Trigger 4E Description
Sequence: All
Trigger 4E (Quiet Test: LP Sweep interference effects)
This mode is designed to step through a series of LP sweeps to allow
the other instruments to check for interference.
Receiver Frequency Range Sensor Cycle Time Snapshot Size
-------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------
MFR 25Hz-12KHz EX,EW 32.000 Seconds
LPswp N/A Langmuir Probe 5.000 Seconds
LPden N/A Langmuir Probe 5.000 Seconds
Correlations Channels Integ. Size Frequency
Band Ant. Auto- Cross- per Band df Period Rep Steps kHz Start - Stop
---- ---- ----- ------ -------- -- ------ --- ----- ---- ------------
ABC 2E y y 16 n 1000 1 3.6-319KHz
HF1 2E n y 2 n 80 1 60 25 0.325-1.825MHz
HF2 1E n n 1 n 20 1 72 200 1.825-16.225MHz
Bands ABC require 3.160 sec to complete, H1 requires 5.048 sec, and
H2 requires 1.461 sec for a total of 9.669 sec per sweep. The hfr
cycle time is 9.875 seconds.
The trigger steps through a series of LP noisy and LP quiet modes, and then goes
to Trigger 70 as shown below
60 seconds LP Noisy
60 seconds LP Quiet
60 seconds LP Noisy
60 seconds LP Quiet
60 seconds LP Noisy
60 seconds LP Quiet
60 seconds LP Noisy
60 seconds LP Quiet
60 seconds LP Noisy
Trigger 70