LWA1 Jupiter Radio Science
- Imai, M., A. Lecacheux, T. E. Clarke, C. A. Higgins, M. Panchenko, V. V. Zakharenko, A. I. Brazhenko, A. V. Frantsuzenko, O. N. Ivantyshin, A. A. Konovalenko, and V. V. Koshovyy (2019), Concurrent Jovian S-burst beaming as observed from LWA1, NDA, and Ukrainian radio telescopes, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 124, 5302-5316, doi:10.1029/2018JA026445.
- Imai, K., C. A. Higgins, M. Imai, and T. E. Clarke (2017), Jupiter's Io-C and Io-B decametric emission source morphology from LWA1 data analysis, in Planetary Radio Emissions VIII, edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko, and P. Zarka, pp. 89-101, doi:10.1553/PRE8s89, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
- Higgins, C., T. E. Clarke, K. Imai, M. Imai, F. Reyes, and J. Thieman (2017), Morphology of the Jupiter Io-D decametric radio source, in Planetary Radio Emissions VIII, edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko, and P. Zarka, pp. 77-88, doi:10.1553/PRE8s77, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
- Clarke, T. E., C. A. Higgins, M. Imai, and K. Imai (2017), Jovian decametric emission with the Long Wavelength Array station 1 (LWA1), in Planetary Radio Emissions VIII, edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko, and P. Zarka, pp. 31-44, doi:10.1553/PRE8s31, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
- Imai, M., A. Lecacheux, T. E. Clarke, C. A. Higgins, M. Panchenko, J. Dowell, K. Imai, A. I. Brazhenko, A. V. Frantsuzenko, and A. A. Konovalenko (2016), The Beaming Structures of Jupiter's Decametric Common S-bursts Observed from the LWA1, NDA, and URAN2 Radio Telescopes, Astrophys. J., 826, 176, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/2/176. [Erratum]
- Clarke, T. E., C. A. Higgins, J. Skarda, K. Imai, M. Imai, F. Reyes, J. Thieman, T. Jaeger, H. Schmitt, N. P. Dalal, J. Dowell, S. W. Ellingson, B. Hicks, F. Schinzel, and G. B. Taylor (2014), Probing Jovian decametric emission with the long wavelength array station 1, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119 (12), 9508-9526, doi:10.1002/2014JA020289.
Radar application using LWA1 Jupiter data
- Gerekos, C., L. Bruzzone, and M. Imai (2019), A coherent method for simulating active and passive radar sounding of the Jovian icy moons, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., doi:10.1109/TGRS.2019.2945079.
Technical Information on LWA1
- Ellingson, S. W., et al. (2013), The LWA1 Radio Telescope, IEEE Trans.
Antennas. Propag., 61, 2540-2549, doi:10.1109/TAP.2013.2242826.
- Dowell, J., D. Wood, K. Stoval, P. S. Ray T. Clarke, and G. Taylor (2012),
The Long Wavelength Array software library, J. Astron. Instrum., 01, 1
250006, doi:10.1142/S22511717
- Taylor, G. B., et al. (2012), First light for the first station of the Long Wavelength Array, J. Astron. Instrum., 01, 1250004, doi:10.1142/S2251171712500043.
Updated on November 13, 2019