the Geocorona from Dynamics Explorer, EOS, 66(46), 1003, 1985.
  21. Robinson, R. M., R. R. Vondrak, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank and K. L. Miller, Comparison of Dynamics Explorer Auroral Imaging Data with Chatanika Radar Measurements of Electron Density, EOS, 66(46), 991, 1985.
  22. Sigwarth, J. B., L. A. Frank and J. D. Craven, Latitudinal and Longitudinal Distribution of Atmospheric Holes Associated with Meteors, EOS, 66(46), 1005, 1985.
  23. Saflekos, N. A., J. L. Burch, J. D. Winningham, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Dynamics of the Polar Cusp During a Strong Magnetic Substorm, EOS, 66(46), 1034, 1985.

    Chapman Conference on Ionospheric Plasma in the Magnetosphere, 3-7 February 1986, Yosemite National Park, CA

  24. Robinson, R. M., Y. T. Chiu, J. R. Sharber, J. D. Winningham, J. L. Burch, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, A Study of Auroral Particle Fluxes at Three Altitudes.

    1986 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 19-22 May 1986, Baltimore, MD

  25. Ackerson, K. L., J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Mapping the Auroral Oval into the Magnetosphere, EOS, 67(16), 336, 1986.
  26. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank, R. L. Rairden and M. R. Dvorsky, The Hydrogen Coma of Comet Halley Before Perihelion: First Observations with Dynamics Explorer 1, EOS, 67(16), 330, 1986.
  27. Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth and J. D. Craven, On the Influx of Small Comets into the Earth's Upper Atmosphere, II. Interpretation, EOS, 67(16), 299, 1986.
  28. Sigwarth, J. B., L. A. Frank and J. D. Craven, On the Influx of Small Comets into the Earth's Upper Atmosphere, I. Observations, EOS, 67(16), 299, 1986.

    XXVI Plenary Meeting of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 30 June-11 July 1986, Toulouse, France

  29. Calvert, W. J., J. D. Craven, R. L. Huff, M. R. Dvorsky, L. A. Frank and D. A. Gurnett, Magnetic Mapping of the AKR Source to the Aurora.
  30. Craven, J. D., The Role of the Dynamics Explorer Auroral Imagers in Multi-point Magnetospheric Investigations.
  31. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank and M. R. Dvorsky, Integrated Lyman-alpha Emission Rates from Comet Halley as Observed with Dynamics Explorer 1 - Early Results.
  32. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank and G. K. Parks, Simultaneous Observations of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer and the Aurora - Spatial and Temporal Relations.
  33. Elphic, R. C., M. Sugiura, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank and W. K. Peterson, Simultaneous DE and ISEE Observations of Field-Aligned Currents in the Midnight Auroral Zone.
  34. Frank, L. A., On the Significance of Satellite Auroral Imaging for Magnetospheric Physics.
  35. Sojka, J. J., R. W. Schunk, L. A. Frank, J. D. Craven, J. D. Winningham and J. R. Sharber, Ionosphere's Response to an Auroral Storm Based Upon the Dynamics Explorer SAI and LAPI Data Bases.

    20th ESLAB Symposium on the Exploration of Halley's Comet, 27-31 October 1986, Heidelberg, W. Germany

  36. Craven, J. D. and L. A. Frank, Neutral Hydrogen Production Rates for Comet Halley: Early Estimates with Dynamics Explorer 1.

    33rd Annual Meeting of the American Astronautical Society, 26-29 October 1986, Boulder, CO

  37. Fix, J. D., J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Measurement of the Diffuse Ultraviolet Background Using the Dynamics Explorer Spacecraft.
  38. Frank, L. A., The Hydrogen Coma of Comet Halley: A Review of Early Work with Dynamics Explorer 1.

    1986 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 8-12 December 1986, San Francisco, CA

  39. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank, K. L. Ackerson and G. K. Parks, Auroral Imaging as a Monitor of Magnetotail Dynamics, EOS, 67(44), 1134, 1986.
  40. Frank, L. A., Global Imaging of the Aurora with Dynamics Explorer 1, EOS, 67(44), 1133, 1986. (Invited)
  41. Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth, J. D. Craven, K. L. Ackerson and R. L. Rairden, On the Influxes of Small Comets into the Earth's Upper Atmosphere: Recent Results, EOS, 67(44), 1134, 1986.
  42. Huff, R. L., W. Calvert, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank and D. A. Gurnett, Magnetic Mapping of AKR Sources to the Aurora, EOS, 67(44), 1161, 1986. (Poster)
  43. Keating, G. M., M. C. Pitts, W. E. Bressette, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Spin-Scan Ozone Images from DE-1, EOS, 67(44), 1133-1134, 1986.
  44. McCarthy, M., G. K. Parks, K. C. Clark, J. Craven, L. A. Frank and D. Baker, Ionospheric Trigger of an Auroral Substorm, EOS, 67(44), 1139, 1986. (Poster)

    169th American Astronomical Society Meeting, 4-8 January 1987, Pasadena, CA

  45. Fix, D. J., J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Measurement of the Diffuse Ultraviolet Background Using the Dynamics Explorer Spacecraft. (Poster)

    Quantitative Modeling of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes, 9-13 March 1987, Kyoto, Japan

  46. Craven, J. D., Auroral Morphology in Quiet and Actual Periods.

    1987 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 18-21 May 1987, Baltimore, MD

  47. Baker, D. N., J. D. Craven, R. C. Elphic, L. A. Frank, J. H. King, H. Singer, J. A. Slavin and R. D. Zwickl, A Detailed Analysis of the 0738 UI Substorm on 28 January 1983: CDAW-8, EOS, 68(16), 389, 1987.
  48. Cattell, C. A., D. N. Baker, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, C. Huang, R. C. Elphic, D. H. Fairfield, W. J. Hughes, R. H. Manka, T. J. Rosenberg and D. L. Carpenter, CDAW-8 Observations of Pi2 Pulsations and Associated Substorm Processes on the Ground, at 6.6 RE and at 9 RE, EOS, 68(16), 389, 1987.
  49. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank, D. N. Baker and J. F. Fennell, Auroral Images of Substorm Onsets and the Signatures of Energetic Particle Injections at Geosynchronous Altitudes, EOS, 68(16), 389, 1987.
  50. Fairfield, D. H., D. N. Baker, R. D. Zwickl, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, R. C. Elphic, J. F. Fennell, I. G. Richardson, J. A. Slavin and B. T. Tsurutani, Substorms, Plasmoids, Flux Ropes and Magnetotail Flux Loss on March 25, 1983: CDAW-8, EOS, 68(16), 388, 1987.
  51. Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth and J. D. Craven, On the Presence of Small Comets in the Solar System, EOS, 68(16), 343, 1987. (Invited)
  52. Parks, G., M. McCarty, K. Clark, J. Craven, L. Frank, D. Baker and G. Rostoker, New Observations of an Isolated Substorm, EOS, 68(16), 391, 1987.
  53. Singer, H. J., W. J. Hughes, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, DE-1 Auroral Images and Ground-based Magnetic Observations at Substorm Onset: CDAW-8, EOS, 68(16), 389, 1987.
  54. Slavin, J. A., E. J. Smith, D. N. Baker, R. D. Zwickl, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, R. C. Elphic, D. H. Fairfield, W. J. Hughes, R. H. Manka, I. G. Richardson, T. R. Sanderson, D. J. Sibeck, D. G. Mitchell and H. J. Singer, CDAW-8 A & G Plasmoid Events: Magnetic Islands, Fluxropes or Large Amplitude Waves?, EOS, 68(16), 388, 1987.

    Cambridge Workshop in Theoretical Geoplasma Physics, July 1987, Cambridge, MA

  55. Craven, J. D., and L. A. Frank, Dynamics of the Aurora and the Magnetotail: Recent Contributions from Dynamics Explorer 1.

    IUGG/IAGA XIX General Assembly, 9-22 August 1987, Vancouver, Canada

  56. Baker, D. N., J. D. Craven, R. C. Elphic, L. A. Frank, J. H. King, H. J. Singer, J. A. Slavin and R. D. Zwickl, A Detailed Analysis of the 0738 UT Substorm on 28 January 1983: CDAW-8.
  57. Cattell, C. A., D. N. Baker, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, C. Huang, R. C. Elphic, D. H. Fairfield, W. J. Hughes, R. H. Manka, T. J. Rosenberg and D. L. Carpenter, CDAW-8 Observations of Pi2 Pulsations and Associated Substorm Processes on the Ground, at 6.6 RE and at 9 RE.
  58. Craven, J. D., and L. A.. Frank, Atomic Hydrogen Production Rates for Comet Halley: Early Estimates from Dynamic Explorer 1. (Poster)
  59. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank and G. K. Parks, Simultaneous Observations of the Aurora and the Plasma Sheet Boundary.
  60. Fairfield, D. H., D. N. Baker, R. D. Zwickl, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, R. C. Elphic, J. F. Fennell, I. G. Richardson, J. A. Slavin and B. T. Tsurutani, Substorms, Plasmoids, Flux Ropes and Magnetotail Flux Loss on March 25, 1983: CDAW-8.
  61. Frank, L. A., Earth's Aurora: Recent Global Imaging Results.
  62. Frank, L. A., J. D. Craven, R. P. Lepping, C. T. Russell and E. J. Smith, Variations of Magnetotail Energy During Substorms as Inferred from the Polar Cap Magnetic Flux.
  63. Horwitz, J. L., T. R. Reyes, T. E. Moore, J. H. Waite, W. K. Peterson, J. L. Burch, J. D. Winningham, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank and A. Persoon, Polar 0+ Beams.
  64. Rees, D., T. J. Fuller-Rowell, J. D. Craven, L. Frank and H. Rishbeth, Post-Magnetic Storm Mid-Latitude Depletions of Atomic Oxygen UV Emissions: Simulations of Fossil Changes in Thermospheric Composition Using a Global Thermospheric Model.
  65. Singer, H. J., W. J. Hughes, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, DE-1 Auroral Images and Ground-based Magnetic Observations at Substorm Onset: CDAW-8.
  66. Slavin, J. A., E. J. Smith, D. N. Baker, R. D. Zwickl, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, R. C. Elphic, D. H. Fairfield, W. J. Hughes, R. H. Manka, I. G. Richardson, T. R. Sanderson, D. J. Sibeck, D. G. Mitchell and H. J. Singer, CDAW-8 A & G Plasmoid Events: Magnetic Islands, Fluxropes or Large Amplitude Waves?
  67. Sojka, J. J., L. A. Frank and J. D. Craven, Global Scale Auroral Imagery, An Essential Tool for Ionospheric Simulation and Prediction.

    Workshop on Magnetosphere - Ionosphere Coupling and Substorm Phenomena, October 1987, Fairbanks, AK

  68. Craven, J. D., and L. A. Frank, Dynamics of the Aurora and the Magnetotail: Recent Contributions from Dynamics Explorer 1.

    1987 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 7-11 December 1987, San Francisco, CA

  69. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank, C. Y. Huang and G. K. Parks, Concerning the Latitude of the Discrete Aurora and the Thickness of the Plasma Sheet, EOS, 68(44), 1424, 1987.
  70. Dyson, R. L., J. D. Craven, C. Y. Huang, L. A. Frank, E. J. Smith and B. T. Tsurutani, Auroral Substorms and Magnetic Signatures in the Distant Magnetotail, EOS, 68(44), 1424, 1987.
  71. Frank, L. A., and J. D. Craven, Auroral Substorms as Viewed with Dynamics Explorer 1, EOS, 68(44), 1420, 1987. (Invited)
  72. Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth, and J. D. Craven, On the Influx of Small Comets into the Earth's Upper Atmosphere, EOS, 68(44), 1343, 1987. (Poster)
  73. Walker, M. G., C. R. Clauer, R. Samadani, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Automated Analysis of Auroral Images, EOS, 68(44), 1436, 1987. (Poster)

    American Astronomical Society, January 1988, Pasadena, CA

  74. Frank, L. A. J. B. Sigwarth and J. D. Craven, On the Influx of Small Comets into Earth's Upper Atmosphere.

    1988 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 16-20 May 1988, Baltimore, MD

  75. Craven, J. D., C. Y. Huang, L. A. Frank, and G. K. Parks, Mapping the Discrete Aurora into the Near-Earth Magnetotail, EOS, 69(16), 440, 1988. (Invited)
  76. Dyson, R. L., J. D. Craven, C. Y. Huang, L. A. Frank, E. J. Smith, B. T. Tsurutani and R. D. Zwickl, A Comparison of the Plasma Sheet in the Distant Magnetotail for Quiet and Active Auroral Conditions, EOS, 69(16), 434, 1988.
  77. Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth, J. D. Craven, J. S. Murphree and L. L. Cogger, A Search for Atmospheric Holes in Viking Images of Earth's Ultraviolet Dayglow, EOS, 69(16), 413, 1988.
  78. Fujii, R., R. A. Hoffman, M. Sugiura, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank and N. C. Maynard, The Field-Aligned Current System Associated with the Bulge-Type Auroral Expansion, EOS, 69(16), 445, 1988.
  79. Hones, E. W., J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, D. S. Evans, P. T. Newell, C.-I. Meng and T. A. Potemra, A Pattern of Auroral Emissions Frequently Observed During Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions with the DE 1 Auroral Images, EOS, 69(16), 440, 1988.
  80. Mendillo, M., J. Sigwarth, J. Craven, L. Frank, J. Holt, D. Tetenbaum and J. Buchau, The ERIC-2 Experiment: An Attempt to Create Signatures of Comet-Like Objects in the upper Atmosphere, EOS, 69(16), 422, 1988.

    International Conference on Auroral Physics, 11-15 July 1988, Cambridge, England

  81. Craven, J. D., Diagnosis of Auroral Dynamics Using Global Auroral Imaging with Emphasis on Large Scale Evolutions.

    XXVI COSPAR Meeting, 18-29 July 1988, Espoo, Finland

  82. Craven, J. D., and L. A. Frank, A Signature in the UV Dayglow of Modifications to the Upper Atmosphere During Auroral Substorms. (Invited)
  83. Craven, J. D., and L. A. Frank, Auroral Response to Variations in the Solar Wind and Interplanetary Medium. (Invited)
  84. Frank, L. A., J. D. Craven, R. P. Lepping, C. T. Russell and E. J. Smith, Fluctuations of Magnetotail Energy in Response to the Solar Wind.
  85. Hones, E. W., L. A. Frank and J. D. Craven, On the Association of Auroral Motion and Plasma Sheet Recovery Late in Substorms.
  86. Hones, E. W., P. R. Higbie, L. A. Frank, J. D. Craven, C. Huang, J. S. Murphree, C. T. Russell, R. C. Elphic, A. B. Galvin and J. Olsen, Study of a Substorm on May 4, 1986 Using a coordinated Data Set from the PROMIS Campaign.
  87. Mendillo, M., J. Sigwarth, J. Craven, L. Frank, R. Eastes, R. Hoffman, J. Holt and D. Tentenbaum, Project ERIC: Attempts to Create Signatures of Comet-Like Objects in the Upper Atmosphere.
  88. Nielsen, E., J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Ionospheric Flows Associated with a Cross- Polar-Cap Arc.

    1988 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 6-11 December 1988, San Francisco, CA

  89. Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth, J. D. Craven, C. M. Yeates and T. Gehrels, Telescopic Search for Small Comets in Consecutive Images with the Spacewatch Camera, EOS, 69(44), 1293, 1988. (Poster)
  90. Sigwarth, J. B., L. A. Frank and J. D. Craven, Imaging of Absorption and Emission Features of Water-Vapor Clouds Associated with Small Comets as Observed with Dynamics Explorer, EOS, 69(44), 1350, 1988.
  91. Heinemann, N. C., M. S. Gussenhoven, F. J. Rich, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, D. S. Evans and R. A. Heelis, Satellite Data Overview of the ETS/GTMS Period: 17- 24 September 1984, EOS, 69(44), 1351, 1988.

    1989 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 7-12 May, Baltimore, MD

  92. Craven, J. D., L. A. Frank, J. S. Murphree and L. L. Cogger, Simultaneous Optical Observations of Transpolar Arcs in the Two Polar Caps with DE 1 and Viking, EOS, 70(15), 428, 1989.
  93. Frank, L. A., The Great Promise of Imaging for Magnetospheric Research in the Post-ISTP Era, EOS, 70(15), 444, 1989. (Invited)
  94. Mendillo, M., P. Sultan, R. Doe, J. B. Sigwarth, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, J. Holt and D. Tetenbaum, Preliminary Results from ERIC-3: Attempts to Create Atmospheric Signatures of Comet-like Objects, EOS, 70(15), 405, 1989.
  95. Clauer, C. R., R. Samadani, D. Mihovilovic, J. Vesecky, P. Banks, G. Wiederhold, J. Craven and L. A. Frank, Computer Automated Analysis of Auroral Images Obtained from High Altitude Polar Satellites, EOS, 70(15), 405, 1989.

    6th IAGA Scientific Assembly, 24 July - 4 August, 1989, Exeter, England

  96. Clauer, C. R., R. Samadani, D. Mihovilovic, G. Wiederhold, J. Vesecky, P. Banks, J. Craven and L. Frank, Computer Assisted Analysis of Auroral Images Obtained by High Altitude Polar Satellites.
  97. Frank, L. A., Plasmas in Planetary Magnetospheres.
  98. Hones, E. W., J. Birn, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, The Horse-Collar Aurora: An Ionospheric Signature of the Quiet Magnetosphere.
  99. Huang, C. Y., J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Simultaneous Observations of the Substorm Growth Phase.

    1989 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 4-8 December 1989, San Francisco, CA

  100. Sigwarth, J. B., L. A. Frank and C. M. Yeates, A Search for Small Comets in Consecutive Images Acquired with a Ground-based Telescope, EOS, 43, 1182, 1989.
  101. Bowline, M., J. J. Sojka, R. W. Schunk, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, J. Sharber, J. D. Winningham, and J. P. Heppner, Dynamics Explorer 1 and 2 Data - TDIM Study for 22 November 1981, EOS, 43, 1248, 1989.
  102. Frank, L. A., and J. B. Sigwarth, An Anticipated Atomic Hydrogen Torus Around the Sun from a Population of Small Comets, EOS, 43, 1262, 1989.
  103. Huang, C. Y., J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Simultaneous Observations of Substorm Onset, EOS, 43, 1282, 1989.

    1990 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 29 May - 1 June 1990, Baltimore, MD

  104. Baker, D. N., J. D. Craven, R. D. Elphinstone, J. F. Fennell, L. A. Frank, R. E. Lopez, J. S. Murphree, T. Nagai and G. Rostoker, CDAW-9 Analysis of Magnetospheric Events on 3 May 1986: Event C, EOS, 71, 593, 1990.
  105. Craven, J. D., and L. A. Frank, Large-Scale Auroral Morphology Associated with Geomagnetic Storms, EOS, 71, 610, 1990.
  106. Dyson, R. L., L. A. Frank, J. D. Craven, C. Y. Huang, J. T. Gosling, R. D. Zwickl, E. J. Smith and B. T. Tsurutani, Plasma Observations with ISEE 3 in Earth's Distant Magnetotail, EOS, 71, 607, 1990.
  107. Hones, E. W., T. E. Cayton, R. Elphinstone, J. S. Murphree, A. B. Galvin, F. M. Ipavich, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, C. Y. Huang, G. K. Parks, R. L. McPherron and C. T. Russell, A Tale of Two Substorms, EOS, 71, 593, 1990.
  108. Sharber, J. R., E. W. Hones, R. A. Heelis, J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, J. A. Slavin and N. C. Maynard, Dynamics Explorer Measurements of Particles, Fields and Plasma Drifts in the Ionosphere over a Horse-Collar Aurora, EOS, 71, 581, 1990.

    XV EGS General Assembly, 23-27 April 1990, Copenhagen, Denmark

  109. Nielsen, E., J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, and R. D. Heelis, Ionospheric Flows Associated with a Transpolar Arc.

    XXVIII Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, 25 June - 6 July 1990, The Hague, The Netherlands

  110. Craven, J. D., Remote Sensing of Variations in the Composition of the Upper Atmosphere?
  111. Frank, L. A., and J. B. Sigwarth, Satellite Search for Atmospheric Mini-Impact Events.
  112. Yeates, C. M., L. A. Frank and J. B. Sigwarth, Ground-based Search for Earth-Approaching Mini-objects.

    Chapman Conference on Magnetospheric Substorms, 3-7 September 1990, Hakone, Japan.

  113. Craven, J. D., Large-Scale Auroral Dynamics Observed with Dynamics Explorer 1.

    1990 Fall AGU Meeting, 3-7 December 1990, San Francisco, CA

  114. Horwitz, J. L., C. J. Pollock, T. E. Moore, J. L. Burch, J. D. Winningham, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, On Outflowing 0+ Beams in the Polar Cap Regions, EOS, 71, 1493, 1990.

    1991 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 28 May - 1 June 1991, Baltimore, MD

  115. Anderson, P. C., D. N. Baker, R. A. Heelis, W. B. Hanson, J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, The Relationship of Rapid Subauroral Ion Drifts to Substorm Evolution, EOS, 72, 250, 1991.

    1994 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, December 1994, San Francisco, CA

  116. Pulkkinen, T. I., D. N. Baker, P. K. Toivanen, J. S. Murphree and L. A. Frank, Mapping of the Auroras During the CDAW-9 Event C Substorm, EOS, 75(44), 566, 1994.

    1995 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, May 1995, Baltimore, MD

  117. Craven, J. D. and L. A. Frank, Asymmetric Expansion of the Auroral Bulge in Substorms: Variations with IMF Orientation and UT, and Implications, EOS, 76(17), 262, 1995.

    XXI General Assembly, 2-14 July 1995, Boulder, CO

  118. Pulkkinen, T. I., D. N. Baker, R. J. Pellinen, J. S. Murphree and L. A. Frank, Mapping of the Auroral Oval and Individual Arcs During Substorms, Meeting Program, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, P104.
  119. Craven, J. D. and L. A. Frank, Asymmetric Expansion of the Auroral Bulge in Substorms and Possible Variations with IMF Orientation and UT, P116.
  120. Immel, T. J., J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Observation of Large-Scale Variations in Thermospheric O Density Due to Geomagnetic Forcing, P229.
  121. Craven, J. D., G. K. Parks and L. A. Frank, Quantitative Evaluation of a Magnetic Mapping Between the Poleward Boundaries of the Auroral Oval and the Plasma Sheet, P229.

    1995 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, December 1995, San Francisco, CA

  122. Craven, J. D., T. J. Immel, L. A. Frank, T. L. Killeen and A. G. Burns, Simultaneous Remote and Local Observations of Variations in Thermospheric Composition with the DE-1 and -2 Spacecraft, EOS, 76(46), 446, 1995.
  123. Immel, T. J., J. D. Craven and L. A. Frank, Influence of IMF Orientation on Thermospheric O Densities at Subauroral Latitudes During Periods of Auroral Activity, EOS, 76(46), 446, 1995.

    1996 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 20-24 May 1996, Baltimore, MD

  124. Craven, J. D. and L. A. Frank, The Asymmetric Substorm Expansion Phase, EOS, 77(17), 252, 1996.

    1996 Huntsville Workshop on "Encounter Between Global Observations and Models in the ISTP ERA", Guntersville, AL, 15-20 September 1996

  125. Craven, J. D. and L. A. Frank, The Asymmetric Substorm Expansion: Where in the Tail is It?, page 46.

    1996 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 15-19 December 1996, San Francisco, CA

  126. Craven, J. D., T. J. Immel, L. A. Frank, J. B. Sigwarth, C.-I. Meng, G. K. Parks, T. L. Killeen, W. E. Sharp and R. P. Lepping, FUV Observations of the Active Aurora and Correlated Perturbations to Thermospheric Composition as Seen With the Visible Imaging System on the Polar Spacecraft, EOS, 77(46), 620, 1996.

    1997 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 8-12 December 1997, San Francisco, CA

  127. Immel, T. J., J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank and J. B. Sigwarth, Variations in Earth's FUV Dayglow Within the Polar Caps, EOS, 78(46), 520, 1997.

    1998 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 26-29 May 1998, Boston, MA

  128. Gjerloev, J. W., R. A. Hoffman, L. A. Frank and J. B. Sigwarth, Location of AL and AU Determining Ground Station as a Function of Substorm Phase Using Auroral Images, EOS, 79(17), 305, 1998.

    1999 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December 1999, San Francisco, CA

  129. Gjerloev, J. W., R. A. Hoffman, L. A. Frank and J. B. Sigwarth, Substorm Classification Using Global Auroral Images and AE Indices, EOS, 80(46), 909, 1999.

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