My closest working relationships with students involved ones at the graduate level. The following are those who finished advanced degrees under my guidance. The first date in the parentheses after each name is the date of an M.S. degree, the second of a Ph.D. degree. Some students who did their M.S. work with me later earned a Ph.D. elsewhere or under another advisor at Iowa. Others terminated their graduate work at the M.S. level. Every one was a collaborator in the fullest sense of the word, a fact that is amply represented in authorship or co-authorship of published work.
JOHARI BIN ADNAN (1983, ----) SIXTEN INGVAR AKERSTEN (1969, ----) HUGH RIDDELL ANDERSON (1958, ----) THOMAS PEYTON ARMSTRONG (1964, ----) DANIEL N. BAKER (1973, 1974) KENNETH E. BUTTREY (1955, ----) LAURENCE JAMES CAHILL, JR. (1956, 1959) CHARLES P. CATALANO (----, 1971) JAMES R. CESSNA (1965, ----) PHILLIP CHANG (1962, ----) TSAN-FU CHEN (1973, 1978) JOHN D. CRAVEN (1964, ----) JOSE M. da COSTA (1971, ----) JERRY F. DRAKE (1967, 1970) ROBERT A. ELLIS, JR. (----, 1954) R. WALKER FILLIUS (1963, 1965) HERBERT R. FLINDT (1968, ----) LOUIS A. FRANK (1961, 1964) JOHN H. FREEMAN (1961, 1963) THEODORE A. FRITZ (1964, 1967) SISTER JEAN GIBSON, O.S.B. (----, 1969) CYNTHIA LEE GROSSKREUTZ (1982, ----) DONALD A. GURNETT (----, 1965) ROLLIN CHARLES HARDING (1966, ----) H. KENT HILLS (1964, ----) WILLIAM G. INNANEN (----, 1972) ROBERT CHANDLER JOHNSON (1957, ----) JOSEPH E. KASPER (1955, ----) STAMATIOS MIKE KRIMIGIS (1963, 1965) CURTIS D. LAUGHLIN (1960, ----) WEI CHING LIN (1961, 1963) THOMAS A. LOFTUS (1969, ----) GEORGE HARRY LUDWIG (1959, 1960) CARL E. McILWAIN, JR. (1956, 1960) LESLIE H. MEREDITH (1952, 1954) RAYMOND F. MISSERT (1955, 1957) STEVEN R. MOSIER (1967, ----) MICHAEL O'CONNOR (1968, ----) MELVIN N. OLIVEN (1966, 1970) MARK E. PESSES (1976, 1979) GUIDO PIZZELLA (----, 1962) ROBERT C. PLACIOUS (1953, ----) RICHARD LOUIS RAIRDEN (1981, ----) BRUCE A. RANDALL (1969, 1972) JOANNA M. RANKIN (----, 1970) ERNEST C. RAY (1953, 1956) NICOLAOS A. SAFLEKOS (----, 1975) EMMANUEL T. SARRIS (----, 1973) MELVIN SCHWARTZ (----, 1958) DAVIS D. SENTMAN (----, 1976) STANLEY D. SHAWHAN (1965, ----) HAROLD E. TAYLOR (----, 1966) JAMES DENNIS THISSEL (1963, ----) MICHELLE F. THOMSEN (1974, 1977) WILLIAM R. WEBBER (1955, 1957) JOEL M. WEISBERG (1975, 1978) CHARLES D. WENDE (1966, 1968) MICHAEL JAMES WIEMER (1964, ----) SAIYED MASOOD ZAKI (1964, ----)
In addition, I have benefited by the highly competent efforts of an uncounted number of members of our technical staff of whom the following are representative: William A. Whelpley, Roger F. Randall, Robert B. Brechwald, Evelyn D. Robison, John E. Rogers, Joseph G. Sentinella, Donald C. Enemark, W. Lee Shope, Edmund Freund, and Robert Markee.
Finally and most importantly, I am indebted to my wife of 44 years, Abigail, and our five children who have provided the circumstances under which sustained and intensive professional work has seemed worthwhile.
This article originally published by
Annual Reviews Inc., appeared in
the Annual
Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 18, 1-26, 1990
with all rights reserved. Permission has been granted to the University
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