Voyager PWS Data Sets

Voyager Plasma Wave data in PDS4 form

Voyager Plasma Wave data indexed by the HDRL

Voyager Plasma Wave data in PDS3 form

Note that some of these data have not completed peer review and are subject to occasional corrections and updates. Archived data sets are also available through our Outer Planets Subnode of the Planetary Plasma Interactions node of NASA's Planetary Data System.

For access to data not listed here or not currently online, contact Dr. William S. Kurth via e-mail william-kurth @ uiowa . edu.

Interactive Plots via Autoplot

The following links lead to Autoplot settings files (also called vap files). These files do not contain data, but rather tell the Autoplot program how to load data from the web. Download any of the following files and open them in Autoplot to browse Voyager PWS data holdings.

Interactive Plots via Custom PWS Apps

The following Java 1.8 programs provide access to Voyager Low-Rate 16-channel interactive plots and High-Rate wavefrom data. These versions are standalone applications that do not require Java Web-start to function. To use them, download one of the *.jar files below, figure out where you put it, and "double-click" to run:

Linux Note: You may have to set execute permission bits on the downloaded files before the programs will run.
Last modified Thursday, 08-Aug-2024 11:38:45 CDT
© The University of Iowa 2004-2024. All rights reserved.
Contact information. Send questions or comments to the page or site custodian.
The Radio and Plasma Wave Group, Department of Physics & Astronomy, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
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