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The Comprehensive Plasma Instrumentation (CPI) for the Geotail spacecraft
consists of three plasma analyzers: (1) an electrostatic analyzer for hot
electrons and ions, (2) a complementary electrostatic analyzer for cool
plasmas with high bulk speeds such as those found within the solar wind
and magnetosheath, and (3) an ion composition analyzer for identification
of ion species such as H+, He+, He++,
and O+. The energy-per-unit charge (E/Q) ranges for these
analyzers are 1.3 V to 48.2 kV, 145 V to 6830 V, and 1.3 V to 48.2 kV,
respectively. Three-dimensional velocity distributions of the ions and
electrons are acquired for the first time in the distant magnetotail and
are sufficiently accurate to separate E × B drifts from
field-aligned flows associated with currents. Among the many specific
scientific objectives of the plasma observations are the relative
importance of ionospheric and solar wind sources, searches for plasmoids
and flux ropes, current-sheet acceleration of plasmas, and convection and
current systems in the magnetotail.